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Posts posted by PCA

  1. that's something i have never understood and will never understand. how can investors believe in technicals if they are convinced that the fundamentals of an asset are paramount positive over and above all other assets

    Just posted something similar on the stock thread

    TA has its place but charts should be confirmations of technicals and maybe clues to timing but if 90%+ of short term return comes from asset allocation then fundamentals should by 9X more important than technicals...

    there's another thing which not only makes me chuckle but puts a dirty grin on my face when sworn goldbugs (i am not referring to you Flying!) measure the present value of their gold using [YUCK²!] something they describe with a four-letter word, namely "fiat" :D


    true for institutionals and commercials but very wrong for the small guys like you and me.

    Correction after second read since you talk about short term returns which are not targeted from instis the whole statement is wrong. :D

  2. Well you did spark my curiosity by means of a previous remark you made in an earlier thread and whilst I didn't really understand the whys and wherefores of it, I did remember it and thought I might check out what's going on in your head. No success really on that point so I put it all down to your over optimism re GBP/THB, if I'm wrong, please feel free to correct me and I'm happy to discuss/debate, but not argue.

    Dear CM,

    why do you link to a thread when you actually want to refer to another one. I mean sure you dont know whats going on in my head while I am convinced to know there's nothing much going on in yours. Just a little hint since you seem a bit confused, there is another thread going on about USD/THB and after several posts while everyone right in his mind knows that the subject is focused on USD you just jump in and claim rates of 40/45 and the whole topic is about the pound, hahaha. Didn't really intend to bring this one up but obviously those kind of things are the foundation to what you call a "discussion". You and me we will never have a discussion because you simply dont know enough just do you think you do when burbling irrelevant nonsense most of the time, cheers.

  3. :D

    Who thinks that the exchange rate, Pounds sterling -- Thai Baht, at around 52 to the pound is low and do you think it will rise?

    Will it get back to rates in 2003-2004 of around 70 Baht to the Pound?

    Any experts out there?

    Short answer is no, not in my lifetime.

    u gonna die next year? Pound will have a comeback, that's for sure.

    Always good to remember history PCA. :)

    you should be able to read things in context but hey I know that's too much ask for ya. :D

  4. Well I would say thats simply rubbish and Singapore along with its Dollar is one of the next bubbles to burst in the next few years to come. Maybe you could list some of SGPs economic strenghts beyond its reputation as a global financial center(which is not a real backup).

    Well I would say thats simply rubbish. Maybe you could substantiate your claim that Singapore along with its Dollar is one of the next bubbles to burst in the next few years to come.

    There were no significant, if any, bank failures in Singapore since the crisis started 2 1/2 years ago. Quite a difference to the western world, don't you think? So that should actually boost the financial industry in SG. And how about SGs substantial role in world trade, it's competitive electronics industry, the young and educated population, and so on? SG is not just a financial centre, far from it. No-one was saying that everything is perfect in SG. But in a world where everything seems to go wrong in most countries, SG is one of the better places to put your money in. Go down there and have a look for yourself.

    In the last 5 years the SG$ gained against the

    US$ about 15% http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bc?t=5y&s=U...amp;c=sgd%2Fusd

    GBP about 30% http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bc?t=5y&s=G...amp;c=sgd%2Fgbp

    EUR about 13% http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bc?t=5y&s=E...amp;c=sgd%2Feur

    Never mind, my dear PCA. Arguing on the internet is like competing in the Paralympics. Even if you win you're still a [insert word of your choice]. Have a good night.

    you are funny. As you claim there were no bank failures in SGP shows that you obviously don't understand the game. Other bubbles have burst and SGP is one of the next. Again you have nothing to offer in SGP wake up! Nobody will escape here not even your little shiny city. The young educated population, hahaha.

    Attn. ChiangMai: I didt want to have your post quoted above mine as it is pointless to argue with you. Happened accidentally :)

  5. Simply because the Baht tends to move within a fairly narrow band relative to SGD and this reflects the BOT policy to maintain the strength of the Baht in line with an average of a basket of regional currencies - SGD is a major traded currency, is less USD centric than many of the alternatives, it's a significant regional economy plus I'm holding a whole bunch of them at present. :)

    I second that. One more reason is that the SG government gets a lot of things right economically - unlike most governments around the world. That, plus political stability, should help the SG$ to appreciate over time.

    A century ago someone said, 'Politicians see economists like drunks do street lights. They don't look for light, but for something to hold on to.' True to this day.

    Well I would say thats simply rubbish and Singapore along with its Dollar is one of the next bubbles to burst in the next few years to come. Maybe you could list some of SGPs economic strenghts beyond its reputation as a global financial center(which is not a real backup).

  6. I will presume that being mid 20's you still not very smart-sorry not trying to insult you.

    But you are seeking advice on investment in the country where there is a foreigner arrested every day for fraud?

    Country where most crims try to hide out?

    Country where most expats will do all they can to screw someone over?

    I am sure i will get attacked for this one, but how many smart,successful investors would relocate to Thailand or spend their time on thaivisa?

    If you want to throw your money down the drain, i am sure someone from the board will contact you shortly and offer the best investment deals ever

    Despite being only in my mid-twenties, I would consider myself smart enough to figure out good from bad advice and I do realize when someone is trying to scam me. You don't have to be in your 50ies to be scam-proof and I know a lot of people who are a lot older than me, who got scammed.

    I have lived long enough in Thailand, to know the common scams and I have educated myself enough to recognize good from bad opportunities. My brain is actually quite good in thinking logically, so I see myself on the safe side.

    Do you have ever invested any money? Did you invest in Thailand? If yes, kindly share your experience so others can learn. If not, how are you able to provide any advice?

    I see so many people getting stuck in life, because of their negative view of everything and their fear of losing many holding them back from creating wealth.

    And even, as a, "not yet", smart guy realize they must be doing something wrong or they would be more happy and more wealthy.

    So, if doing nothing instead of complaining and being afraid oflosing, leads you to a life in misery and without money, than maybe, but just maybe, doing the opposite might just work in giving you a wealthy and happy life.

    kuffki is right and his post is the one you should primary focus on. Many crooks around and from the people here nobody is qualified to help you out. Beyond that talking smart and acting smart are two different things and as pointed out if you have to look for information here you are not as experienced as you might believe you are.

    VIBE sounds experienced in regard of stocks which is clearly visible when he describes the entry strategy and reason for the toyota shares in another thread so there might be something he could share for the stock markets and your idea to regularly average in but dont listen to any other kind of investment ideas that might suddenly pop up in you PM box and start to educate yourself :)

  7. Paulie r u looking for fresh customers with the warnings otherwise why did it take you almost a year to reply here?

    Regarding my family name or other personal information who should be interested in it as long as I am not trying to sell something?

    Hi PCA,

    I imagine that every business looks to attract new customers but to be honest I don't think that posts on ThaiVisa would be a great way to do that, notwithstanding its wide audience. Most of the new clients that we attract come to us by word of mouth and referral which is why I don't ever engage in cold-calling. I have given advice on TV.com in the past but that has to be necessarily general in nature - personal advice firstly requires a detailed knowledge of an individual's situation. I used to post a short term AUD trend update on here for readers.

    My point about your name is that LeeRiley's name clearly identifies who he is and he clearly wasn't trying to sell anything, merely to pass on his own personal experiences so I think that it's possibly a little ungentlemanly to imply any ulterior motive - simply because LeeRiley's identity is a newbie - when Lee has taken the trouble to use such a transparent user name.

    PCA, why not arrange to come by for a coffee sometime, I'll show you round without trying to sell anything and then you can share your views with the forum. Might be interesting for other TV readers and a perspective on us that is different from the client testimonials on here. Those testimonials are of course the most important feedback as far as we're concerned, not so much because of Lee's points about the value of such testimonials, but moreso because any business that doesn't satisfy its existing clients won't last too long in any sector. Sadly in the financial sector in Bangkok this last 16 years, I've seen way too many other practices come and go. Being selfish, such a meeting would be interesting for me too - I'm always keen to hear objective criticism of how I do business - if we don't listen to criticism, how can we improve? I've made this offer to other posters too and it's intended to be a genuine offer because I want to constantly improve both my own business and the industry that I work within.

    Hope that you can make it sometime (and I guarantee not to try to sell you anything, I've always been an advisor not a salesman)

    Best regards,


    Hi Paul,

    thanks for the invitation. End of March I will be in Bkk for a few days and will take your offer. Please provide me with accurate contact details via PM.



  8. The German guy was a long term expat and he was not seperated from his wife. They both didnt live in Rawai as well which is wrongly claimed in one of the reports. I know/knew them both personally and in my opinion it was an incident as described - stinky finger to the wrong guys in the wrong situation. Of course it is terrible but I doubt that they would have behaved differently if "provoked" from another thai. They are animals and there is simply no point to ever argue and expect fairness in any kind of disagreement. Hint: you probably know how to deal with wild animals :)

    My deep condolences.

  9. There are so many people who have been ripped off. I would guess that at some time, we have all been ripped off.

    In this case my advice would be to forget it, put it behind you and find a new life.

    And next time around recognise the warning signs after a month. No wages, no work permit, just bullshit. Walk away.

    To pursue this further will cost you time, money and energy to recover a maximum of say 250,000 Baht, which is quite possibly not there anyway. Spend all that time, money and energy on finding a job with a future and you will be far better off.

    you can't be serious with that advise. Why let a proven asshol_e walk away for robbing the guy 6 months of his time unpaid and eventually even in financial trouble to maintain his own family life. Not to mention the sneaky attitude of pretended friendship.

    If the guy is still around doing business I would go after him even for 100 baht.

  10. Gold is hot now but entering a blow off top. Watch out for DZZ (200% short gold). Buy below 10(around 12 now) and average down further below if necessary. Kiss back at 30(40/50) within 3 years. This is especially attractive for non American Investors as it includes a projected and unavoidable turn around of the US$. Don't forget to donate some profits to charity :)

    Could be but the way commercial/residential real estate is headed here.....

    I would be willing to maybe bet on SRS instead.

    There are certain truisms in technical analysis, and one is, once charts start going vertical, you know it will all be given back at some point. You can lose a lot of money trying to pick that top though.

    Trading takes a plan at first and what goes for risk it is very low for this one. DZZ will not go to 0 but Gold the sooner or the later will move south again (gravitational force :D ). Comfortable size does the trick here and some patience eventually. Full risk is always on the table unlike playing top/bottom picking with futures. It was the same thing with Crude via DXO a couple of months ago.


    SRS is a short on Real Estate. What should there be better or even comparable?

  11. The funds your are talking about will be good but if you are working your site from Thailand work is work and you need a work permit.

    and pay thai income tax

    I don't know what could be point or reason (except stupidity) to pay taxes on an income generated online and without real reference to thailand. Are you robbing someone's job here? Spending your money here not enough? Should be some tax on the top?

    Some people here really ......

  12. I am pretty sure this dialougue between Zorro and midas will last until end of days or at least until end of stock markets but seriously where is the common benefit by maintaining such useless threads? Any of the mods might clarify maybe...

    Probably I am just angry about myself every time when I click this thread and always find the very same crap there :D

    PCA ...chill out man..........where is your sense of humour :)

    If you dont like it here..............dont come :D

    oops and I did it again, anyway just to look at replies to my mocking. As I said its myself who I should blame. Last peek here - promised.


  13. I am pretty sure this dialougue between Zorro and midas will last until end of days or at least until end of stock markets but seriously where is the common benefit by maintaining such useless threads? Any of the mods might clarify maybe...

    Probably I am just angry about myself every time when I click this thread and always find the very same crap there :)

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