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Everything posted by sikishrory

  1. Try an apartment maybe. Not sure if it's normal but the one i stayed at had no security
  2. Should chuck a boxing ring on bangla. Walking streets got one. Well it did about 8 yrs ago last time i went. Then untrained drunk tourists could all smash eachother in a more respectable manner
  3. I can see people have differing advice on this in this thread. I was told by my Solicitor in my original country to make a Will in every country where I have assets. You need to make sure they have a clause which states that the Will (Thai or US) will does not revoke your existing/main will and only applies to your Thai/ US assets.
  4. Happy New Year mate!! Ya what?? Do you know who I am??
  5. I use shavette and it's a whole different level of shaving. I understand its not for everyone though. Really it sounds like you need a safety razor
  6. Thailand is so desperate with this. How many bloody tourists do you need. The roads are full and don't move and going outside feels like walking in Moscow. The place is packed already.
  7. Display prices?? If thats a law i think the majority of market vendors in the country are breaking it
  8. Lack of education and awareness (about plastic) i think.
  9. As crap and scummy as Phuket taxi drivers are this certainly sounds like standard behaviour for a specific entitled nationality all around Phuket at the moment.
  10. Whats with the random toilet paper on the wall. For mopping up your tears after a good bashing?
  11. Under the arm not accurate enough. Stick it in there mate. You know what needs to be done.
  12. In the early days of learning getting laughed at a lot. Kinds of stuck with me. Now I can't be bothered to speak it unless really need to. To get passed that crap beginners stage and still have motivation and a desire to speak it after getting laughed at and insulted for a awhile takes some commitment. As frustrating as it was I don't hold it against them. I have laughed at others trying to speak English as well. Not with malicious intent but just because it is funny sometimes. The type you speak of that don't like westerners speaking Thai are certainly around but I find I don't encounter it much. Lots of these sort of people are associated with the bar or tourist scene and don't like that you know the game.
  13. Feeling the squeezeee! I love it A simple app is dismantling these losers effortlessly. Even the army couldn't fix them. It's beautiful to watch.
  14. I came to recommend Audy from Inchan legal as well but I saw someone already did. Good English and puts in more effort than I've seen other lawyers do. I used him for my condo purchase and a couple of other things.
  15. I have the same experience with them where i live. Most of the rooms are occupied by russians and i seem to be on the screaming baby level. I didn't really know what to make of them before but after getting to know their behaviour im not a fan. The ones right next to me have a toddler that screams and cries the majority of the day. He seems about 3yo. The dad has a strange need to blow his nose constantly. Everytime he walks by the door he blows his boogers out onto the floor. Sometimes he will open the door to his room to poke his head out into the hall so he can blow his nose into the hallway. They seem to keep words hours starting up very late. They have no respect at all. Often running and screaming through the hall with the kids at like 11pm. Screaming all around the building. I've noticed they also like to impose themselves on people in public. For example "move your bike i want to park here", "I'm sitting here, you move for me" kind of things. Pretty tired of them also. I also wonder how they support themselves etc. It seems some work online somehow doing coding or marketing things and i reckon some are spoilt rich kids sustaining themselves using the families wealth. It's pretty cheap to live here after all. Hopefully it doesn't last much longer.
  16. "naked russian wandering around bashing people". "russian on the roof". "russian in the drain". "russian with a sword". "man wanted in russia arrested". Every couple of weeks
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