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Posts posted by MunterHunter

  1. 10 Day old news of something that is not going to be law until and unless Parliament agrees to it which will not be anytime during this flood crisis.

    But good to see the article served its purpose in terms of adding fuel to the fire of making sure to get people emotional about during this crisis.

    So you have no problem with the content of this proposed law? Nor its timing (10 days ago 1/3rd of the country was still under water, even though Bangkok was not affected directly at that time)

  2. I dont remember such an outcry against the very real and enforced censorship under the last regime where hundreds of media outlets were closed down funnily enough all of a similar political persuasion as compared to this outcry (quite rightly) against a proposed piece of legislation. The media needs to take a long look at itself and its selective outrage against authoritarian moves. It should be against all authoritarian moves if it wants to be seen as a fair media.

    Difference between closing down illegal radio stations, tv stations and press offices and stealth law changes that will silence any media outlet who the government disagrees with. Big difference, apples and oranges mate, even you can see that, no?

  3. Apparently, you are not following the plot closely, since Mr. Thaksin is divorced. As such, the "police chief" is not his brother in law.

    It is uncommon for divorced people to remain "close" to their ex inlaws. Based upon the expert opinion of TVFers, it seems to be the norm to put as much distance as possible between the ex inlaws and the divorced spouse.

    In respect to the issue at hand, the Nation with its small following has appointed itself as the official opposition to the democratically elected government of Thailand. Perhaps the Nation is worried that its rabid vociferous opinions that denigrate and insult the government are coming back to bite it on its posterior? If the Nation spent as much time on constructive criticism and unbiased reporting as it does on stirring up animosities, and spewing hatred, it might not be in panic mode?

    Ahh, back to the old brand of coffee this morning GK?

    You actually beleive that the divorce was anything more than just 'convenience'? Just a way to try and protect the family fortunes.

    More to the point, do you or do you not, support this Media law? Do you agree this is the right time to be pushing through such a proposed law? And do you not think that it is just a little bit suspicious that Yinkluck's team pushed through the act to put Mr Thaksin's ex brother-in-law in charge of the National police (and isnt it a cousin or something now in charge of the army?)

    In my opinion, its all very fishy.

  4. I've used www.play-asia.com extensively in the past and never had a problem with them. I've held an account with them for several years. never had to give the copy of my card details like you are being asked for however.

    i assure you, for physical disks etc, play asia are pretty good. Delivery seems fairly fast, prices for originals seems ok to me and a reasonable list of titles. they are not some scam merchant (or at least, they never used to be, haven't ordered anything for the past 6mths)

  5. Since when has the opinions of those outside of Thailand been taken into account?

    Dont you think foreign confidence is damaged enough with the mis-management of this disaster?

    With Thailand being in the international news about the flooding and being hammered by the UN etc, issuing a SOE is the right thing to do, let the Military be fully deployed where they are needed to help with evacuation, distributing relief supplies and repairing flood defenses. Yingluck needs to put aside her partisan politics and let the army help, instead of making a mess of things

  6. Jatuporn with his buddy nattawut is everyday on red tv, many times wearing a nice suit, and telling his audience that it' s all the democrats fault this is happening.

    That man is dangerous, the sooner the Thai people wake up and see his bile and poison for what it is, the sooner this country can start to heal and move forward again.

    During the red shirt protests, i came within arms length of Jutaporn, i should have choked the life out of him then and there and saved this country a lot of pain.

    Maybe its all my fault after all? :P

  7. I said that someone told them to open the gates months ago, yes the Government is at fault, there is no argument there, however you keep saying that ROB wants to flood Bangkok, no he and others want Bangkok to take some water, and this is where you keep arguing your point. I am in Bangkok, I live here with the people who will suffer, but should we spread the suffering, or just let those others outside Bangkok suffer, just to save the Bangkokians. No we have to let some water through and slowly.

    The problems will come if the Government does not do anything, there will be resentment and people will rise up again, and destroy the thing that was protected instead of aiding their suffering. That is where they will come to Bangkok and take revenge if the Government does not do anything.

    Am not here to argue just to say that we all have to share the suffering. 10cm of water is not going to kill Bangkok.

    No hes saying if Bangkok doesn't take some water, he wants Bangkok to be washed away...

    So because the government kept the plug in the hole, he wants the whole of bangkok to suffer, then you jumped on the bandwagon blaming and accusing the Bangkok people of making your plight worse.

    I put it to you, that that's the fault of the government, not the people of Bangkok, yes i would accept some flooding (please wait until my sandbags are delivered this morning and i can *try* to protect my house tho! :) ) but please stop with the 'Bangkok people are to blame' cos frankly, that is a crock of sh*te

  8. your comments on this thread have shown you are thinking chiefly about yourself and your nest in Bangkok. Others outside have suffered, my family for instance has lost 6 houses in Ayuthaya. I live in Nonthaburi, I have donated money, I have spoken to the people at my condo and given them advice on what to protect (like the outside generator). But the gates have to open to help those already suffering, so that they can start to get some parts of their lives in order. I work in Bangkok, many of my friends (mostly Thai) live here, but we need to share the suffering.

    If we don't we might see something like the reds in Bangkok again, and they will be more angry and will want to see people here suffer, so you might see something like the burning of Central World happening again, but bigger.

    What the hell are you smoking? did you consume some of the poluted flood water or something?

    Show me where i have said i want bangkok to stay dry, show me where i have said "its my choice to leave the plug in the hole" i have been saying all morning that the people in power are the ones who you need to direct your anger towards. The people selling food on the streets, going to work in their office blocks or (dare i say it) sat in nana drinking a beer do not have the power or ability to do anything about this. I'm sorry for your plight and i hope you and yours are safe and can salvage something after this cluster-<deleted> of a mess has past us all, but this is not our doing!

    Instead all of you who are affected by this disaster focus your anger on the residents of bangkok, blaming us for your situation and wishing disaster befalls us as some kind of 'punishment' because the government the thai people voted for has grossly mismanaged this flood and have kept the flood gates sealed around bangkok. I presume you are a red supporter (i apologize if that assumption is not correct) due to your Red Anger statement, but i remind you that you have a red government, and its that government that kept the plug in the hole.

    What would you have me do? Go to the flood gates and open them myself?

  9. The masses voted for the Government to work on their behalf, and they are trying to do so. But people have to think about others and not just about themselves.

    Tell that to the powers that be, the ones the 'masses' voted for.

    Until you have done that, stop attacking the people of Bangkok and blaming them (large parts of Bangkok didn't vote for them, by the way) and Rob needs to stop wishing for Bangkok to be washed away because the man on the street hasn't taken their 'share' of the water yet. I suggest you either call or write to those in power, as these are the people keeping the plug in the hole, these are the people who are making your plight worse.

    But whilst you hold to the mentality that the general public of Bangkok are causing your situation to be worse, you have no sympathy from me.

  10. That is exactly the point im trying to make. But i might not bring it over correctly as its hard to think clearly when your flooded. Actually being flooded isnt the worst of it its not knowing how long it will stay or how deep it will be. But i do know one thing Bangkok can help.

    I don't get the guy he is complaining me but im sure he has his opinion on things that he cant change either im sure i can find posts and remarks of him on topics he has no control about.

    It would be nice to hear people say yes i accept some flooding to help others. Id gladly take half a meter more to help the situation pass more quickly. But Bangkok wants to keep dry and only makes it worse.

    Again I am not talking about flooding the whole city. Just taking in loads of water at the risky side. Now is not the time not to take risks.

    If i were the one making the decisions, i would have emptied the reservoirs a month ago, i would have had the canals flowing water out to see a month ago. What pi*sses me off is your mentality that the residents of Bangkok are all sat here preventing the water from flowing and your agressive 'wash them away' mentality.

    The point i am trying to make here is your anger and blame is directed at the wrong people, you appear to be blaming the man on the street, not the idiots who have the power to do things. I have never said i want bangkok to stay dry at the expense of the rest of the country, but those of you who are stood in water right now want to attack and blame us (bangkokians) several times now you have said if bangkok doesnt take some water, you want it washed away/destroyed. I say to you, tell those in power, dont attack the rest of us.

  11. Yes, you seem to be unable to understand me, if Bangkok stubbornly refuses to take even some water then in THAT case i would gladly take a meter extra and let BKK flood away. However if BKK is doing its best and taking some risks then i would not wish them a complete flooding.

    Do you think there are no banks or hospitals here ? Do you think there is no suffering here ?.

    I'll get straight on the phone to YL then, shall i?

    You seem to be unable to understand me... there is nothing we can do about this, i find your 'Stubborn bangkok washed away' mentality offensive, childish and to be frank, pathetic.

    Blame those who voted for this government, direct your anger and frustration at them, not us. Direct your hatred to those in power, the ones who should have done something to alleviate the situation a month ago, two months ago. Blame the ones who flip-flop around and cant make a decision, and cry on the tv, the ones who have formed a new political party because they are worried they will be disbanded over the mismanagement of this disaster (talk about save your own hide instead of focus on the problem at hand)

    https://<URL Automatically Removed>/2011/10/19/natural-disaster-13-yinglucks-pheu-thai-party-sets-up-emergency-party-in-case-party-disbanded-with-judicialization/

    But no, instead you blame Bangkokians as a whole, and wish for them to be washed away. You wish disaster on more innocent people...

  12. I am not talking about putting BKK under a meter of water to save it here. I am talking taking as much water as possible and not be on the safe side and accept a lil flooding.

    Thats exactly what you were crying out for less than an hour ago... "I will gladly take 1mtr of water and bangkok will get washed away"

    So tell me, what happens when the banks get 'washed away' or the hospitals? What about the Government machine? No clean up coming your way, death, disease and more suffering... no access to food, water or medical treatment

    Yeah, let bangkok get 'washed away' cos all the TVF posters are the ones stopping the water from entering bangkok... we are complacent and all sat in nana drinking beer and laughing at the plight of the rest of the country...

  13. Robb, I can imagine your frustration/anger but wishing bad luck on others is not really cool IMO.

    Jack, good point about buying a house, wonder how insurance companies are quickly working overtime to ensure they have covered their own behinds.

    I am wishing no bad luck on anyone, just telling you guys to take your (controlled) share so it will all be over soon. But if you won't even consider it or sacrifice a bit. In that case i would gladly take 1 meter more here in the hope that the Bangkok dams crack (if its higher here the pressure at your side will build up too).

    That is the whole point, take a bit to help others (controlled) and make sure the disaster is done with soon. Or don't and wait till your dams crack. If you see the sheer volume of water that is coming (i am seeing it) you will know its unavoidable.

    You understand that the posters on TVF have no power or control over this, right? But your 'i will take 1mtr of water so that Bangkok gets washed away" mentality will affect *millions* of people, from beggers on the street, food vendors through to babies, children and old people...

    Karam is a b*tch, and i hope she bites you.

  14. What do you guys suggest they do with 12 billion cubic meters of water? It won't go away. Bangkok has been spared at the cost of most of central Thailand's industrial centres. Its time the water was released so that those who've been up to their necks for as long as three months in some cases can get a part of their lives back. Talk of the economic damage if Bangkok is flooded in no longer relevant as most of the economic damage has already been done. Hundreds of thousands of people are affected - no homes, no jobs, no income, very little food and water. The residents of Bangkok are complacent and indifferent to the suffering on their door steps - there's been wingeing about Tesco and Big C running out of a few items - some people are barely getting enough food to survive in the flood zones. If a a few government ministers had their homes flooded in a meter or two of water, something would happen very quickly.

    They don't seem to understand that the water wont go away and the canals cant process it fast enough. Its either taking a little hit now or a big one later. Its not that i want Bangkok to hurt, i just want them to be sensible. Take the water now or else end of the month with high tide you are all <snip>.

    Some of your posts this morning seem to indicate thats exactly what you want... wash it away i think was one of your quotes...

  15. <Snip>when so many ordinary people lose their jobs, homes businesses and in some cases loved ones </snip>

    The PTP/Red's didn't seem to care much when they occupied parts of central Bangkok, nor when they (allegedly) were firing grenades at BTS stations or burning down parts of the capital... why should they care now?

    yes, yes we all know about that, get over it and move on, moaning about the past will not help now and it certainly won't change anything. This topic is not about the Bangkok riots, don't hijack it

    Not moaning my friend, pointing out a fact.

    They didn't care then, they don't care now...

  16. It would not matter who was in power, they were not going to stop this flood.

    New Orleans natural disaster, could not stop flooding.

    Brisbane Queensland natural disaster, could not stop flooding.

    Thailand, natural disaster, could not stop flooding.

    North Queensland Australia, has just had 14 inches of rain in 24 hours, natural disaster cant stop flooding.

    To mention a few recent ones.

    Do you think she is GOD, give me a break.

    Nope she could not prevent the flood, but she had over a month to prepare the flood defenses, she should have made the order 4-6 weeks ago. A lot of preparation and defenses could have been put in place during that time. The canals could have been dredged, the reservoirs could have been drained, flood walls could have been built, action plans could have been drawn up, food supplies could have been prepared, evacuation plans could have been put in place.

    Instead she focused on getting her brothers supporters into positions of power, back tracked on her election promises and did basically sweet &lt;deleted&gt; all.

    Now that the waters are here, what is she doing? Photo ops, crying on TV, sending donation money to Cambodia and getting Thaksin's brother in law promoted to cheif of police... yay way to go YL, you rock!

  17. <Snip>when so many ordinary people lose their jobs, homes businesses and in some cases loved ones </snip>

    The PTP/Red's didn't seem to care much when they occupied parts of central Bangkok, nor when they (allegedly) were firing grenades at BTS stations or burning down parts of the capital... why should they care now?

  18. NOT!

    During the Tsunami relief efforts (Only days after the event), the foreigners (volunteers: e.g.: EMT's on holiday here) where ordered to get a work permit or to stop "working" = "helping" people in distress or facing extradition + a fine.

    Thai Logics!!!

    I'm also qualified to do boot trips and house calls as a Paramedic,.... but I'm worried to do so outside my mooban.

    i was living in Phuket at the time of the tsunami, and i was talking to one of the people that got caught, they were taken directly to the labour office, where the work permits were issued in around an hour, then they were taken back to where they were picked up... nobody was arrested and nobody even saw a jail cell (never mind get locked up)

    The Thai's love their red tape, but they are not the monsters some people paint them as .

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