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Posts posted by PCA

  1. The opinions given in these currency value threads (like those in their sister Stock Price threads) are like bars of wet soap - slippery, difficult to get hold of and do naught but cloud the water.

    Of course everyone is so very assured of the good choices they made in the past ...

    nobody is forcing you to read or comment here. I understand you have no clue of investment but a need to critisize. :o

  2. The British Pound looks like it has no further intentions to drop and I can fundamentally understand it because why should it and against <deleted> what?

    Not that I am concerned but the BP for the next 5 years is probably one of the best performing currencies to look out for. :o

    Please explain why?

    My charts say so. Not that I want to confuse anyone but I do currencies and other markets day in day out and the pound is on my hot list. Fundamentally I cannot give you a reason to understand why just my experience for now and I will elaborate later. The point why I post this now is that my chick after an expanding drinking session told me that she wants me to be an English gent and not the rude ass I (seemingly) am :D

    i think i know your reason. is it because you heard on Bloomberg that i bought yesterday (after abstaining for many years) a bond denominated in GBP? 'fess up! :D

    yeah that is one of the reasons. Imagine how much money the klingons might have sucked out of earth in the past and it must be a good sign when they are finally pumping back in :D

  3. The British Pound looks like it has no further intentions to drop and I can fundamentally understand it because why should it and against <deleted> what?

    Not that I am concerned but the BP for the next 5 years is probably one of the best performing currencies to look out for. :o

    Please explain why?

    My charts say so. Not that I want to confuse anyone but I do currencies and other markets day in day out and the pound is on my hot list.

    Fundamentally I cannot give you a reason to understand why just my experience for now and I will elaborate later.

    The point why I post this now is that my chick after an expanding drinking session told me that she wants me to be an English gent and not the rude ass I (seemingly) am :D

  4. Thank you both LivinLOS and hkt83100! I think I will go again to Big C and try to order it via Bkk. Initially I supposed to do so with the shop in central but the staff there was not even able to find the objective in their computer system and then just wanted to sell me another one claiming its the same (just 30k cheaper, hehehe).

  5. thanks for the reply PCA, i understand about the ;spread; but the difference of buy and sell still go up or down the same yes ? so as i mentioned for a 1or 2 bhat change could still gave a fair return if as stated you were playing with 3 mill? or am i missing some thing here ? also why do you say ;its written in stone: is it legal for a thai to do this, thanks once again for your input. micky.


    Most likely it is legal for a thai to do but by doing it frequently pretty sure the profit is taxable while the loss is fully yours/hers. When you decide for a transaction/trade you pay the very wide spread ( 1/2 sometimes 1 full baht) which brings you an immediate loss if you would get out right away. Then there is the transaction fee to be paid at both legs of the trade.

    To break even you need the underlying currency going your way for about 2%. That can of course happen but how about if it goes the other way? You might unless you realize a loss after holding a negative balance for some time sit this out but thats not what you want I guess.

    As I said you might be lucky (and it's nothing but that) sometimes but, and sorry if I am wrong here when I assume that you are probably completely unskilled with currencies otherwise you would not chose the baht as a market.

    All in all again, don't do it - the odds are clearly against you as the spread and fees will eat your account.

  6. hi guys, uk citizen married to a thai national, and living in thailand.The question is, would it be legal for my thai wife to buy/ sell £ /bht on a regular bassis? we are all watching the ex rates ,this week approx three bhat rise and fall againts the £. so i am sure you all now where this is going !! not huge amounts but lets 3 million (bhat that is !) if there is only a change of 1 or 2 bhat that would be a fair return, after all the interest rates in the uk are about didlle squat now.i am being a little naive? any constructive comments please, cheers micky.

    I know it looks tempting but the spread is simply to high. In the long run you will lose, thats written in stone.

  7. I suggest that you use advisors in your home country as there are better laws to protect you there.

    Just seen this so apologis for the delay in replying.

    That's a pretty sweeping statement, Ejelque.

    Just for your info, MBMG's advice usually revolves around products and structures based in jurisdictions like the British Isles, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Luxemburg, Singapore and the USA where the investor protection laws are extremely rigid. if these countries are your home country you would get the same or extremely similar protections effecting structures there based on our advice and if you're from somewhere else, well I can't think of anywhere off teh top of my head that offers better protection.

    I understand what you mean as it is possible to set up as an advisor in Thailand and not use such robust structures but that is why it's alwasy important to look at the experience and accountability of the advisor and also look at the nature of the advice that they give and where it will be structured. There are a number of excellent advisors in Thailand who operate in this transparent and robust way and who provide protection as great as if not greater than in many clients' home countries, but you're absolutely right that investor protection is a key issue and should be a major consideration in any financial decision.

    Hi Paul

    In the current financial markets, with the plethora of irregularities that pass for 'sound financial advice', it would be easy for some to mistake you for just another 'scumbag'.

    It is refreshing to see that you have the support of your clients, stating, as they are, your personal integrity and intelligent approach to securing their financial future, and not just your own.

    I once heard it said that a company could launch a $100 Million marketing campaign and be undone by word of mouth. If that truly is the case, then your clients are the ones paving the way to your success, primarily driven by your own desire to place their interests first.

    I always was impressed by the level of self regulation at MBMG and the integrity to the core values set by the directors. In a region where there seem to be no shortage of 'fly by nighters', logevity surely equates to sound business practices, coupled with a desire to truly service your client base.

    Cheers mate. Say hi to Robbo for me. Lee

    Hello Lee, given the fact that Paul was banned from TV there might even be a very high chance that he is a scumbag but it is very charming for MBMG that you put in all the necessary effort to become a registered user and dedicate your very first post to revive this thread. One should understand that you are very happy with their services and of course can prove an overwhelming performance, right?

  8. My daughter arranged for a transfer of £5K into my foreign currency account last week --- it never arrived. She just checked with her bank in the UK and they said it was blocked by SCB, reason given "The Baht is too low" !!!!!!!!

    Any similar experiences or helpful comments?

    Only one helpful comment: don't let your daughter do your money transactions. The excuse that the baht is too low is simply BS and you can transfer such an ammount anytime. I deal as well with SCB and what you describe is impossible/unthinkable.

  9. She will be in the $55-$60 range until year end...may go a tad higher, so would think you are not far out..

    wonder how you would know that. No way it will be in this range until end of the year.

    So where do you think it will be then ??....

    I reason I give this range is that I am in the business and the educated guessing, is giving that range...

    We will have to see at the end of the year who is right and who is wrong.. :o

    I don't know, just like you :D

  10. >>>> i have no doubt that eventually the market will be heading alot lower over the coming months, but is that after we rally another 100 points ??? <<<<<


    Amateur! :o:D

    By your own admission, this is therefore a bearmarket rally regardless where it goes. Therefore only herbivores are playing it. That's as it should be. :D

    The successful bears have scored 800+ S&P points on futures, swimming with the current, not against it - figure it out for yourself taking nominal leverage upto max. leverage and contract size.

    Wow 800 handles is that all???? mate i have taken more than twice that over the past 16 months UP and DOWN, i can sure you i am NO amatuer,

    did i touch a nerve with my post????? i think so

    Bear rally or not, it is the Bears that were swimming against the tide from 666-803, thats some drawn down, hey if you want to trade with 200+ stops be my guess, but thats NOT trading its gambling and the mark of an Amatuer

    i dont have a bais i am a Professional, i trade the Tape that is given to me, my opinons when it comes to the tape stay at the table come 9.30am-4.15pm

    i will trade the market up or down its makes no odds, trading is about making a living and making Coin, not trying to be a hero posting Wanna be EW counts predicting Armageddon

    will you advise the bears to continue trading against a trend that is going higher???? or will you fight the immediate trend if the Spoo`s take off and we head up to 900+

    Over the years i have seen many a trader come and go, they have there 5 minutes of fame make a few good calls and think they are some sort of GURU, this game is full of them ( trying to drum up business for subscription service are we???)

    I guess your reply said it all to me,

    Good luck with Your Armadgeddon calls, but taking 100+ handles from the past 2 weeks is what this game is about the past 6 days the trend has been UP not DOWN

    The intermidiate trend is UP, NOT down, and 130+ points are nothing to be sniffed as fighting the trend is what will cost your account

    you are dangerous if you are trying to advise traders to trade against a rally of over 130+ points, but then any real serious trader will know this and not have a bias and go against a trend on any time frame,

    so Bears want to fight a trend of over 130 handles, thats is Plan and simple suicide, and silly and that sort of trading only lends to one thing and thats a Bust out

    Being right in the bigger picture means nothing if you dont make any money from it, we can all get the direction right what makes a successful trader against an Amatuer is the ability the trade the tape he is given and that means making money day in day out week in week out, UP and DOWN

    Go and ask those bears that have just lost there account fighting a move off from 665-803 how it feels to be on the WRONG end of a rally

    regardless where it goes huh!!!!, what happens if this market gets legs and its back over 900, will you consistently short a market that keeps going up???? reminds me of all those EWI subscribers that kept shorting the move off the 2003 low, only the STU kept saying its going to crash, eventually one year later Hochberg gave up on that idea

    of will you keep adjusting your Elliot wave count, as a 3rd of a 3rd of a 3rd of a 3rd, of a 3rd

    i think you have been reading EWI too much, almost all your posts have some EWI theme to them, in fact its like a recording of Prechter

    and the STU got everyone looking for lower as we were in wave (4) of 5 ha ha Dumb bears all covered as we pushed through 780 and they got severly roasted last night, easy money fading the Crowd, it was all over forum land that we were in wave (4) of 5 and we cant break past 780

    does anyone not think a local in the S&P pit doesnt read the Blogs and forums the market knew there would be a ton of stops from the Elliot wavers above 780, it was like taking candy from a baby, as stops were tiggered as bears folded one by one as we broke 780,

    Now thats proper trading, not some fake BS count, real money trading real numbers and real contracts, this game is about making money not trying to be a GURU posting some EW counts on a forum

    Fading EWI bought me close to 96 handles, but then they are the contrarion, EWI are like a stopped clock, eventually they will get it right, only they were 6 years too late

    Your Post on the DSI indicator gave it away, that indicator is from Jake Bernstein, and is only via subscription, yet you quote it, which tells me you are a EWI subscriber

    I wish you well in your trading,



    Prechter would run circles around you with his eyes closed and running a 103 fever. Sorry you lost alot of money. That's never a good thing. :wai:

    What do you trade?

    Why not just go head to head with me right here or in my Gold thread or in Spot EURUSD or GBPUSD in the US Dollar thread.

    I figure I've got another 2 weeks here.

    That will settle any claims easily.

    What do you say?

    Hey, no hard feelings - wish you well in your trading. :D

    Ha ha now you are sounding like a spoilt child, trying to entice me in to some sort of trade off pissing contest,

    You think i need to be posting trades just to prove to you my ability; i think you mistake me for some sort of amateur on a forum trading site or Blogger site

    I have no desire to want to be portrayed as some sort of Guru, maybe you do?????

    You do know there is a REAL difference in real money trades not made up ones

    Often over the years i have seen many traders feel they need post on forums like they have some agenda or they have to show the world they have a super trading system when really all they are trying to do is look for novice traders to suck money from for some sort of trading service

    Its that’s sort of reply, that brings me to be suspicious that maybe you are indeed a snake oil salesman trying to drum up business for un- suspecting novice traders, but hey if you are generally interested in helping others then that’s fine by me, but your replies challenge to me otherwise and your tone in language denotes that as well

    Post away, only you may want actually post your own content and not something that is from EWI service

    Believe me i have seen and read many a forum, and seen the tricks used to suck in novices into thinking the poster is a GURU, when reality he is a leach, this game is full of them

    (again i am suspcious but in no way suggesting that you are)

    With subscription services and trading rooms

    Again your reply denotes, what sought of trader i think you are

    You know how the saying goes

    “Those that can’t, teach” and life is full of teachers in this game, just look around at all the trading subscription services

    I trade a manor of markets, SPOOs, and currencies, but again, i don’t feel i need to post trades on a BB to get interest from a others, i have nothing to gain unless i was trying to push a subscription service

    Once again trading is about making money not trying to be a hero

    You really do need post you OWN content and not EWI`s stuff, as it’s not really right to steal others work.

    You think Prechtor can really help me trading the S&P`s in real time,??? Clearly you must have amnesia as he has been right on this crises

    Ask him about those calls made from 98-2003 (being early is still wrong in my book) as even if you get the direction right you loose

    Do you think he has the ability to know when a Big house , like Merriyl or Goldman comes in to the pit and buys 2 or 3000 Large S&P`s

    If so i got to join up EWI as they must be the messiahs of Trading, it’s only recently that EWI have had a claim to fame, up until Aug 07 they were the laughing stocks with their calls

    EWI give a bad name to Ralph, there are far better Ellioticans out there, but if you wish to carry believing in EWI feel free

    Just because he wrote the book don’t make him a trader; he is a teacher because him or Hochberg simply can’t trade

    Big difference trading in real life than following a subscription service

    How do i know that, because i trade the info that comes right out the CBOE, and those traders in the SPOO pit don’t give a crap about Elliot it’s a simple game of buying or selling a number of S&P contracts, not some Pattern that EWI claim is working

    Anyhow i am digressing, and really don’t want to dwell on this no more as it gives no benefit to me

    But since you posted the Question i felt i respectfully needed to reply

    I wish well in your trading and success for the future

    PS - you really need to be aware when calling others Amateurs’ as per your previous post, when in fact i am quite the contrary

    But no hard feelings, i have seen this sort of behaviour all over Web land; when others are challenged they have to resort to this tone

    I agree with what you wrote though spare on commenting. Paper trading at it's finest, hehehe.

  11. Hello dears

    I want to open a Bank account in Thailand with a good Internet Banking

    Nearly $20K~$30K will be transfer to this account from USA

    i want to be able to transfer these funds to another Bank Account in another country by using Swift code and Account number

    i would all these process be done from Internet.

    so does such a this service possible in Thailand ? and can i move those amounts out of Thailand from Internet or i should show my Passport and ID each time for transferring money ?

    because i am traveling most of time and i might not be in Thailand so i want all the process be done with Internet Banking

    I would not recommend doing what you describe. 10 days ago I made a transfer from abroad to my account in thailand (SCB) and accidentally pressed one 0 too much when selecting the ammount. The funds arrived 2 days later and when I figured out the mistake I wanted to immediately send the overstanding ammount back which was not possible do be done by the chick who was at the counter. So I called to the branch manager to pass by and after explaining he said that he has to contact the head office in Bkk and ask about the requirements in order to proceed. I told him to do so and he said I should come back tomorrow with my passport and a written explanation about the incident. Well, pissed off I left and prepared the documents as wished. When I came there on the next day there was still no answer from Bkk so he claimed and sent me back home again after collecting my statement and a passport copy. He said if I want to take out the whole ammount thats no problem but to send it out (bear in mind that both accounts are on my name) he has to wait for "approval" from Bkk.

    The case is still not solved and I will be at the bank Monday morning ....

  12. Hey, speaking of Gold, I wonder if one of the Goldbugs or traders can explain this one to me. It would appear something ain't right here. Might be an arbitrage opportuinity?



    well well, do we see here a little bit overleveraging again? I mean the underlying/benchmark moves 20% and this little baby(probably without the slightest relation to the commodity gold) is jumping 700%. So far about how serious our beloved governments and financial institutions are in trying to solve a global financial crisis which started exactly because of those kind of investments.

    I dont know what GOE is, of which products it consists and therewith dont have the answer to your question but one possibly could find out via google or yahoo finance and websites that alike.

  13. I will be coming to Thailand at the beginning of April for a month, returning to the uk until mid November and then back to thailand for 6 months. Im considering brining extra cash tp put in my thai bank account maybe 4-5k, or would it be better to keep it here in the uk and hope the pound picks up by november?

    what are the chances the pound will be better or worse by november?

    Thanks for any advice

    chances are 50/50, hope that helps. My oppinion is you should wait.

  14. I would like to open an investment account with Interactive Brokers in Hong Kong to invest in US stock market and forex based on some recommendations on this forum, but I've found conflicting information about the US/HK/Thai tax that may arise.

    Some background: I am a Thai citizen, living in Thailand. As indicated on their website, the fund and securities will be with IB's US entity.

    I hope that many people on here with accounts for trading US equity from IB or others would be able to help discuss their tax position. I realize that there will be US withholding tax on dividends ( 30% ) that is not refundable. What about capital gain tax / income tax?

    Thank you in advance for anyone who can help provide any information.

    as a thai citizen you are not taxable for investment gains or obliged to pay income tax in the US if you want :o to pay those taxes you should do it in Thailand.

  15. OMG….IB - InteractiveBrokers..... is driving me nutzzzzz :o

    Page displaying is just too slooooow for me (or may be I’m not a member or something…hmm)


    Their charts system with custom variables input is wrecking my brain - far too much to my liking.

    Too nitty gritty at this time for a newbie like me………dizzy dizzy !!!

    All I want is just to try out a “quick and simple” paper trading - how to buy/sell simple contract

    IB is not letting me do this easily

    So I will try with that “thinkorswim” (PCA recommendation :D ), just to get used to all the terminologies and how to trade FX.

    Well the name just doesn't sound promising haha,...... but will try them anyway :D

    Once I’m more comfortable doing the paper trading, then I might open with IB or some others being recommended here

    Ok be back with the assessment on TOS

    Hope will have better luck with them



    yeah do that I am sure you will like it. Should you have further questions feel free to ask.

  16. Well, if somebody would say it is impossible to make a living with the type of business I am doing, I would certainly step forward and contradict.

    Give me three-stock-names (pick anything - MSFT, EBAY, or ETC) and I will try to give you my prediction.

    Jesus is this you? So long I have been waiting for something which is finally working always. No intention to insult but your prediction is worth zero as well as anyone elses' so take this advise and refrain unless you want to offer commercial services though for that you are on the wrong board here.

  17. Kheestha

    Kob kun ja for your concerns :D

    No I haven’t made my decision yet but just want to get into the paper trading . Right now I’m more interested in analyzing those charts for my future transfer when making big purchases in Thailand.

    And they won’t let me see those technical charts unless I sign up with them first!!!....arghhhhhhh

    May be one day if it’s proven to be interesting, but for now I’m more comfortable with trading the equities and options

    Oh btw…one of my acadamic background is in chart reading/interpretation.

    I'm not right everytimes, but the odd of right is higher most times.


    I don’t trust “most” people and things easily until they are proven after doing the pro/cons analysis

    Hey you guys….."Just for fun"

    If more people here are interested in FX - may be we should set up the “monthly or quarterly competition”, right here on thaivisa/under the special topic.

    May be we could divide into 2 teams, and post the monthly/quarterly prediction at the beginning of each period………then wait to see the result at the end of the said period

    Pick any pair..... or two or three pairs - based on our prior mutual agreement....up to U

    It could be fun..........what do all think?..huh :o

    err.....Ok just the thought tho, if no one interested that ok too :D




    you can open a paper trading account with TOS (www.thinkorswim.com) and watch as well as sim trade currencies in realtime with all the charting features you like and its all free. When you want to change to trading with real money you can open an account with another broker as I would not recommend using TOS for Forex trading.

  18. Important to remember, 95% of entrants into forex will lose their roll in the first 3 months and walk bowlegged for years.

    And the vast majority of the remaining 5% will lose their money later on. Forex movements are impossible to predict, because there are too many factors influencing them. Real money is to be made with forex only if you start a brokerage, then the losses of the "traders" are your profits. And that's the reason there are so many of these brokerage firms.

    Now there might be somebody coming forward who claims he has made good money with forex for an extended period of time (think 5 years), but if it is true at all, this is just the exception that confirms the rule.

    It's a dead end street, Teacup. Why don't you consider commodities such as coffee or rubber as an alternative, or maybe gold?

    it is not true that currency movements are not predictable. The "95% are losing" claim is maybe correct though nobody knows and if then the reason why it appears to be so high is because most wannabe traders after having recognized that trading is not leading to rapid wealth but needs to be steadily studied and adusted finally give up their dreams and hopes. Coffee and rubber, yeah good luck.

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