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Everything posted by sikishrory

  1. I have at times considered peddling macaque as well
  2. What a coincidence. Trying to dissolve move forward and starting on phuea thai. That just leaves those old blokes again.
  3. If they cared that much they could bust 50 chemists in a few days. Sold under the counter all over the place.
  4. This is why the Thai passport is weak. People like this give a bad name to the whole country.
  5. Seems like: Better not dig too deep on how he got that one
  6. I got the below SMS talking about removing the meter recently. My bill was overdue a week or two. I just assumed it was a scam website and still haven't clicked the link.
  7. How did elephant man-cum-crimimal manage to go from shaved head to long hair in less than a couple of weeks
  8. Seems like people are quite comfortable with hospitals detaining people and holding them prisoner. Pretty sure I have seen a few stories over the years saying they don't do that here and its illegal. The way they do it is quite sly as well. I don't think most people are told going in that they could possibly be held prisoner over a small bill.
  9. Went through BKK yesterday. Curious about the amazing technological advancements with the automatic gates. Picture in my head according to reports was lots of gates with Thais and westerners going through them. The reality, there were about 5 on each side of the escalators in the immigration hall. Half turned off (1 side). The others were in the Thai only queue. 1 seemed to be broken or not being used.
  10. Probably at home watching channel 3 and eating some kanom jin right now
  11. Thailands precious, over-exalted national pride injured again and the invisible hordes of outraged netizens. If only they upheld the same pride when it was their own foot wearing the shoe. If I saw a Thai guy stealing a flag in my home country and walking around town with it I would probably think he is being patriotic.
  12. Revoked then immedietely contradicts itself in the story. Typical Thai journalism.
  13. Sri lanka recently kicked them all out. For basically the same thing this story describes.
  14. Some fool sent me a msg here a week ago. I laughed and closed the page. Quite simple
  15. A 4 year old story. In other breaking news a new Chinese virus called covid 19 is spreading rapidly across the world.
  16. How are they there? My building is the same as you describe. The sound of screaming Russian babies permeates to every corner of our building. Slamming doors constantly. Blowing noses onto the floor. Subletting. Stealing. Generally being misearable frowny disrespectful miserablists. Is it just my condo or are other people having the same experience with them? I am surprised management put up with them as there is a swimming pool not far from where they sit and it's normally full of a few little Boris and Igors producing the sound of 1000 regular children and throwing crap all over the place with no control whatsoever.
  17. The place is already Moscow. Just goes to show he has no grasp of what is actually going on in the real world.
  18. This can sit up there next to the feared biker gang "Waterless Trip" with the dumbest gang name ever. Whoever is thinking of these names needs to go back to gangster school
  19. I wanted a decent laptop for coding. Ended up settling on a lenovo yoga. You order from the lenovo website and it ships from china with whatever customisations you have chosen. Customer service was quite good too. I was hesitant to get a lenovo as my last laptop (hybrid) was lenovo mixx and a piece of junk but this yoga is great. Probably the best laptop I have ever had. Particularly with linux installed, which lenovo are known for being quite compatible with.
  20. yeh this happened to me with kasikorn. From memory they don't close it but it goes into a inactive status and can't be used until you fix it. To fix it you basically have to do the same thing as opening an account. Res cert, work permit, little piece of your soul etc etc.
  21. u could try M Lab. When I lived in pattaya i used to use them all the time. Now I live in another province and use a different lab which has EKG as a service. I actually had one at the lab just a few weeks ago. I would try that. Failing that I imagine some clinics would offer it. It a fairly simple thing as long as they have the machine
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