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Everything posted by Dante99

  1. I am confused, should I have a hamburger or fried rice?
  2. or I do not know what I did because I was quite drunk
  3. Any evidence that he has not already done a runner? Now enjoying Singapore or Bali?
  4. Mine looks like this and I have had to change it only once or twice in 14 years.
  5. Thank you very much gentlemen. When I get a chance, I will open it up and clean the inside, then put a moth ball in it before closing. Yes, could be. Or other critters moving about relocating some corpses?
  6. Thanks. I cleaned the outside of the sensor as soon as it stopped working, about 6 weeks ago.
  7. My light connected to a sensor switch(on/off motion detector and day night detector) stopped working about 6 weeks ago. The light never came on at night when there was motion in front of the sensor. Then 3 nights ago it came on when I drove in and since then it has worked normally. What would cause it to stop working for 6 weeks then without any repair or adjustment, just start working again? The switch is a standard unit sold at Home Pro and all around, the light is an LED tube unit.
  8. Another dodo saying he followed all the rules and did nothing wrong but conveniently ignores the rule that says the IO can do whatever they want, the decision is 100% up to them. Like most countries. So many whining children pretending to be adults.
  9. The type of filtration required depends on what you want to remove from the water. You could have it tested or you could rely on the "pump engineers" recommendations, sometimes they are very knowledgable because of extensive local experience. You have to talk with them or have the wife do so because some know next to nothing about filters.
  10. An evidence of a leak or just a crack showing? Can you check for a real leak?
  11. So you were unable to find anything to talk about that caught their interest and got them talking. And it is their fault.
  12. No sorry I do not know them in BKK, but my search engine lists some that do have physical shops you can visit.
  13. My first step would be to go to roller blind shops and see what kind of fabrics they use because I think some specialized fabrics would be best for surviving sun exposure. They also could likely provide prices on fabric cut to size without the roller mechanism because this is a needed item for replacing old fabrics.
  14. How did you get a 25 year car license? Only hear of 5 year ones.
  15. The Gates do it, same as Bezo's Ex-wife. So? They are not giving it all away, for sure they are keeping a large amount.
  16. Fix this problem and they will hit you with another one. They do not like your attitude and you'll be under fire until that changes.
  17. That with the mother's phone number and insurance of availability for a call would be close to a sure thing, lowest risk.
  18. Look carefully at that product, I think it is for flat concrete roofs not tiles.
  19. You might try again. I used the calculator and got half that. Same result with both products identified as roof sealer.
  20. He was probably thinking about several other documents that Immigration often needs that can be done in 10 minutes. They can but generally will not. I had a situation with them and held firm to my getting a 12 month statement on the spot and got it after much talking and about 30 minutes.
  21. Did the tell you why a full rebuild was required? Perhaps they had good reason.
  22. For Schwab to do that they want a minimum deposit of US$25,000.00 and an international account, not the usual domestic kind of account. Or has something changed recently?
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