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Everything posted by sikishrory

  1. I always try to take a moment to stand back and see which queue has the friendliest looking officer. Also heard a few stories of similar things happening in bkk airport with friends. Sometimes with a pay this much to make your problems go away ending.
  2. When I was a kid I used to like showbags, ninja turtles, basketball, cap guns. Tanks and demonstrations of some crappy "emergency bridge" are not in the realm of childrens activities. Hopefully everyone will be ok.
  3. Where are all the outraged netizens? Not seein them. Sounds like a BBC report
  4. Short term condo rentals are not illegal if the condo has a hotel licence and lots do in tourist areas. 50sq rooms with this setup in Bangtao are going for 17,000 a night at the moment and I think were around 7 million to buy
  5. For nose. My nose tends to block at night too for some reason. I think it may be the low humidity at home. I keep Otrivin by the bed. One spray and it clears it and i have a better sleep. All pharmacies have it. For dizzyness. No idea but i get like that if i don't exercise and take care of myself. Not sure about you though
  6. I think you can even shoot a bunch of ppl at the mall with no punishment if you're a kid.
  7. If it were an abnoxious 17yo Thai boy on a sh*tty clapped out scooter with an exhaust noise that you can hear 800m away nobody would bat an eyelid.
  8. Try an apartment maybe. Not sure if it's normal but the one i stayed at had no security
  9. Should chuck a boxing ring on bangla. Walking streets got one. Well it did about 8 yrs ago last time i went. Then untrained drunk tourists could all smash eachother in a more respectable manner
  10. I can see people have differing advice on this in this thread. I was told by my Solicitor in my original country to make a Will in every country where I have assets. You need to make sure they have a clause which states that the Will (Thai or US) will does not revoke your existing/main will and only applies to your Thai/ US assets.
  11. Happy New Year mate!! Ya what?? Do you know who I am??
  12. I use shavette and it's a whole different level of shaving. I understand its not for everyone though. Really it sounds like you need a safety razor
  13. Thailand is so desperate with this. How many bloody tourists do you need. The roads are full and don't move and going outside feels like walking in Moscow. The place is packed already.
  14. Display prices?? If thats a law i think the majority of market vendors in the country are breaking it
  15. Lack of education and awareness (about plastic) i think.
  16. As crap and scummy as Phuket taxi drivers are this certainly sounds like standard behaviour for a specific entitled nationality all around Phuket at the moment.
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