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Everything posted by sikishrory

  1. In my experience it's not like Australia where I can go and see a doc and say (for example) I have a problem with a rash, blood sugar and a bad hip and the guy will manage what he can and send you to a specialist if necessary. Instead it's more like the initial doc will not be interested and just forward you to 3 different departments and you're in for 3 or 4 different fees instead of one.
  2. Delete it.
  3. My favourite beach in Phuket is not on the west coast. Thankfully its in an area where most tourists don't really go anyway. One of the last beaches where you can relax and enjoy some peace and quiet and calm water.
  4. Ah yes. Safe zone 1.0 or 2.0 wasn't it. Where i come from most of the people watching, especially these "men" would be there ready to intervene and try to calm things down. In contrast here they look for blood hoping to get a shot in or put a knife in some guy for fun in some situation they know nothing about. Don't expect knife guy to be in the news anytime soon. He will probably be back down there tonight with his huge knife hoping to stab someone else.
  5. Considering all the shenanigans that happens in this street it is generally rare to find any misfortune here. I used to go every weekend back before they introduced these security guys and only 1 time I saw it kick off and a few other times almost kick off. This fat spud of a man with his fake designer pyjamas deserves to be locked up
  6. This is totally true. Unless it is a foriegner then they will happily complain
  7. Assuming other people will drive well and follow the rules basically. Assuming people will: not pull out in front of you know how to use a roundabout not tailgate at 100km/h stop at red lights not stop and park in the middle of the road signal before turning The list goes on and one and on really. Lane splitting "like the thais" - it's a dangerous game too but also common, legal practice here and abroad. You need to check the "lanes" of splitters in between the lanes and make sure nobody is coming. Be mindful that the shoulder or road you are in can dissapear in an instant with no warning. Don't sit in blind spots and avoid splitting between long vehichles like trucks and busses. I remember seeing 1 thai end up with a head that was as thin as a crepe after a bus ran over his face in bkk. One of the single biggest bits of advice I normally give if people ask me is to look behind you just as much as you do in front and often the danger comes from from behind with lunatics speeding and you need to know what is going on back there.
  8. Don't lend money to anyone. In my experience it only creates issues
  9. Strange article. More like an expats opinion that you would read in this forum rather than any objective news based on fact. Most of what is mentioned has been already been adressed in-depth in both the podcast and the vlog (with foreign affairs) which went quite deep into this. The number being mentioned as 2 visa exempt entries per year. Even before the recent changes the number of visa exempt entries was a grey area and you would hear different things from different people. Also changes regarding your approach of using agent, land / air, what contacts you have or which visa run company and which border crossing.
  10. Who knows. "Insulted" can mean saying "I don't want a f'ing taxi" or saying no with the wrong tone after being asked for the 321st time that day. I treat these people like glass and don't see / respond to them at all. For the most part it works but sometimes you get an angry one that apparently requires a response. Or maybe the guy was just an a'hole. Question Do grab and bolt operate in patong? I never go there but recently heard some vlogger say you can't get grab and bolt in Phuket, yet they are everywhere. His vlog was in Patong which makes me wonder if that is a no go zone for these services?
  11. I used to be vaguely interested. I looked into one in Pattaya once I think and from memory it had an entry fee or dual pricing so I lost interest. Not to mention most taxis and vans have them on their little placards which screams commisions and tourist trap to me. Not sure if they are all like that but why pay to go to a market at all? Markets are already not that interesting if you have seen them 100 times already. If you're new to Thailand then different story perhaps.
  12. This is weird. Literally 50% of bars there sell it. Guess the coppers are not happy with something else.
  13. Cool story. In other news: Thailand wants more tourists. More and more and more. Never enough. Thailand now has some of the laxest visas in the world.
  14. Funny. I have had to find a rental car just this last week to pick up a friend from the airport. What I have learnt. Quite a few seem to be operated by Russians with Russian contact people. The ones owned by Thai typically charge you about 200 - 400 baht extra because you are a foriegner. Typical Thai style ripping you off at every opportunity. No sympathy from me.
  15. Lucky he didn't die. Got the classic back of the head of the head hitting the pavement. That's what kills lots of people in these situtions.
  16. The site is atrocious. I was trying to plan some travel last week and there were no flights showing up half of the time. I ended up using flightradar24 to look at the actual airports arrivals and departures as it was quicker than messing around with their broken site to try and plan routes. You can't book on their though, only view activity.
  17. Should have been castrated and deported as well. We don't want people like this in Australia. I remember reading somewhere months ago what he actually did to these animals. It far surpasses the worst things you could imagine it to be.
  18. Best avoided. I remember about 20 years ago there was a big story on 60 minutes Australia about how it is linked to cancer. Ever since then I have always wondered what ever happened and why I still see these sweeteners everywhere. Nothing ever happened. https://archive.is/LfG6p
  19. I just had a message awhile ago from a friend who works for a company that uses visa agents as part of their service. Shes said: "FYI DTV is available for apply. Price 180,000 for application and 4 days stay at Laos" Attached there was also some DTV examples with the details poorly covered. They were 2 DTVs issued at Penang. I haven't seen any other reports of agents prices yet or DTV's issued from Penang so thought I would mention it. I also hope if this is the kind of money that agents are involving that it doesn't affect the people just wanting to do it for 10k on their own. I really can't imagine anyone that has done 5 minutes of basic research spending that much on it.
  20. I remember the at the start of a flight from Penang - Phuket years ago the Captain ending his preflight address with "allah akbar, allah akbar, allah akbar". I looked around to see the reaction in the cabin. All normal apparently.
  21. Something to be wary of: The lawyer who drafted the prenup may be expected to attend the amphur with you when you get married otherwise it may not be accepted. I say maybe because this was the case at Pattaya amphur but as we know there is no consistency when it comes to rules being applied in this country.
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