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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. but it's bad that KERRY won't tell us his anti-terrorism plan in his efforts to become leader?

    Maybe if he said something about what he was going to do if he became President then he would have won by now.   I just recently saw his second man John Edwards come on TV to cheer his people up   Is Mr. Kerry too good to do this??

    Firstly, Bush hasnt come out any said anything either, nor Cheney!

    Secondly, you have been tricked regarding "terrorism" - it is a story thought up to invade Iraq for oil and now Bush holds you in the palm of his hand. When will 50% of the US wake up? :o

    Say what you want I believe what I believe and putting the man back in office!!! My right I fought for that right also in Iraq so i'm excercising it :D You don't like it well you know where you can go I know a short pier not far from where I live. You know how to swim??

  2. Uh oh!  :D  Bad move- Not very wise beheading- now those lot down south are going to be associated with those nutters in Iraq.

    I think the association has alas already been made. I've stated already how ineptly the Thai authorities have handled the recent riot but the southern muslims adopting fundamentalist tactics means their (legitimate?) grievences can not be met or it would send a message to all disaffected minorities to adopt similar tactics. We are now playing for high stakes both in Thailand and on the wider world stage.

    and of course President Bush will somehow receive some of the blame?? :o

  3. but it's bad that KERRY won't tell us his anti-terrorism plan in his efforts to become leader?

    Maybe if he said something about what he was going to do if he became President then he would have won by now. I just recently saw his second man John Edwards come on TV to cheer his people up Is Mr. Kerry too good to do this??

  4. Um, is Kerry supposed to have given detailed plans for every contingency of any nation/group attacking any place in the states in any way during his presidency?  I don't think Bush has given us any more detail.  Both have simply declared they will hunt down terrorists and protect Americans.  Bush arguably doesn't even know his own team's plans and policies.  Do YOU claim to know them?


    Would you sit on Television and tell your plans to the enemy?? It is going to be over soon and all you people that don't like bush have to deal with it!! I support the man and you can say whatever you want about me. anyway it's the people's decision and the people are deciding and have decided.

    Just recently Osama Bin Laden reared his ugly mug, and was asking the people of the US to think about our own security. One newscaster in the US said "that's OK Osama we can handle this and we don't need your advice" :o

    This is what I say to all of you that hate President Bush

  5. Well it's not over yet,   but all you Bush haters,   it's not looking good for ya!!!   :D  :D

    You know, just because someone opposes Bush's re-election, doesn't mean they hate the man. I've never met him in person, but my Mom's met him (and his father) and she says he's a really nice guy. So I'm sure Bush is a decent and moral person, and a great guy to hang around with.

    However, I do love my country, and therefore I have an INTENSE dislike for what Mr. Bush and his policies have done to it. I think "compassionate conservatism" is akin to putting down a horse with a broken leg. Sure, it may be the "compassionate" thing to do, but it's also true that the horse is not particularly happy about it :D. I think the "pre-emptive strike" doctrine is an ABHORRENT PERVERSION of America's long-standing legacies of neutrality and respect for national soveriegnty. And I think Bush's ties to Saudi oil (while probably COMPLETELY LEGITIMATE) are a bit too chummy for my tastes.

    In other words, I'm disappointed in the election returns so far (Bush leads with 269 at this point). I'd really thought Americans had better sense that to re-elect a man who bungled the 9/11 response and worse, has done lasting and severe damage to America's reputation and legitimacy as a "Leader of the Free World".

    Case in point: When the newspapers were reporting about the suffocation deaths of prisoners from the Tak Bai riot, I remember reading a quote from some US Embassy guy in which he diplomatically scolded Thailand about "the humane treatment of prisoners", I almost choked on my corn flakes. Doesn't it sound a BIT hypocritical for the United States to scold anyone about "human rights violation" and "human treatment of prisoners"??

    And I'm not just talking about the Taliban prisoners in Cuba who've been held without due process for years. Nor I'm I talking about the stupidly inhumane treatment of Iraqi prisoners at the hands of a few brain-dead American soldiers and "intelligence" officiers. Try to remember that White House memos were revealed that showed the Bush team had people actually thinking about the "LEGALITY OF TORTURE".

    After the Bush administration finishes raping our nation's integrity and reputation, how can the US ever stand and scold some tin-despot for being "inhumane"?? The little dictator would probably just laugh it off and say, "I got the ideas from YOUR guy, Bush!"

    So, no, I don't hate Bush, personally. But I do hate the things he done since he's been President.

    You have the right to say what you want, but i have been watching the debates with john kerry and george bush and kerry never said what he would do if the US is hit again all he talked about was health care and the economy, If we are attacked again and he was in office what was he going to do then?? Flip Flop on the issue?? I don't trust the man at all, and his wife a future first lady?? I saw a little video of her running back to scold a reporter because she hated what he said, unbecoming of a supposedly "rich" person. :o

  6. I could agree with the heart and diabetes problems, IF Thai youth had the same fast food diet as Western kids do. The rate of Child Obesity is far greater in Western countries than any other

    Last time I was in Thailand I saw way too many BK's and Mcdonald's and KFC's If this is not a sign of impending doom I don't know what is. Get the movie "Supersize me" and see the effect of eating this crap for a month. every meal breakfast lunch and dinner for one month. It made me sick

  7. Hey I got out of hand responding to him   but I'm sick and tired of people using fiance visa's so they can see "how the US is" and I thought that is what you were doing

    i've just gotta add my two baht to this. Iammaic i applaud you for having the brain to explain to him why you acted as you did with HIS posting, if it was posted in the wrong area then the modes should have done their job and removed it right???

    to answer his question. there is a limit to how many times you can do such a thing. 2nd time they will ask alot of info but give. 3rd time you can forget it forsure. now before the yahoos start in acusing me of the same. ive been married to my wife for 2 years now and have never needed a visa for her. she can get it all on her own if she really wanted.

    ive been around this board a few times as well but under user name and password i just cant seem to remember (old age?) and i must say im getting more and more shocked at these high posters and what they say back for adice or their opinions. we do have rights to post as well. we dont bash you or your topics but rather answer to the best of our ability why cant you?

    once again IamMaic i have more respect for you now then i did before.

    Yes I got married as I said in 2002 and it has taken two years for my wife to get her visa she just got it recently Nov 2nd My first marriage it took six months for my wife to come to the states, I had thought the same with my second marriage but it was not to be.

    I had thought I did something wrong!! Forgot an Important document or something but I started thinking this is my second marriage to a Thai woman and maybe it just takes longer. I also Live in florida and when 9/11 happend most of the terrorist's were learning how to fly at various schools in florida. I started thinking maybe they are really checking people very closely now.

    But If the thread starter goes and starts again with another girl they are definately I mean Immigration are going to look at your case really close because it will be a short time span from the last girl. :o

  8. To DJ Pat:

    Well  even though I am married when I went with my wife different places  I would see Thai girls give a different kind of look to my wife,  It's the fact she found a foreign man but a Thai-Farang is somewhat different than a regular Farang.

    Some of her GF's  Say I'm Charming   Lor Mak Mak  Also    I apreciate the compliments  but If I were single I would not use it to my advantage   I am a One Woman man.   Hard to believe to some Thai People,   Evem My wife's Sister could not believe it    She asked me once  "You not Butterfly My Sister??  I said No  She said you Good man then.   :D

    Some of her GF's Say I'm Charming Lor Mak Mak
    they are only being polite because you're their friends husband :D:D

    Ohhhh That's the real reason Dave I should have known Thanks Dave :o

  9. Your saying not to do it   but you use to??   Cmon Dave   :D

    Iammaic, I try not to reply to too many of your posts, but had to this time.

    What are you on man? :D

    whatever :D how do we know he still doesn't do it and he's giving advice not to do it?? Best thing to do is never do it in the first place

    Because i already said that i don't do it :o

    (After admitting doing it years ago)

    Yeah OK Dave I believe you :D

  10. To DJ Pat:

    Well even though I am married when I went with my wife different places I would see Thai girls give a different kind of look to my wife, It's the fact she found a foreign man but a Thai-Farang is somewhat different than a regular Farang.

    Some of her GF's Say I'm Charming Lor Mak Mak Also I apreciate the compliments but If I were single I would not use it to my advantage I am a One Woman man. Hard to believe to some Thai People, Even My wife's Sister could not believe it She asked me once "You not Butterfly My Sister?? I said No She said you Good man then. :o

  11. Hey I got out of hand responding to him but I'm sick and tired of people using fiance visa's so they can see "how the US is" and I thought that is what you were doing

    I was married before to a Thai girl and she was very beautiful, Then she started seeing other men, But that was a long time ago. When we got divorced I was not sure about doing it again. So I didn't think much about it.

    I started going out with Farang girls but they were very bad to me, That's when i started thinking about seeing a Thai girl again. I asked my Mom if her friend's knew anyone in Thailand and that is how I met my wife.

    But this was many years later My first marriage was in 1990 My second was 2002. I am sorry to the way I responded but it also got my blood boiling when you suggested that your going to get another girl. LIke they are pieces of meat or something, if one's bad just go back and get a new one.

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