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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. I wonder what Tiger  Woods  Pre nup with Elin looks like ?   :o

    If tiger's mom had anything to do with it, I would say it is very one sided !!

    Say that again His Mom I read somewhere is very happy with this girl

    I use to do security where he lives and she (His Mom) would come in about once every few months

    But his GF/Fiance has money also Wasn't she a model Before??



  2. OK then this list is a little outdated??  It also mentioned that it's ok for men to walk hand in hand and also women  I did this with my wife when i was in bangkok last  at first i took my hand away and my wife grabbed my hand back  So it is Ok to hold hands now??

    No problem I suppose, although it's mostly closed-thread variety women you see holding hands in BKK.

    My Mom had told me Don't do like American's in Thailand Kissing and such So I thought Holding hands was out of the question and I remeber my mom saying this also So when my Wife reached for my hand I didn't hold hers and took my hand away She then grabbed it So i said to myself better not make her angry or upset her So i continued to hold it

    I know Kissing is not good to do in public

  3. Well, we all know what kind of girl Tiger chose..... :o

    BTW I can't wait to see how their daughters turn out... :D

    Yeah we see what kind of girl he chose and he's been on a downward spiral ever since Golf wise I mean :D He is supposedly getting married soon Not sure how the daughters will turn out Hate to say but tiger is not very handsome but becuase his girlfriend is beautiful they should come out pretty cute. :D

  4. OK then this list is a little outdated?? It also mentioned that it's ok for men to walk hand in hand and also women I did this with my wife when i was in bangkok last at first i took my hand away and my wife grabbed my hand back So it is Ok to hold hands now??

  5. It is my fault she is still married because I never proposed to her. And she hadn't told me, because there is "no ploblem", so why should she have?

    It is YOUR fault??? :D Stroll, whatever happened to honesty?? :o I think that should exist in any relationship............I dont think you proposing has anything to do with her being married. A honest woman would have told you. You should stop making excuses for her.

    I do hope it works out well for you and good luck!

    Maybe she didn't say because it would upset stroll very much and she probably liked him very much at the beginning of their relationship and didn't want to ruin it So No problem in her eyes But i do agree with you SK honesty is the best policy :D

  6. A friend of mine is interested in visiting thailand I have included the various customs

    Do's, Don'ts, and Thai Customs

    Thailand is an ancient country, with many customs and traditions that may be unfamiliar to foreigners. While Thai's realize that the "farang" do not know or understand many of the customs, it is important, as a foreigner, to understand that you are in their country, not your own. Some foreigners seem to think that because they have much more money than the average Thai, that somehow makes them better than Thai's and, therefore, exempt from following the customs. Wrong! You are not better than Thai people or anybody else, no matter how great the extent of your personal wealth may be. If you intend to enter Thailand with that sort of superior attitude, stay home!

    There is really no excuse for failing to follow the customs. Virtually every guide book has a listing of the most important customs, which you will also find here. It is vital to be aware of the most important customs, and equally vital that you follow them. In some cases, failure to follow certain rules can actually result in arrest and imprisonment, whether you are a foreign tourist or not. If you are aware of, and adhere to, the following list, you will have no problems at all, and the Thai people will be genuinely appreciative:

    Thailand is a Buddhist country. Buddha images are considered highly sacred. Any act considered sacrilegious is punishable by imprisonment. Whatever you do, do not climb on a large Buddha image to take a photo. Treat all Buddhist images and icons with reverence.

    The Thai Royal Family is held in great reverence. It is illegal to deface, in any way, anything that includes the image of the king, or previous kings. That includes money. The king's image is on every coin and bill. Thai people will absolutely not tolerate criticism of the Royal Family. If you feel an urge to criticize the king, think it . . . but don't say it. Even if you hear other Thai people, even from among your friends, criticize the king or members of the Royal Family (which you probably will not hear anyway), you keep your mouth shut. Public criticism can result in arrest.

    Thai women are generally conservative. Some may dress quite provocatively in public. Even they, however, do not want to be touched, whistled at, leered at, or otherwise treated in that manner. Do not do those kinds of things. Even prostitutes appreciate a little respect.

    When visiting a Buddhist temple, dress appropriately. Do not wear shorts or tank tops, despite the fact that you are likely to see plenty of other tourists doing just that. Just because those people are ignorant, uncaring, or both, does not justify you doing the same thing. Also, your new friends will appreciate you much more.

    Do not treat the Buddhist religion as something cute, quaint, or obsolete. Remember, there are far more Buddhists in this world than Christians, Jews, Hindus, and Islamic people combined. Thai people are not going to tolerate their religion being treated as "cute."

    Females may not make any kind of physical contact with a monk, period! Females also are not allowed to give anything directly to a monk or receive anything directly from a monk. A woman must first give whatever it may be to a man, and the man will hand it over to the monk for her, and vice-versa. Even when monks travel, the airlines have special accommodations for them. I saw two monks on a public boat to a resort island, and they sat in the captain's helm area instead of with the other passengers. Under no circumstances can a woman pose for a photo with a monk. No matter how feministic your personal views may be, it is important to remember where you are, and nobody in Thailand could care less about what your personal political views may be. If you intentionally violate any of these religious customs, you are placing yourself in a position that makes you subject to arrest.

    Public intimacy is not an acceptable practice in Thailand. However, holding hands in public, even men holding the hands of other men, is perfectly acceptable, and if you are walking anywhere with your new boyfriend, he will very likely want to hold hands with you. Public displays of hugging, kissing, etc. are not acceptable.

    Sunbathing in the nud_e is prohibited by law. However, Thai beaches attract large numbers of European families in which the women are topless. That has become acceptable, but nothing beyond that.

    Thai people prefer to be referred to by their first names, not their surnames, even in formal situations. If your name happens to be John Smith, in Thailand you will be called "Mr. John," not "Mr. Smith." That is also how you should refer to others. Use the title "Khun" in place of "Mr., Mrs., Miss."

    The folded-hands Thai greeting is called the "wai." It is the equivalent of the western handshake. The wai is always initiated by a younger person, and the older person responds to it with another wai. If you find yourself in a situation in which you are not sure what to do, it is best to simply smile.

    Always remove your shoes before entering a home or place of worship. That includes your hotel room.

    When beckoning someone to come to you, Westerners signal with the palms of their hands facing up. In Thailand, your palm should face down or you could unintentionally create an insult.

    Do not ever touch any Thai person, including children, on the top of the head. A little leeway is given for bedroom activities, but even then try to avoid it.

    Do not point at anything with your feet.

    Show respect for His Majesty, the King. If you are in a situation in which the Thai national anthem is played (quite common in movie theaters) you are expected to stand out of respect. Do it.

    Do not criticize Thailand or try to talk about how much better it is in your own country. Avoid constant comparisons, in conversation, of Thailand to your own country. Do not constantly say things like, "Oh, in my country we do it this way." or "In my country the food is all served at the same time." Going on and on like that becomes very annoying to a Thai person before long.

    Do not display emotions publicly, such as heatedly raising your voice in anger.

    Do not behave in a loud, boisterous manner, no matter what the situation, no matter where you are, no matter what you see other people do. It will not be appreciated.

    Do not let taxi drivers recommend a bar. Often, bars pay taxi drivers a commission to bring in customers. Your bill will be highly inflated as a result.

    Be extremely cautious of those who will approach you or make advances on the streets or on the beach. While the approach may be quite legitimate, merely someone trying to earn some extra money, you have no way to be certain. If something goes wrong, you have no means by which to identify the person. However, it is quite rare for anything to go wrong when a boy is taken off from a bar. It would be quite easy to identify someone who works at a bar. The boys know that.

    On rare occasions, you might wake up in the middle of the night to find the boy going through your luggage and personal belongings. Do not be alarmed. He is not trying to steal anything. That is merely Thai curiosity. If you have anything of particular value, if you prefer to be on the side of caution, store valuables in the hotel safe. It is, however, quite rare for this to happen

    There may be times when your Thai friend responds to situations in ways you do not understand. If that happens, always respect your friend's wishes. Do not try to change his manner of thinking. It will not work and will also not be appreciated.

    Remember, you are in their country. It is your obligation to behave appropriately and respect the culture and values of that country, whether you agree or not. If you do so, you will find that you are much more appreciated and respected yourself.

    I am going to show him this listing The thing is when i was in thailand last and with my wife in bangkok we held hands while walking has that particular custom changed?? My friend is not interested in the beear bars but if he happens to meet a TG What should i tell him??


  7. Yep I agree. I have seen 2 travelers here in the last week almost get punched out buy husbands. Obviously those who live here wish we would see a lot more respect from some visitors. Its just that as anywhere, they really need to realize, as it is anywhere in thye world, the smaller the community, the more conservative it tends to be. Comming out of the tourist meccas into small Thai towns can be a real rude awakening for some L.

    How true in many ways :o

  8. Harry Palmer hit the nail sqarely on the head. There is no way most males could attract the top farang beauties. We are either too old, too out of shape, not very good looking or not enough in the bank account. That is just the way the world works. Why should a beautiful farang woman settle for an average man? Short answer; she won't.

    Pattayaguy1999- completely wrong mate. I've seen the ugliest bastards in the world with hot Farrang stunna(s). If you have personality you will go far in this world- has nothing to do with looks or the amount of dosh you have in your pocket. It's all about how well you can communicate.

    He's right I have seen the same and these guys didn't have alot of money Women like to be listened to and understood Once that has been established it's all Apple Pie After that. Women like confidence also. A Man's MAN :o

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