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Everything posted by Dante99

  1. SWAT and police riot control units on the way. ETA 7 minutes.
  2. Chaitawat Bike Shop, they are good and nice too, have been for decades.
  3. when? thanks
  4. Oh ho so there was an option after all.
  5. correct--- just return to Thailand from Singapore
  6. Okay, you are probably correct. Agree not worth cutting, just cement it in. Small space.
  7. Do you need square blocks or ones like in your photos?
  8. You really do not have your answer yet? Oh I see, you have changed your question. Very clever or is it devious?
  9. No they are watching boobs and butts.
  10. Lucky for us the dickheads here announce themselves.
  11. buy a white car with no sunroof, there are thousands of them for sale or do you just like to bang your head against the wall?
  12. Should be on a marriage visa then, is he?
  13. How is this brand going to assure you? You have some kind of insurance policy guarantee expectation?
  14. Yes but which whizzy sprinkler unit? There are just so many choices. Oh I guess it is not such a serious matter to become greatly concerned about. We can't really take an OP who does not know how to water a lawn seriously can we?
  15. You should start by learning how to use a hose. After a year or two of practice you might advance to sprinklers, just might.
  16. concrete ceiling or concrete roof? or both?
  17. Far from a non answer. Nothing about my reasoning. There are very standard accepted practices for manly different commission situations, none of which I invented or involve my reasoning. You can look some up, I am not interested in holding your hand.
  18. There are numerous ways to define and to calculate "commissions". Your example is one but certainly not the only one.
  19. The Embassy of his country was going to issue him a visa for Thailand?
  20. 1. Just visited two SEA countries and immigration in both wanted to see the used boarding passes. Seems common now with no entry forms to complete. 2. I have listened to the landing announcements of 247 airlines and in 168 languages and have a published study of the results which you may purchase from dillerdoeselfplay.com. 3. It is magic. 4. Who says they are ever registered by immigration officers? They just ask for them to mess with your head since it is so susceptible.
  21. why is galvanized the cheapest, it is additional coating that must increase the cost I think you may be confusing two different weights of steel with the lighter weight galvanized. Nominal dimensioned steel here is sold in different weights for the same dimensions. More weight more strength.
  22. How long have you been trying to kill it?
  23. Went by last week and it sure looked closed. Is the restaurant open but the hotel closed?
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