Turn it off completely and then start to see if the problem repeats. It might not. You could be all good.
See if it will start with one press of the button, not continuously pressing it.
Of course even when there is no sex or even touching involved.
Our relationship is we like to sing together, or play chess with eachother or play tennis together or a million other things all non sexual.
check with your phone provider
does your plan include receiving SMS from overseas? has it changed?
I get SMS from Amazon USA okay, well sometimes I have to do log in twice
Really? Never flown high? In that case probably not a good idea for you. Experiment further before taking such a wild chance. Way too risky if you have to ask.
I went out to the airport and inquired and the head of Customs said he that there was one shipment in 1978 but nothing since then so you are very close to correct.
to extend your stay just make a simple lease with your landlord showing that the 30k deposit is made already and the landlord acknowledges receipt.
If the landlord signs that lease you are good to go
Do not think you have a problem when you do not really know.