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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. Sorry for misinterpreting GWB's somantics. I was foolish to believe that "Mission Accomplished" meant something akin to finished. Major or minor combat operations? Why have more soldiers died during the "minor" part than the "major" part?

    Sir have you been in the Military?? You fight fast no one can get you you sit in one place sure more soldiers will die Use common sense here sir.

    Say the Iraqi's invaded the US more will die because then you have civilians many who have been in the militray joining the fight same as what is going on in iraq hey i as wrong on the shah of iran i believe it was the king of egypt that was assasinated or i could be wrong on that one also.

  2. You think problems with muslim's just started?? 9/11 only made it worse They the so-called good ones did patrols with me while i was in iraq we would be walking together and then poof?? where did he go?? Later did we find out he's back at his headquarters watching TV we asked him what's up!!! He said I afraid to be seen with american's Maybe i get killed who take care of my family??

    For all I cared he could sit there forever He's scared to get killed What about me??

    I'm Thai-Farang Mix just to let you know

    I'll say it again Muslim's are <deleted> :o

  3. Muslim's are good people??? sir I live in the states actually live in florida and their is one muslim business man here being investigated by the FBI actually going to court soon, he had illegal aliens working in his souvenier store's and also being accused of sending money to muslim charities. That are suspected in giving the money to terrorist's organizations. Well to make a long story short he was being release from jail not too long ago He put his house up for bond Well leaving the jail his friend's were waiting for him. outside of the courthouse. Well a lone woman came to voice her opinion against this, she was holding up a sign. His friends grabbed the sign and tore it to bits. Mere moment's before the media was taking film of him leaving the jail and HIS friend's were saying their outrage at the american goverment. Why is it then it is OK for them to do this, But this lone woman was not allowed too!!!

    Muslim's are <deleted> All of them!!! :o

  4. Watch your A$$ Darth I was over in iraq with the US army Insurgents are in kuwait just to let you know

    US Military is in kuwait also Mostly near the border Just be careful Hope your going on business or is it holiday??

  5. Wow, that sucks. I'm American too. How do I join this civilized world of yours?

    A good start is voting out the number #1 hindrance to having a civilized world, GWB, on November 2nd.

    Can i ask why you hate him so?? because he started a war?? he got rid of a brutal dictator Did you know John kerry came back from vietnam and slandered all the men that went to fight in that war??

    you want GWB replaced by him??

    I want GWB to be replaced because:

    1. He supposedly "finished" the war a year and half ago.

    2. It's not America's business to remove dictators....because as often as not, America put the dictators in or kept them there in the first place, eg. Shah of Iran, Marcos, Noreiga, et al ad nauseum. America is not the world's cop.

    3. Yes, Kerry returned from Vietnam and exercised his Freedom of Speech rights. btw, did atrocities NOT occur in Vietnam?

    The US is not the world's COP give me a break I don't want GWB replaced and i'm excercising my right to vote for him Ohhhh it's not America's place Tell that to winston churchill in world war two when he was begging for help from the USA. The Shah of Iran is dead and I wonder who killed him?? Muslims Noriega is sitting in a miami jail cell Marcos is dead also and the phillipines is now hurting because the US pulled bases from the country. and The US still went there to help with the terrorist problem. GWB didn't finish the war You Moron He said major comabt operations were over MAJOR what is going on in iraq is minor combat

    I was there and what you read in the news don't tell half of what has been done Ohhh they just report on the killings and beheadings but they don't show the country's progress Noooo don't let anyone see that it'll ruin our rating's. :o

  6. No I didn't wait for a fiance visa I waited for an immigration visa a fiance visa is a Non-Immigration visa.

    Well I Understand that some Thai people don't want to stay My aunt she come over with my uncle and she went back but they are already very old people. It is hard at that age to accept a new way of life.

    Well if she ran away she deserves to be caught, enough said you don't play by the rules you get stung by the rules.

    like SK 1972 said you should have thought more with the bigger head !!!! :o

  7. Hey I read the Fiance Visa and you have 90 days to marry it is not ohhhh lets see how i will like the US visa, It's to marry nothing else. Lucky I don't know where she is or I'd go to the authorities myself.

    I'm getting sick and tired of people like this that abuse the system!! He's already thinking about getting another girl already SK

    Stupid Man That's all I have to say :o

  8. I'm speaking from my own experiences, Doc. :o

    My Condolences LC :D Well last time Gfunk went into a rage it was about everything closing at 1am So Only kind of girl that came to mind was a bargirl, More power to Gfunk if he gets a girl like you LC.

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