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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. Your a disgrace
    your american
    your in Thailand
    micheal moore
    people's mouth's
    American's that live
    alway's have an alway's will
    Your not telling me
    he want's to do
    His advisor's were there

    All this from one single thread...typical intellect of a Bush supporter. Too thick to be reasoned with.

    yeah coming from someone that dosen't live here have fun in thailand DICK where you have no voice at all in things :o

  2. IamMaiC, do you realize your best buddy Bush is abusing you and your fellow Americans, squeezing every last penny out of you to make sure he and a few of his fellows remain in the 1% of Americans owning 90% of the wealth?

    It just can't be sustanined and is against the general idea of democracy that "you guys" like to bring up all the time.

    Bush is not the only one ABUSING us. You think the democrats are clean also?? The rich alway's abuse the poor alway's have an alway's will Your not telling me anything new.

    Hey I'm voting for him It's my right call me stupid or insane or whatever but i'm keeping that no good snake John Kerry Out if i can help it.

    If he is voted in Then So be it, He's talking about health care and a strong military and other things he want's to do, But how is he going to pay for it?? RAISE TAXES :o

  3. What? Do you think you could express your thoughts in a way that they might possibly be understandable to normal people? Are you implying that the 4 million Americans who live overseas are somehow traitors to their country? I'm tempted to use your favorite word ("<deleted>") again.

    You like putting words in people's mouth's eh?? You left, for what ever reasons I don't care. don't complain what is happening 10,000 miles away OK I never said American's that live overseas are traitors!!! Did I say this?? I don't think so.

  4. The Movie is <deleted>  plain and simple and why is this an on going thread here???  This is the third thread on this stupid movie   :o

    Well - nobody forces you to read this post - except yourself!

    And maybe it might interesting to hear from Thai viewers their opinion (?)

    A Thai friend of mine saw it and voiced the most amazing part was while GWB was reading to children, America was being openly and brutally attacked. Quote: "Why didn't he do SOMETHING?..... ANYTHING???"

    OK answer me this Do Something against WHO?? You make it sound soooooooo easy if you were him what would you do??

  5. your american eh??  DICK   and your in Thailand??   Maybe you should stay there  OK

    Well as long as you stay in the US - he might even will! :o

    Fine by me seems like he can't handle living here So he has to run to another country. Probably one of the many US citizens that complained about everything and now he's complaining in Thailand also

  6. Wow...you have a friend who's an air traffic controller...you are certainly an authority on anything that happened around that time.  We bow to your superior contacts and will all vote for Bush...NOT!  F 9/11 are "<deleted>", Muslims are all "<deleted>", you are "<deleted>".

    I never said I was an authority on what happend during that time and micheal moore is?? anyone can make a movie My friend said he was working that day and No Planes were in the air In Micheal Moore's movie the bin laden family left that day

  7. Most of F 9/11 is a 100% match against my memory of what I saw on TV during and after 9/11, I have no reason to believe the remaining parts are not 100% correct as well.

    Bush is a moron and the movie just makes it so clear. Every question he has to answer without being able to rely on his spinwriters prove that beyond any doubt.

    The links between the Bush and Bin Laden families are just as clear and factual as the links between Chaney and Haliburton. 

    Bush & Chaney are a disgrace to USA!

    Your a disgrace to the human race you <deleted> You actually belive this movie??

    You do understand they use digital special effects nowadays. you can do anything with film now. I have a friend Air Traffic controller I went to see the movie with him, he said there were no planes up during 9/11 and if any went up they had to contact the military to shoot them down

  8. Saw the movie.  Because I'm a Texan who never voted for Bush and never will, because I think he's a spoiled brat of only average or below IQ, I loved Moore's movie. 

    The movie is centrist and left-wing propaganda, cleverly crafted but clumsily presented by a former documentary maker who now does political satire.

    If your mind's already made up, the movie probably won't change your mind either way.  But if you're somewhere in the middle, it's probably going to change your mind, especially the part where Bush is reading to a bunch of school kids on the morning of 11 September 2001.

    The Movie is <deleted> plain and simple and why is this an on going thread here??? This is the third thread on this stupid movie :o

  9. I don't give a thought to people who kill just for the sake of killing Have you ever seen parade's in iran video's ?? on the side's of their floats say death to the western world!!!! sorry the US is not just the west :o

    I went to fight in the war on terror because my country was attacked MY CITY i grew up in new york, but what do u care you probably never been to the states so take your advice to me and shove it :D

  10. think this thought process comes from the fact that Thais very nationalistic

    They actually are. they also have much difficulty in understanding finer shades of grey.

    When americans think their God's gift to life, many thai's think their buddha's gift to the world.

    Thinking outside the box is clearly not encouraged in Thailand. As it seems in the states as well. :D

    hey i don't think i'm god's gift to life you <deleted> :o

  11. That's up to you. You know I was watching a program about muslim teaching's in a holy shrine. They showed videotape of some children praying. I was watching this one child and he started after a while his eye's rolled into the back of his head I said whoaaaaa :o Is this normal?? do monk's and christian's pray like this it kinda spooked me very much.

    I don't hate anyone I try to get along with everyone.

    I'll tell you this The former mayor of new york was hosting a get together at some place in new york city you know who was in attendance yasar arafat, in front of everyone the mayor told him to leave. he said terrorist's do not attend my function.

    after the 9/11 attacks a muslim prince after viewing ground zero made an offer of 10 million dollars to the mayor. he asked only one thing that the US goverment stop backing isreal in what it does, The mayor said take your <deleted> money back

    My kind of Man

  12. Ha Ha :o I love all this american bashing from people that don't live here also ex-pats that live in another country don't like their mother country anymore?? I was born in Thailand but live in the US grew up here

    all you chicken littles can all hide while the american's do the fighting OK we'll let you know when it's OK to come out !!!

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