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Everything posted by sikishrory

  1. And how many of the comments under that video think it's funny and a joke. Most of them. Just goes to show the attitude is miles away from where it should be. Conversely I remember a story in Australia where an African refugee knowingly have it to a number of girls. He went to court and got sent to jail and the story was in the local paper.
  2. Yeh 159 a month. Like a lot of these online services you get it for half the price of your mates at home in the west. No ads. YouTube music. Background play. Ability to download and save anything. Yes there's some workarounds for both those things but a few dollars a month isn't much in my opinion. I use it extensively and when I see people using YouTube with these massive ads I want to smash my face with a rock. I did notice when travelling that ads in Australia now seem much more frequent than I remember them in the Thailand free version.
  3. Died at his own hands? Here we go again. The old repeatedly stabbing yourself in the neck way of suicide. I guess it's one of those hotels with no CCTV or security guard.
  4. Backwards. You'd think it would be the opposite. If anything they should tax it more. Lots of Thais I know always have to say "hwan noi" when ordering drinks. Not all Thais love it yet it's everywhere.
  5. I'd use a lawyer and do due diligence. I got a lot of benefit from using the lawyer and he picked up on things that I wouldn't have noticed. It varies with different lawyers though. The developer in my case presented due diligence another buyer had supposedly done with another lawyer. Then my lawyer found a number of things he wasn't happy with and changed. He also negotiated much better payment terms and discounts. This is off plan. I think if I was to buy an existing one I would still run it (the contract) by my lawyer for piece of mind. For the bank letters I found dealing with the banks through calling and emails much simpler than trying to deal with actual banks which were trying to complicate things. You call them and tell them you want the credit advice for a certain transfer and they email it to you. For me personally developer kept saying to just transfer from overseas direct into their account. This is problematic if your transfer goes missing (it happens often) as you can only rely on the developer following up his side of it and you have no control. Also the I believe the developer gets the credit advice documents and not you. According to my lawyer you may need those documents in future if you wish to transfer that same money out of Thailand. Maybe some of this is not applicable to you but someone might find it helpful.
  6. cry me a river. Might have to start selling some real drinks instead of diabetes in a cup.
  7. Perfect video example of your average Thai man and the fragile ego and fake balls they hold inside. No wonder all their women love us instead
  8. As a bit of a relevant update to this thread please see the news article from today. Basically, Kasikorn Bank have aquired Satangpro https://watcher.guru/news/thailands-second-largest-bank-acquires-local-crypto-exchange Furthermore, I will post an update to my account block soon. I visited them in person a few days ago to do the KYC in person with the correct documents (non-imm, work permit, passport). They said great we'll unlock your account today and then followed up with a number of emails of excuses and rubbish when I complained it is still locked. They don't want to unlock it basically. It may be something to do with this news. Either way I gave them an ultimatum of 2nd Nov then I will contact my lawyer and the SEC of Thailand to lodge a formal complaint. Will update the outcome. It's clear from the reviews on google maps of satang corp and reviews of the app in google play that lots of people are struggling with locked accounts at the moment. I also know of a friend of a friend having a similar issue.
  9. Thanks for the replies. I got 3 or 4 suggestions to follow up now and will probably find something for a reasonable price I imagine.
  10. Oh yeh true. I forgot about that part. That's a good price though.
  11. In Phuket but I'm not sure that matters? Unless they do indeed do something at the amphur office. If you send me the contact I can check with them maybe
  12. Over the last couple of years I have seen a few threads on Wills in Thailand. With lots of chit chat, banter and opinions but little in terms of simply where to get one for a reasonable price. I have been quoted 50,000 baht, 40,000 baht, 30,000 baht, 22,500 baht. By comparison my Will in Australia cost the equivalent of 9,000 baht and covers multiple accounts and assets as opposed to 1 asset the Thai one will cover. I saw 12,000 baht in another thread but again no mention of where. I'm aware from another thread you may be able to go into the Amphur office and do something for free. Not so interested in that. If anyone has solid recommendation of a legal guy that can do something for a normal price who isn't out to rob you please let me know. Thanks
  13. Four armed police officers faced with the drastic threat of 1 man armed with a baseball bat were forced to withdraw and call "Thai SWAT"
  14. Remind me of the time I was walking around Havana with my friend Charlie. Only to have all these random people calling out to him "Charlie". "Charlie"! I was so confused for a moment. "You know these people Charles"?
  15. You had a meeting, got a pic and recorded their address. So what. Enforce the law and make the consequences something people actually need to consider. 500 baht fine and on your way ain't gonna fix anything. It's as if this story is pre-scheduled to run a few times per year
  16. Why would you kill yourself just to move into a snake. It's a downgrade. These beliefs are ridiculous.
  17. I thought they've had this for years already. Or am I hallucinating when I see the phuket town songtaew driving around every second day
  18. The general rule and objective when dealing with a knife attack is run or get away from it. This is what you learn in most martial arts. So as far as introducing myself into a deadly situation involving a knife amongst 2 Thai males who wouldn't piss on fire to put you out. You'd have to be mad.
  19. 5 - occasionally, but need to read the situation. If it's a busy bus certainly not. If it's a half full bus ok. With intent to move if needed. Nice to have your bag next to you. Train has more floor space so it can go on floor. Another is busy aircraft gate with no spare seats and bags on seats. This is unacceptable. 7 - Some airlines have very minimal leg room. I'm 190cm with long legs. There have been some flights where this is unavoidable as I barely fit in there. Sometimes it hurts if the seat has metal inside or the person tries to recline it. Perhaps other normal people do it too, I don't know. In that case I'd say disrespectful. Most of the other things you mention piss me off. Particularly the having a loud call on loud speaker. I've heard someone say it's to protect them from radiation but I think these people just want attention or something
  20. Everytime I open Lazada it's like it is preparing me to go to battle like this. Yet they will blur out a gun in a movie. Logic?
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