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Posts posted by MunterHunter

  1. I am trained to rescue people and deliver first aid. I would like so much to help. Sadly, my visa dont give me the right to work. Sad but even with tears in her eyes, i can not do something else than watching those people.

    Pretty sure if you turn up and offer to help, you will be welcomed with open arms...

    Cant promise anything however, but lets be honest here... they need all the people they can get

  2. the solution is more to do with which gates they will open first or in other words which area will be scarificed to save another area ,theres no way they are going to broadcast that kind of information in case it starts a riot (which it would)

    but some areas are more valuable (to the government ) than others and when 1.2 billion Cubic metres of water arrives , some gates will have to be opened

    i would guess those choices have already been made ,and anyone in an area that has been warned of "possible" evacuation should probably get ready ASAP

    My guess is, if you live in the same area as a PTP party member, you will be ok... if you live in the same area as a Democrat party member, be afraid, be very afraid...

  3. more tears today:

    "Today I will frankly tell you the truth. I have left no stone unturned in this crisis but I cannot solve it alone. I need cooperation from all sides," a teary-eyed Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra told reporters.

    BANGKOK, October 19, 2011 (AFP)


    She should stop crying, with the floods of tears she has shed recently, she is aggravating the situation!

    Not to mention that a PM who bursts into tears every 5 minutes is making this country look really weak and pathetic, it cant really be that inspiring for the people of this country either when every time she is faced with a hard decision, she starts to cry... The country needs a strong leader who will make hard decisions for the good of the country, who will act fast in a crisis and tackle a problem head on... instead we have one that cries and moans... really, who elected this joke?

    Lastly, its about time she told the truth, shes lied through her teeth (IMHO) every step of the way until now

  4. The infrastructure is already <snip!> up, hundreds of key factories under water and will stay under water for long time. Temporary modest flooding is not that a big problem than weeks of deep flooding. Office building or shopping mall flooding is nothing compared to flooding of factory with robots, clean rooms and precision machines.

    I am not denying the damage done to the industrial sectors outside of Bangkok. I am attacking your ludicrous view point that Bangkok is being saved only because the 'Elite' care about their homes and shopping malls... if that is your belief (and not a troll post) then you seriously need to put the crack pipe down for a while :)

  5. Are those temporary sand bag dams actually making things even worse? Some are saying that instead of quick flow of water to sea with widespread flash floods, now the water will stay weeks in many suburbs, destroying houses, cars etc. permanently. They might as well as demolish right away the outer suburbs nearby Bangkok.

    All this because the rich elite does not want to damage their precious houses and shopping malls?

    Yeah cos the rich only want their shopping malls...

    ... nothing to do with affecting 14 million people, potentially destroying key infrastructure and rendering the government (even more) useless, nothing to do with the mass panic or wide spread looting that could result from the inner city being under water.

    Really, its just about the shopping malls :jerk:

  6. it is obvious that the Thai flood situation is critical. The people that are concerned and that have the financial means will have already left or have made plans to evacuate. Just what is the government expected to do in this case? BKK has an approximate population of 10 million and the metropolitan area has approximately 15 million people. It is impossible to evacuate and relocate this many people. Imagine ifonly a few million people in Bangkok had to relocate out of the city. Where would they go? How would they be housed and cared for? How would the evacuation be managed? Ever seen a Thai mob in panic mode? Does anyone want to contemplate tens of thousands rushing evacuation trains and buses? What happens if Bangkok shuts down? Thailand cannot manage, nor withstand a shutdown of Bangkok. The country would erupt in civil disorder.

    One can wag a finger at "officals" , but the unfortunate partt of catastrophe management is that it is often better to leave large populations where they are and to try and calm the public. I hope Bangkok is spared as the results would devastate the country and result in unpleasant social conditions that could make life very difficult for foreign residents. I've experienced the terror and unpredictability of large population panic and I don't wish that experience on anyone.

    Break out your amulets and pray that Bangkok is saved.

    Thats one of the first sensible things i have seen you post, and i find myself actually agreeing with you... Guess you changed your brand of morning coffee or something today ;)

  7. The Dems had years to address water management issues, including the current crisis which began under their watch, and now we are now seeing the results.

    So did Thaksin, he had considerably longer than the Dems (and didnt have to deal with civil unrest during his tenure)

    what did his government do to help prevent the possibility of flooding? Nowt.

    Yingluck knew there was a risk of Central Thailand (and Ultimately Bangkok) getting hit by these floods when Chiang Mai and surrounding areas got hit... what preventative measures did she put in place? Nowt.Oh thats not true sorry, she focused her energies on getting her cronies into the positions of power and getting the red-shirts freed... now where are the red shirts? opening mini-states in the north, now where are her cronies? making a pigs-ear of managing this crisis

    Convenient to blame the dems, but sadly its a Red government today and Yingluck is doing jack-sh*te except crying on TV and having photo ops with the opposition :)

  8. I think some rather posters are really not think ing before posting and losing track of the fact that this is the WORST FLOODING for 50 years.

    Any government will have problems and it is very easy to level "could do better" accusations. Many of these may be founded on good evidence but to suggest that this government is doing any worse the any other government might have done is just a ridiculously facile argument and reflects more on the paucity of the posters reasoning than any issue surrounding the present crisis.

    Worst Flooding in 50 years, that was known about 2 mths ago when it drowned Chiang Mai.

    However the government are only now starting to take it seriously and (try to) build defenses... building a sandbag wall when you are stood in 2 foot of water is a bit like Closing the proverbial stable door once the horse has bolted, don't you agree?

  9. "Thailand" can and will learn, politically and environmentally, but probably this time next year the naysayers on here will be just as unhappy with a Government that still has the mandate and has also made the necessary preventative and restorative actions.

    You honestly think that this government will have 'made the necessary preventative and restorative actions' either this time next year or the day before the next general election? I say to you sir, you are dreaming.

    The Yingluck government had an opportunity to start putting in place 'the necessary preventative and restorative actions' towards the end of August when Chiang Mai got flooded out, instead they focused their energies on getting Brothers, Cousins and Family members in positions of power and back tracking on their election promises to find ways out of them.

    Why wait until the water is lapping at your feet before you act? Then do such a p*ss-poor job at it in terms of mismanaging communication and doing 'too little, too late'. Why not put in place solid strategies and flood defenses when you know its coming?

    Granting the Government a 'honey moon' period because they are newly elected is one thing, watching them fail so miserably at managing this crisis whilst they re-install their family dynasty into positions of power is something else entirely.

    Let just hope that the Democrats push for a vote of no confidence after this disaster is over, and lets hope enough of the Red foot soldiers are no longer disillusioned enough to actually support the move. The sooner we get rid of this lame duck government the better. Red, White, Green, Blue or Yellow... i dont care what colour the government is, i just want one that will act appropriately to protect *all* of the country above all else.

  10. Anybody who considers that a foreigner, aiding a community by filling sandbags, distributing food to the needy or the multitude of other things required in this catastrophe, will be arrested or deported for working without a work permit must be high on crack.

    Foreigners providing humanitarian help after the tsunami ACTUALLY WERE ARRESTED for having no work permits. The government did order them released. I guess this mentality comes from the same people that handled about 36 million dollars of international tsunami aid money, of which 90% disappeared.

    I remember on Phuket there were a bunch of volunteers that were arrested for 'working' without a work permit during the relief effort. They were rounded up by immigration and driven straight to the labour office, where they were given temporary work permits without fuss or hassle...

    Seems like the law had to be respected, but they were willing to cut the red tape enough to turn it around quickly and get the volunteers back out in the same day. Bit crazy i know, sorry i cant give you any links for this, but i did know one of the volunteers at the time and he was shocked at the sheer stupidity of it all.

  11. Sure every mmo has the progression, gear, raiding and PvP factors, but it differs from mmo to mmo how you implement them. Comparing SWTOR to WoW you have the same "Cartoonish" animation style, same user interface, same 3 talent trees to spend talent points in, same instanced battlegrounds for PvP and PvE and so on. As far as gamemechanics and features its an carbon copy of WoW.

    What would you propose as a different model? I've been playing MMO's since the days of EverQuest (v1) and they all follow the same basic model. Some have talents/skills that differ but they are all much of the same...

    Not trying to argue or discredit, just curious what you would like to see as a "WoW breaker"

  12. They are at it again. Abhisit and his boys just can't stand the fact that they were defeated and try to stir up anything they can to try and unseat the current party. Wah, Wah!!

    Stir up trouble? Isn't the main aim of an opposition party to try and unseat the current government?

    It is certainly what the Reds/PTP did whilst the Dems held office...

    but as with many things, they call against double standards, until it suits them then all of a sudden its a cry for "Sour grapes, they cant stand the fact they didnt win. Wah Wah!!"

  13. Yeah i check Betacake on a regular basis.

    How do you mean "WoW clone in space" - from what you are saying that would class all MMO's as "WoW Clones" as they all have the same basic elements, character progression, gear, raiding and PvP.

    Sounds disappointing about the space flight/combat, i was hoping it would be a little more Eve like with regard to space.

  14. Recent email lifted from Yingluck's hacked accounts;

    Dear Sister,

    Please find attached my grand plan, please focus on achieving these at the soonest opportunity,

    Step 1. Get little sister in as PM

    Step 2. Get Brother in law as head of police

    Step 3. Get relative in charge of the army

    Step 4. Glorious return to Thailand

    Step 5. Rape and pillage the country for my own wealth and gain

    Step 6. Make opposing my party in elections illegal (or fatal)


    Brother Number 1

  15. The next big release for the MMO world has been announced, late December

    I've been following this one for years, and been trying to get information on the beta, so far all the feedback has been quite positive. With the Bioware involvement the game itself takes a more story driven approach (Think Fable and Dragon Age style) - havent seen much information about space combat/ship combat but its supposed to be part of the game. I like the idea of having NPC followers in your group instead of it being just you.

    Still some difficulty getting it if you live outside of the EU/US but i dont plan to be in game on day 1 so i'm happy to wait and order it towards the end of the year


    Anyone else planning on giving this a go?

  16. Been able to find almost everything i need myself, i am missing only two items... a CO2 Gas Regulator and a CO2 Gas Bottle - if anyone has any ideas where i can get this, i would appreciate the information

  17. In the next general election, the Dems should promise "a solid gold Mercedes and a 7 bedroom house for everyone!"

    After all, there is no obligation to fulfil your election promises, they can just wait 2 months and then say "oh, we looked at that, but it wasn't viable after all, sorry!" - then if anyone tried to take them to court over it, they can just claim double standards as the PTP government did exactly the same thing.

    No accountability, promise the moon-on-a-stick then deliver nothing. Yay for the red government, they care only about bringing back a criminal and 200,000b lunches

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