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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. JemJem- good points.  And in the guy's favor, his English wasn't THAT good, I found out.  Maybe I will take him out for Italian next time...  but that would be a SECOND date.   :o

    MaiC- welcome to the GAY section.  All clear now?   :D   Having many Freudian slips like this lately?   :D

    And, regarding your right to be anti-gay, etc., etc.- I haven't read the forum guidelines (posted in the pinned thread at the top of this section) recently, but though you can be whatever you like I think you DO have to watch your language here... not that you've posted anything too bad that I've seen!  I personally welcome *rational* [non-religious-based] discussion with others about sexuality *in threads created for the purpose*.  If you'd like to start one, go ahead and I'll see you there!


    Thanks Hey i don't have hang ups about gay people they are still people not animals like some people make them out to be, I am not homophobic either I think a gay person can tell if a person is striaght or if he is gay correct??

    Like striaght people can sometimes. :D

  2. I amMaiC......I sincerely hope you are not one of those anti-gay bigots.

    Steven.....I think you shouldn't generalise much (well, I know this can be difficult). A Thai guy might be speaking good English without him having been 'on the game with foreigners'. The same is true for having a like for Italian cuisine.



    Just because I have opinions on certain things that means I'm anti this or that??

    Gay people can do what they want and i thought this was posted in the general topics section that is why i asked why is this here

    and if I was anti gay what of it?? I have the right to be if i did choose to be correct?? :o

  3. She was having trouble loading them - something to do with their size :o  :D

    Definitely the size. It was never like this when I loaded the picture of... err.. someone. :D

    My hand's up for Saturday. And indeed dress to kill. I'm gonna kill someone all right. :D

    Hope you kill them with pleasure not pain LC :D

  4. A new thread to help use / explain the new forum features.

    I have the first question.

    What does the "+ quote" button do on the bottom of each post?


    It seems to add the qoute from that post to your reply. In this way you can click on "+ quote" in multiple post , then click reply and all those posts are qouted in your reply one by one.

    You can also switch it off the qoute button it turns read when you do then the qoute will not be inserted into your post :o

  5. More than 1,000 participants have been brainstorming on how to teach Thais school children about sex, at a three-day seminar which started in Bangkok on Monday.

    How about their parents fullfilling their repsonsibility. The governement should stay out of sex education, control or anything else to do with it.

    On the surface, this sentiment seems agreeable, except that most societies do not advance without public education. The basics of sex education are an institutional concern when it comes to disease prevention, unwanted pregnancies, rape awareness, and the evolution of social norms.

    Think about it: How would a society progress if the only teaching that we received on current social norms came from our parents?

    Parent's don't know everything and some are shy to talk about it, better to get it from a professional. My Dad told me if your gonna have sex and it's not your wife (this was before I was married) Use a condom!!!!! :o

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