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Posts posted by DiamondKing

  1. Minimum wage is rigidly enforced by the labour department.

    You must pay it for every day an employee works, no matter what reason you have not to pay it.

    Theoretically you could deduct the value of any item you could prove they 'stole and kept' from their wages.

    As an aside.

    You want to keep a Thai person's wages for 4 days they worked, what's wrong with you?

    Its a fkin thief why not

  2. The statement on the website is known. However no problems are been reported getting a multiple non-O without showing financials.

    NOT CORRECT I reported it early JULY that you now need to show funds

    I used Savan Vegas July 3rd and was required by both Savan Vegas and the consulate that I needed to show funds ELSE NO VISA there is a new boss in town and the guy at Savan Vegas told me they did not require before but with the new boss they now will not issue unless you show funds.

    I needed to show 400,000 in the bank when applying for a 1 year multiple O I just got mine beginning of July 2013 and needed to show proof of funds else they would not issue a multiple O

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  3. Sounds like she used you and intended to divorce you since she applied 1 month before filing papers if it were me I would send the documents to immigration and tell them you think she planned it all along and dont let your son out of your site. While he is in the US you are in control once in Thailand you are F$#$ED if she wants to mess with you.

    She has proven she has lied to you so put your emotions aside and smell the coffee


  4. No you can not - you submit paperwork to Hong Kong and they order from the UK for shipment direct to you here. Takes about 3 week in all so be sure to have enough time on current entry. Full information is on UK web site (Google - or use link from Embassy web site). You being in Thailand are exempt from sending current passport as required to have at all times so just copies are sent.

    Follow the step-by-step guide at https://www.gov.uk/overseas-passports

    Be warned, however, obtaining acceptable photos for new UK passports in Thailand is, in my experience, an uphill struggle. The overwhelming majority of professional photographers here insist on taking mug shots against blue or white backgrounds which are definite no-noes as far as HMPO are concerned.

    It says on the site that photos should be on white or grey backgrounds so not sure why you are saying on white is a no no

  5. Official closing in CM is 11pm for Thai bars, mid-night for tourist bars.

    Been that way since the new Mayor took office.


    The time on the license is 1am

    So legally its 1am but of course if the cops tell a bar owner to close at 12 they have to but it ain't legal since their license clearly states the times of closing.

    Sunday tonight and all will be back to normal

  6. For the best value Fish & Chips dinner, Gecko Garden's 109 Baht special any day before 4pm takes some beating and they only charge 20 baht for a coke. The F&C comes with side salad, pickle, there's malt vinegar and other sauces. They normally give two fair sized pieces of nice white fish and usually quite full. I'm not going to say it's the best F&C in the world, but it's the hardest to beat for value especially taking into account the price of a coke etc too. A very good meal for 129 Baht TOTAL.

    Also, if I'm not mistaken then Sausage King Garden does one for 99 Baht. Haven't tried it yet.

    I have had Sausage Kings Fish and Chips and they are excellent and REAL BARGAIN at 99baht

  7. https://www.facebook.com/dee.fishnchipsbbq?fref=ts

    Yes the Guy (Dave) From Singapore,who lived in London for years,and his wife started a few months ago selling around the moat.

    He spends around 1 hour outside Blue Sky Bar( Muan Muang) every night,and probably sells between 10-20 portions on a good day at the bar.

    Very good value for 50 baht,but hardly red snapper or john dorry(more like a fishcake). Chips are mcdonald's style,he also does good tarttar sauce and nice bbq sticks.

    He also sells Electronic Cigarettes!

    So How do they call it English Fish and chips english chips are not Mcdonalds style and I am pretty sure the fish is nothing like you get in England so they should just call its Fish and Chips either way for 50 Baht you cant go wrong for a feed.

    • Like 1
  8. Well, I guess I've spent about five hours searching the Internet over the past two days, looking for specifics.

    I figured with all these people 'detoxing' someone MUST know what it is that they are removing. After all, they are actually doing it to their own bodies, and should know, right?

    But so far, pretty much all I can find is people using the term 'detox,' but nobody actually having any notion of just what it is that they are removing from their bodies, much less any scientific information about 'before and after' studies.

    Everything seems to be completely anecdotal. As in; "gee, I felt really great after detoxing with a coffee colon cleansing. But they completely ignored the fact that perhaps it was the absorption of a heavy-duty hit of caffeine through the intestinal wall making them feel so good... After all, a LOT more caffeine is going to get absorbed that way than through the stomach and all its associated acids breaking down the caffeine. (That's why suppositories were invented...) I figure somebody who is doing this sort of thing regularly, or spending hard-earned money to achieve the 'detox' goal is going to know just what it is they are doing or spending their money on. It would seem otherwise.

    A lot of people are chronically dehydrated and the high liquid period might explain a lot of the rate of cleaning.

    There is no doubt that for someone chronically dehydrated that the high liquid period would help them. But is there really a need to stop other foods at the same time to achieve this?

    If you had specific health problems like uric acid buildup causing gout then I imagine it could be measured pre and post fast to determine rate of clearance.

    Hyperuricemia, what you call 'Gout,' is a build-up of uric acid in the blood stream, resulting in deposits around the joints. It's not a build-up inside the cell structure itself. And while reducing certain foods is a reliable way to reduce the symptoms of Gout, along with certain medicines, overall fasting was never considered to be a requirement. Sure, the extra liquid will help, as will the reduction of intake of foods have a high level of purines which are compounds that go into the production of uric acid in the body. But that calls for a life-style change, rather than a 3-5 day fast.

    Yes, you're right. It is making for an interesting research project...


    Your research is leading you towards the conclusion that rest of the education population has already arrived at. Juicing and "cleansing" are nothing more than dangerous fad diets, based on junk science. People are needlessly putting their bodies at nutritional risk. Its all non-sense, but thats not what some people want to hear. The proper way to become more healthy, is to cut back/ eliminate "toxins" such as caffeine, nicotine, chemically enhanced foods, etc.

    Its the same with loosing weight. The only real way to lose weight long term, is to make lifestyle changes (reduce caloric intake, increase exercise). Its simple math. Weight loss = more calories burned than intaken. But some people don't want to hear that. Instead they waste all their time, energy, and money chasing harmful fad diets and magic diet pills.

    Juicing/ cleansing is the same thing. People want to ignore common sense and look for a "magic bullet".



    WHAT A CROC OF s$#^t Mestizo

    You say People are needlessly putting their bodies at nutritional risk

    Do you realize how many fruits and vegetables go into a glass of juice A HUGE PILE ??? way more that you could eat in any one sitting, EACH ONE of those fruits and vegetables ARE PACKED FULL OF NUTRIENT AND VITAMINS you could never eat it all, but you can drink it, and the only thing missing is the FIBRE which with a good juicer will end up in the waste box.

    After Just ONE DAT of juicing the amount of vegetables and juice you go through is ASTOUNDING just to get a few glasses of juice and by weeks end you will of gone through sacks full so any mention of lack of vitamins and minerals is ridiculous especially as most things are juiced skin on.

    Every Nutritional vitamin is consumed, including all the needed vitamins such as A,B ,C etc as well as PROTEIN which is abundant in this volume of vegetable intake.

    So for you to say putting their bodies at nutritional risk is the comment from someone who is ignorant and not educated on the subject of juicing now if you are reffering to consuming ZERO calories then that is unsafe, but with juicing you are consuming all the goodness and nutrition of fruits and veggies just minus the fibre which is cast out.

    The juice and vitamins are absorbed into the body extremely fast and there is no way anyone can say that you are putting yourself at Nutritional risk with a proper juicing/fasting regime THATS JUST A DUMB STATEMENT.


  9. I recently did a fast/juciing for more than 30 days and lost around 22 pounds in weight and felt fantastic throughout the time on the fast. The first few days did require some mental toughness as you go through a change within the first few days but after that I was not hungry nor did I have cravings at all during that time.

    I can see how some people would like to be monitored simply because its more a mental thing and not everyone has the will power to do what is required so being under supervision in a facility would make it easier for some people but if you are healthy and have a strong willpower I see no reason to pay someone to oversee you.

    I drank Juice every day breakfast was fruit juice and the rest of the day I was drinking vegetable juice since that has less natural sugars and less calories and in between juices PLENTY OF WATER.

    Works great and I am not currently juicing and i have to say I feel way worse than when I was so will be going back to juicing next week when I get back from travelling but will juice just for breakfast and lunch then eat a small healthy dinner since your appetite will not be much.

    I can say fasting juicing works and is fantastic.

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  10. Would never of dream of walking into a restaurant in the US or UK with my own food and start eating it, that is until I came to Thailand where it seems an OK thing to do as long as one of you are ordering their food now i just do a s the locals do which I am told time and time again to integrate and embrace the culture which I think the chappie was doing.

  11. Exactly Ramrod some people just jump to conclusions and if they knew the real story they would know it could of been way way worse that it was when the reality is he was treated pretty fair considering he could of lost everything and got nothing which was not the case.

    I like his new bar and the open times are purely staff related which if not already will be sorted soon in the meantime its open every evening except mondays I believe (dont hold me to that)

  12. None of us know the specifics of the case nor the things that led up to the detention of these guys and as for it being light outside Spicy is well known for closing when the sun comes up so that could be the reason.

    Either way I am sure those that are visiting Thailand appreciate the Farang Tourist Volunteers since in a foreign country where the cops dont speak much english can be intimidating and scary for those visitors.

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