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Everything posted by david_je

  1. Thank you, v. helpful. Wonder if really need to make small withdrawal just before getting Bangkok Bank statement, or just update book in ATM and photocopy that page (along with previous 12 months)? Also, the link you sent mentions photocopy of "original extension" -- is that the very first time you extended the Non-O? I don't recall this being required before.
  2. I will do next week. Money in bank method. Would someone with recent experience pls confirm documents are same as when I did last year: -TM.7 with one pic -Passport plus copies of photo page, TM6 front and back, last entry into Thailand, last year's extension -Bankbook (updated the same morning and 100 B withdrawal) with copies of front page and last 13 months of transactions -Bank letter (which included a separate statement of previous 3 months) -Various forms you get when collecting a TM.7 at the front desk with all the horrible things that await you if you break the rules -Hand drawn map of apartment location - Last 90-day report Fee 1900b. Thank you.
  3. I have booking to extend later this month and would appreciate hearing of any changes in procedure, documents required, etc. Thank you.
  4. I canceled and resubmitted right away, approved in 3 days. Thanks.
  5. I did not get such msg but I resubmitted and approved 3 days later. Thanks.
  6. I did make this mistake and filed it on Monday, 15 days "before" the due date. So I should have filed it on Tuesday. I wonder if that is why it is still pending today. There is a red "X" under the Cancel column. What does that mean? Anyone been in this situation and did you cancel and do new notification? I deal with CW in Bangkok.
  7. From what brokerage did you make the transfer using BKKB NY as intermediary? How recent was this? Did you select BKKB NY as intermediary or did the brokerage? Perhaps the brokerage sends in the required IAT format? Two reps at Vanguard could not tell me if Vanguard does or not. Thanks.
  8. I'm thinking that, for transfers from Vanguard or other brokerage to Bangkok Bank in Thailand, while you can no longer use Bangkok Bank NYC as correspondent/intermediary via the old ACH (a domestic transfer), you can still use them as intermediary for international wire using their SWIFT code. Is that correct?
  9. Do you use Bangkok Bank NY as correspondent bank for Fidelity transfers to Bangkok Bank in Thailand, same as you did with old ACH system?
  10. Sorry basic question, but how do you initiate the domestic wire from a Vanguard brokerage account to BKKB NY using routing number for onward transfer to BKKB account in Bangkok? Have you actually done this and what were fees like? I thought only option was intl wire, and Vanguard Intl Wire Option Form requires a SWIFT code for corresponding bank.
  11. That you can use JP Morgan Chase or Bangkok Bank NY as intermediary -- did that info come from Vanguard? Over the phone, or is it in a Vanguard document? Bangkok Bank NY also did not charge a fee as intermediary, at least when I last made transfer from Vanguard a few years ago (for high-asset clients of Vanguard, only fee is from Bangkok Bank in Bangkok for receiving the transfer), so seems using either is the same cost-wise. Is that correct? Have you made a transfer using JP Morgan Chase and can confirm no problem? Did you need to notify JP Morgan or Vanguard that you were using them as intermediary, or did you simply input their SWIFT code on the transfer form? Thanks.
  12. I just rechecked and Citi transfer page only has one option, send in USD. And the rate this morning was 33.3667.
  13. For intl transfers, would that be their "TT buying rate" in that link? Thanks.
  14. That FAQ also says "If you have a US bank account, you may be able to transfer funds to a Bangkok Bank account in Thailand via your bank’s internet banking service, using Bangkok Bank’s New York branch’s 9-digit routing number." If so, that would seem to be cheaper. I don't pay fee for international wire from my Citibank account, but Citibank exchange rate for transfer (33,3667 at moment) is bad whereas I assume if go via Bangkok Bank NY it would be at more favorable Bangkok Bank rate. I wonder if in addition to using that routing number, you need to tell them to deposit into your account in Bangkok -- besides, of course, giving them your account number.
  15. It is only no-fee if you have a certain amount assets in Vanguard, correct? Do you know what exchange rate they use for this?
  16. That is good to know, thanks. I need to re-link the accounts for transfer -- pls confirm I put Bangkok Bank routing code 026008691 as routing number? (Pls excuse this very basic question but I want to be sure.) Other poster says BoA no longer provides this, but I guess Citibank still does?
  17. I used to transfer funds from my Citibank account in NY to my Bangkok Bank account in Bangkok using ACH transfer via Bangkok Bank NY branch, using their routing number. I have not done so in several years and wonder if still can be done. Thanks.
  18. Have you also done counter withdrawal from any other Krungsri branches, or other banks? Was this with US-issued debit card? What exactly do you say to the teller, what is process? Thanks.
  19. Can someone identify a specific bank branch in Bangkok where they recently successfully did a counter withdrawal with a foreign ATM card? Pls say if there was a fee and what exchange rate they used -- rate set by the foreign bank that issued the card, the local bank, etc. Thanks.
  20. Thanks for that. I do worry the teller will not understand counter withdrawal, and wonder if there is a Thai phrase or explainer that I can present to them. The exchange rate would be the one used by the Thai bank, not the foreign bank that issued my ATM card, correct?
  21. Thank you for that. I plan to use a US-issued Citibank ATM card for the withdrawal, not a credit card to get a cash advance. Is the bank book necessary? I am outside Bangkok at moment and don't have it with me.
  22. I did Google and read a few of the other posts, but I am still unclear what exactly a counter withdrawal is. I go to the Bangkok Bangkok teller and tell her to withdraw a certain amount of USD from my (US-based) Citibank ATM card and deposit it into my Bangkok Bank account? I had never heard of anyone doing this. The advantage is it's no-charge, I don't pay the ATM fee if I did through ATM? What about in terms of exchange rate? Thank you for advice.
  23. Thanks for that, very helpful; I was lost for so long. So when you want to transfer dollars as dollars, you must first have a dollar account at Bangkok Bank, I guess?
  24. Yes, I did let Citi send THB. You mean if I elect to send USD to Bkk Bk, it arrives in baht currency (not dollars) but at a better rate than if I elect THB?
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