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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. sad :D

    may they all rest in peace.

    imho ... they will never catch the barbaric unhuman bastards who did this :D


    You Know Why Franco Because the Rest of the world is sitting on the sidelines and not joining in the Fight

    Sure we can argue about Iraq and other things until we are blue in the Face But the terrorism problem will still be there while were are still in safe havens for now

    The terrorist want death know only death so that's what they should get :o

  2. Hi IamMaiC,

    If you re-read my posts you will see that I have nowhere advocated that the original poster's fiancée should overstay. I have solely responded to the question that he posed:-

    If we let her fiance visa expire and she stay illegally in the US, what are the odds of her getting caught?

    In my view, minimal.


    PS. Can you please try using punctuation as it makes the posts easier to decipher.

    yeah, sure. But you guys are advising him to do the wrong thing?? correct??

    He looks at "minimal" and then thinks Ohhhh Maybe I can get away with this!!!

    You Know if Cubans come to the states by whatever means necessary and touch land They are aloud to Stay, Because they are coming from a Communist Country. Is That Fair, I say let them Commies Rot in their own country.

    I went through mounds of paperwork and some good amount of money so far, I had to wait TWO YEARS!! The threadstarter is crying because he misses his GF. How long was he without her!!!! Let him do what I did and see if he stayed with her. I doubt it.

  3. That was a sad day rod

    Yes, it certainly was.

    Last year I walked on the ground where the WTC towers stood. I thought I was hard enough to handle anything, but that place rattled my chain so much that I could never do it again.

    I never been there actually passed it on the bridge i use to take to get to my grandmothers house every time i went there i use to look at the skyline and marvel at all the buildings Amazing I thought but not so amazing anymore They were simple looking buildings not much to look at just the fact they were so tall

  4. Hi Lopburi3,

    I agree that in the current climate more detailed records are kept. However, my point is that when you consider the number of overstayers in the USA at any one time, the INS is simply not sufficiently staffed to be able to apprehend all but a minority. Furthermore, as you alluded to in your post, I think there are more politically sensitive nationalities than Thai and it is those that would attract the attention of the authorities.


    Yeah you are right but the threadstarter knows he is doing wrong!! and all the others that overstay are doing wrond heck even my own cousin overstayed but she ended up getting married. When we have people doing wrong and the people that do the RIGHT thing get penalized

    I did the right thing applied all the forms and i had to wait two years FAIR No i don't think so and this man comes here for advice to do the Wrong Thing!!!! Stupid in my opinion Also he applied for a fiance visa and didn't take adavantage of it Now that Visa is of no use My opinion Whoever does wrong including the Sponsor of the Person from another country gets sent to the other person's country and stripped of their citizenship but of course this will never happen

    To the threadstarter I hope she does get caught now only fair to the people that went through the Correct procedure :o

  5. All of the above and I found her. We're in our 20th month back in the States now and it's wonderful.

    Mr Vietnam :o

    Good for you Mr Vietnam :D

    Sure looks are important but if no substance (personality) then what do u have?? but to some of the guys on here it don't matter just as long as certian parts of her body are working correctly

  6. Hey people...I thought the admin (see the top of the first page) wrote to warn about this getting to be a 'political debate' !

    And...please refrain from using offensive language ! A man has brutally been murdered.

    Show respect !


    Yeah she's right and i'm stopping now go argue about our illegal war and the search for oil some where else.

    My condolences to the Bigley Family

  7. Sympathies to his family, and also his wife who had very little mention from the media.

    I hope the terrorist are brought to justice.  But I dream that one day, those who motivated the terrorist are brought to justice to.

    Those who go to war with a nation, in the name of defence, and in the sole reason of oil/profit.

    Those who continually cause trouble and fighting throughout the world, and laughably think of themselves as 'world peacemakers', or 'world policemen'.

    WE have been to iraq twice I was their for thirteen months with the US army and i don't think i'm a policeman I'm a soldier. Never during my stay there were we taking oil always think it's about oil so what stops The US from going to saudi arabia and kuwait and other places to get their "oil" :o

  8. Sad and terrible as this saga is, you have to ask yourself why was Bigley in Iraq in the first place. All the money in the world wouldn't drag me within a thousand miles.

    Bottom line is you pay your money you take your chances.

    As much I HATE Tony Blair, I also understand the great risk you put all Britons in if you deal with kidnappers. Blair and that ###### wit Bush took us into an illegal war, have changed the goal posts at every given oportunity and yet both countries look like they are going to vote them both back in.

    One last point, take a look at some off the religious zelots that live in the US and ask yourselves if their actions are any better. 

    The world is being pushed to the brink of a war with religious fanatics on both sides.

    I am getting tired of people making fun of the US President Our congress voted on it and gave him permission to go so they are just as guilty The President can only order troops to fight for up to 90 days and that is it other wise he has to get congress approval and how is this an illegal war During the nineties many resolutions were passed by the UN for Saddam to disarm and this is fact. Also the US had all rights to attack him anyway He has started a war many times by shooting at our planes when the No Fly Zones were in effect. Also the time he massed troops along the Kuwait border but everyone forgets all these things The world is better that Saddam Hussein is not in power anymore or do u not agree to this??

  9. You aren't doing the right thing and it's guys like you who make it tough for everyone else.

    Mr Vietnam :D

    The best post on this thread I had to wait two years because of people like you and your GF You get a fiance visa because your all lovey dovey and then you don't marry??? Last i heard you had ninety days to marry try being without her for two years as in my case My opinion let her stay and when she gets caught call me and i'll laugh at both of you when your putting her on the plane back to thailand :o It'll be a better laugh when my wife is on a plane to the states and she is getting off when your GF is going back HA!!! :D

  10. but aside from the animals in their race Muslims are very nice

    A medical tech at one of the mobile blood banks told me the first four people in line to give blood after the WTC attacks were a Muslim man and wife and two teenaged sons.

    One of the saddest film clips I saw of the WTC attacks showed a weeping traditionally-garbed Muslim woman holding a photograph of a bearded young man and asking rescuers and passers-by, "Have you seen my son ? Has anyone seen my son ?"

    That was a sad day rod I still remember it like it was yesterday Changed the whole world and alot of people's thinking :D i had been to the trade center in 1996 but never went inside I just kept looking up and thinking the balls on the guys that built this thing :o

  11.   The girls will give him a lot of attention as well,they love young falangs lads.

    Yeah I wonder why!!!!! :D give them a change of all the old geezers running around

    Precisely :o

    so what's the age limit bartender100 like 17-18 to say 35(that the girls like :D ) which i am!!!! :D just kidding I never been to a bar been to thailand 4 times last two times one was getting married and the last visting my wife my wife don't like bars I should have done it when i was younger first two times to thailand i was 17 and 19

  12. because the only alternative is the complete and utter extermination of Islam.

    So it might come down to this eventually have the seeds been planted now??

    The three most powerful (militarily) nations in the world ... Russia, China, and the USA ... are basically non-Islamic, if not actually anti-Islam.

    The most powerful (militarily) nation in the world ... the USA ... has demonstrated time and time again that it has no conscience and is determined to win at all costs.

    Make no mistake ... if push comes to shove and Islam looks like winning, America will nuke the entire Middle East (and probably Malaysia and Indonesia) into panes of glass ... and Russia and China will send cheerleaders.

    I believe Afghanistan and Iraq are not the only countries the US are going to invade Possibility of Iran next if of course they do have nukes. :o

  13. AN SAS hit team was last night hunting down the barbaric killers of Ken Bigley.

    The troops and America’s crack Delta Force were ordered: “Nail the bastards” after Ken, 62, was beheaded in Iraq.

    They were closing in on the town of Latifiya, 22 miles south west of Baghdad, where Liverpool engineer Ken is thought to have been killed.

    Intelligence officers at Britain’s GCHQ believe they have identified the area where butcher Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is holed up.

    If they find them,they are toast.

    Is this true??

  14. I'm trying to hang onto the belief that many Muslims are decent people.

    Hang on to it ... most Muslims I've ever met have been decent people!

    Unfortunately the only real deterrent to the acts of radical Islamics insults the basic faith of every Muslim alive.

    Through the weakness of its leaders and their unwillingness to stamp out fundamentalist lunacy, Islam itself has become its own enemy.

    Muslims are a kind people I have a family living in my neighborhood in the states They are friendly to me They are worried about the americans that will not be nce to them some point down the road so to speak but the father said he has had no problems as of now.

    he wishes his brother muslims would stop this madness he also told me "what can one person do" Talking about himself which is the wrong attitude in my opinion

    but aside from the animals in their race Muslims are very nice

  15. Agree with you there Tornado, hasn't been anyone ever to have the balls to do what he's done, I say if he's not hurting anyone then let the man speak his mind. About time the US wakes up and smells the starbucks!

    Love the part about Canada as well and how in the states the African American community is easily blamed for all crimes and how that show Cops benefits from this misconception, also the cartoon, actually the whole documentary.

    Dick Clark also looked like a real #^$& too!

    The Black community that does not want a better life in the states is the problem Even one of their own said it The Comedian Bill Cosby Have you ever driven through a black communtiy shopgurl?? It's the blacks that keep themselves down espacially when it's easier to sell crack then go get a real job and don't tell me they can't either.

    I've worked with black people and the ones that don't act like human beings are called Niggers and that's by their own people!!!! even called that like a greeting Hey Nigger How Ya Doing???

    Plus Micheal Moore is an ass Have you seen his 9/11 movie Cmon give me a break!!!! The part it shows the iraqi's all happy smiling faces all of them!!! then when the US invades One iraqi woman you killed my son you killed my son BS to the max.

  16. These people aren't Muslim they are Terrorists.

    All Muslim's are to blame for what these extremists are doing, the animals that took this brit and the two americans already knew they would kill them the americans were killed after 5 days ken had more time suppossedly he was trying to escape I would also try to get away Only one man got away from his captors and that was an american man that was I believe captured way back in june

    I hope they all rest is peace

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