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Everything posted by sikishrory

  1. using devtools normally ctrl + shift + c then click on the border that selects the whole column then press delete. This is possible with all browsers but hotkeys will differ depending on your OS and browser combo. You can also just right click and inspect and press delete to delete crap off any page.
  2. The problem with this online world we have now is everything is magnified and a click away. "Controversy" exists everywhere where previously there was nothing but a morning paper, coffee and being reasonably oblivious to every little "controvesy" you could imagine.
  3. Reminds me of this. Been stuck in my head for years.
  4. Legal action for what. Got what he deserved.
  5. I don't understand how you can be having so much difficulty with enquiries. I enquired about a masters degree at phuket universitys college of computing (via line chat) and they were very helpful. They offer some bachelors and masters in english and seem very welcoming to international students... in the marketing at least. I would have considered it but 4 years for a bachelor followed by 2 years further for a master is a big commitment.
  6. I thought it was a country of polite Roger Federer's until the Thailand crew got started
  7. I would cut it loose. Why continue with a lazy, ignorant and unstable women. Been there done that.
  8. Smart women. Why struggle in Australia when you don't have to.
  9. From bbcs story: UNECE regulation UN R118, which requires bus interiors to be made with non-flammable materials, was officially introduced in Thailand in 2022, but does not apply to buses made before then, or buses adapted using older chassis. 80% of Thailands buses are old.
  10. On the surface it appears as commonsense. Great. The reality is kind of like the UN. They say bla bla bla, need to do this, should do that. However once it's said there is no enforcement or action. Kids died. It's sad. However checking kids buses is a fraction of a much larger issue of no safety standards or enforcement of safety in all modes of transport throughout Thailand. Perhaps with the exception of air. Maybe people would care more if they earned more than their 500 bucks a month. Ohhh but maybe that might affect the value of the baht or the desire to be cheap as hell.
  11. Great explanations. Thank you
  12. This is the second time I've seen this in the news in last few years. Let me get this straight. Maybe I'm misunderstanding. Anytime the Thai baht begins to progress and get more valuable people freak out and step in to stifle and put a stop to it? Isn't this something that most countries celebrate? To me that would seem to suggest that Thailand purposefully limits itself and it's priority is more of being a cheap hub for cheap tourists rather than aspiring to progress to be a stronger country financially (eg. Singapore) ?
  13. Cash is much quicker and easier than this QR crap. I used to use it a lot but got tired of the long process and the ridiculous need for staff to take a picture of my phone with my full name included. 2 notes - yeh 7/11 won't be taking photos of your phone and I think the speed of the process largely depends on how many layers of security you have on top of this. For me it is: Fingerprint/password to unlock the device. Fingerprint/password to access an area of hidden apps. Fingerprint/password to access banking app. Fingerprint/password to access the banking part of the banking app. I am sure there are people who roll with no security whatsoever except maybe the 1 password to access the banking app. I don't often shop at Tesco but I notice there is often some granny or someone fumbling with QR holding up the queues there. It's nice to have this as an option but I think it will slow things down ultimately. This is without even taking into account the possible implications of society's declining use of real money.
  14. boltcutters and blowtorch please
  15. What a load of BS. Mini heart - who cares. Ridiculous uniforms covered in meaningless awards and medals. Are all these people qualified in aviation / pilot based roles with all the flight badges they wear?
  16. One thing - Everyone has their own situations and nuances but applying for DTV in Laos using a remote employment contract stating a home port of Thailand. Maybe better to just say your original country to avoid issues?
  17. I feel like I could walk a donkey through the nothing to declare lane there and nobody would care. Every time it just looks like 1 or 2 thais sitting around bludging, talkin crap or lookin at there phones.
  18. How are you playing movies on a USB. Just playing the files themselves or is there anything vaguely linux related on there? A recent windows update has messed with people using linux and dual boot stuff. This includes dual booting from usb. Otherwise, no idea.
  19. Thanks for the info. Really handy. Seems like havign 500k is the main thing. More so than showing indivdual transactions. The proof of employment one is the only grey area left for me. Not that important anyway I guess as anyone can get one on the basis of muay Thai anyway
  20. Great post. How interested do you think they were to see an income or specific deposits from your work? I have a portfolio website that looks great but am just getting started and have no income, employer, or jobs to show from it but my bank statements are well beyond the 500k the are wanting to see.
  21. Ugh. Just take your baby tantrums and go home. Please
  22. man in the sky that needs a lot of money? no. its a load of bs. people are stupid.
  23. His approach. Weaponise the media. Pigeon hole people into categories. Don't acknowledge any concerns of your citizens. Make it illegal to speak up about anything.
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