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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. No facts just fluff...but I intuitively believe 80-90 % of farangs who marry Thai girls in fact marry bg's, freelancers whatever you want to call them. And yes, I am one of them. I'm not in denial and had no preference based on profession. I married the 131st one I found who I knew I could trust. So what ? She's tighter than the farmer's virgin daughter and doesn't need any schoolin'. Again, so what ?  :wub:  :o  :D  :D

    Storekeeper are you sure about this percentage?? :D

    Heck no -_-

    Then why say it?? if your not sure :D

  2. oh my buddha i hate Haunted story. >_<

    Scare me to death.


    but why don't u try to stay over night at my university (It's an old palace) alot of mystery things. If u wanna prove PM me or send me e-mail.


    A person who studied there


    I have never thought of staying in a place overnight, espacially alone supposedly where i work it's haunted but not so sure the front door and elevator opening could just be mechanical thing.

    I have been researching this on the internet and found a website about "The Entity" Supposedly a woman moved into a house and the ghost there was very violent supposedly it raped her!!

    Well I kept reading and they had photos on the site And they did checks on the photos and the images appeared on the negative also They said that is hard to fake!!

    One photo shows what looks like the neck and part of the shoulder of a human being This appeared after the reserchers said "Show Yourself" :D

  3. In the states,  we have the same but mostly see hispanic people with flags in their cars.   Hanging off the mirror   But not US flag anywhere on the Vehicle,  IMHO  you should display what you are proud of but also show some kind of diplay of where you are living.

    sorry my friend. When talking about NYC you're right.

    Let's go to Maryland and West Virginia as well as South Carolina and you'll see US flags everywhere, also in the underwears.

    I never understood why all americans where (almost 100% of them) showing US flags on cars, houses, offices, shops, after 9/11 ...... was it bringing something positive?? Was Bin Laden worried about that??

    There was no place in US without flags or stickers.

    Now the situation is a little bit different, but US flags are almost everywhere (excluding NYC, D.C., Miami, Los Angeles, and S.Francisco, which actually are totally different from the rest of USA, being cities with high % of immigrants and higher level of education).

    NYC!!!?? I live in FLorida BIG Hispanic population here Duke I understand what your saying We also have people here that wave the confedarate flag all around. It's not even in use!!!! anywhere. But to them it represents the southern part of america that tried to sucede from the Union states. I don't know The real place a person should keep their national pride is in their heart. :o

    Duke Can I tell you why people were showing the flag everywhere after 9/11 It was a devastating day wouldn't you say?? Just showing that the terrorists could not divide us. That's all

  4. read private dancer that could clue you in

    Didn't think "Joy" in "Private Dancer" was a lady-boy. In fact, can't remember any lady-boys in it :D Anyway, if he wants to find a lady-boy, just go to Karon or Kata. They hang-out at the round-about on the beach road at Karon and at the major road junction in Kata. My g/f tells me not to look when we go by, because they are spectacularly built and she's jealous of their huge... er... assets :o

    There was a man in private dancer that liked ladyboys there was one reason he liked them they did not play games like bargirls did Just did the deed and left Bargirls go to varying extents to get more money from the customer.

  5. I wasn't in bahgdad  and your questioning if i was there or not!!!!  I don't give a &lt;deleted&gt;  if you believe me    I was north of baghdad and i am not saying where because i am not compromising the men and women that are still there  :D

    why so angry? asked a question! dont beleive you.. pm me and we will see what you know.

    I get sick of these try hards pattaya types who think they were something special - you werent there other wise you would say where you were.

    Where did you go on RaR - I would guess the same place as the rest of the US military - so dont spout your crap - you would know what Im talking about if you had been over there.

    You have one lifeline and you can call a friend :o

    I am not PMing you for what!!!! I dont care what you say I am not a pattaya type loser I was with the National Guard not the regular army we had totally different missions. so you can join those losers in pattaya sir

  6. Yeah you moron..... it was a Catastrophic Success..... You have people dying ......I am proud of what I have done and so are the soldiers i served with

    Yeah, people are dying all right, dummies like you sent there by idiots like Bush and Cheney who who were smart enough to not 'serve."

    You still are proud of killing people for no good reason?

    You are dumb.



    No good reason!!!! So I was to let them kill me then!!! Fat Chance. You go to Iraq and say the same thing you said to me to the soldiers there now and see if you come out alive sir!!

  7. I wasn't in bahgdad and your questioning if i was there or not!!!! I don't give a &lt;deleted&gt; if you believe me I was north of baghdad and i am not saying where because i am not compromising the men and women that are still there :o

  8. In an interview with Time magazine, President Bush declared the war in Iraq a "catastrophic success."

    How's that for a bon mot paradoxial oxymoron?

    Catrastrophy for Iraq and the US taxpayer / soldier, a success for Haliburton / Cheney.

    Boy are Americans dumb.

    Yeah you moron it was a Catastrophic Success All wars are!!! You have people dying That's what's Catastrophic have you been to Iraq Sir?? I have I been in a few firefights I was about to go to the big one in najaf, The insurgents run and hid in that ###### mosque they have because they know the US will not attack it.

    And what you see on the news!! You ever see the good things going on in iraq No of course not only the bad I was north of baghdad Iraqi people want the US in there, Iraqi People are joing the Army and sercurity forces because they want to have a better country.

    I am proud of what I have done and so are the soldiers i served with


    I am at serious odds with my government, but I don't fault you for a second. Please stay safe out there. I am so sorry that you and other men and women are in harms way for a corrupt and illegal war that is not congruent with the country's interests. I'm going to pray for you.

    I am no longer there Kat If the war is illegal or not that is not for me to judge, But I am glad Saddam Hussein is gone and some other radical regimes have gone with it The Taliban and Lybia. So the world is not safer of course. But it takes time.

    I am scared if Mr. Kerry is elected to the office he will stop this war and bring all the troops home. Then what do we do worry about after school programs?? When the enemy is worried about killing as many americans as they can!!! Sure I was scared in iraq I am or course only human but i did what i had to do. To survive. I am not sorry i went and some other soldiers are not sorry either We had a guy over here with one leg!!!! He was still doing what needed to be done.

  9. Guys, GUYS (!)

    er, maybe you'd be better off to hit it on Sat night. They have a go-go contest on tap according to the poster I saw...

    (jing jing)

    Just leave the weds gig to me and I'll be sure to give a report... :o

    (Ddddooohhh! what was I thinking???) :D

    Yeah Baht and sold did you have too much to drink or seen too many good looking ladies?? JING JING :D

  10. He degraded men that fought for their country,

    Fought for their country? How was going half-way around the world to fight the "yellow man" (Springsteen) fighting for their country? Fighting for their corrupt lying government yes, but fighting for their country?

    Sir have you been in the military?? Some men in vietnam fought for the US True?? If not then what I have heard from veterans that were there they are a bunch of liers.

    Sure the war was wrong Vietnam it was fought wrong also read your history but men did fight!!!

  11. In an interview with Time magazine, President Bush declared the war in Iraq a "catastrophic success."

    How's that for a bon mot paradoxial oxymoron?

    Catrastrophy for Iraq and the US taxpayer / soldier, a success for Haliburton / Cheney.

    Boy are Americans dumb.

    Yeah you moron it was a Catastrophic Success All wars are!!! You have people dying That's what's Catastrophic have you been to Iraq Sir?? I have I been in a few firefights I was about to go to the big one in najaf, The insurgents run and hid in that ###### mosque they have because they know the US will not attack it.

    And what you see on the news!! You ever see the good things going on in iraq No of course not only the bad I was north of baghdad Iraqi people want the US in there, Iraqi People are joing the Army and sercurity forces because they want to have a better country.

    I am proud of what I have done and so are the soldiers i served with

  12. I am just upset at him Kerry, He comes back from a war and degrades the other soldiers who fought it!!!!

    IamMaiC- actually Kerry kept his medals- he threw other soldiers medals away and claimed them as his own at the time.

    Regardless who ever's medals they were He degraded men that fought for their country, Sure they were made to fight But they did fight. He's the one in the first place that brought up his military service and started this whole mud slinging mess!!!

  13. Would not surprise me one bit if the American people voted that lunatic back in.

    Then it will be Iran's turn to be slaughted in their thousands.

    Sir They had an earthquake not too long ago and the US sent people to help. A friend of mine went He is with a search and rescue squad, He had an iranian woman come up to him and say "What you do now YOU KIll US??" Does my friend deserve to hear this?? He only went to help.

    I have heard everyone trouncing the US Ohhh don't vote that lunatic back in Are we to replace him with an even worse Lunatic? (Kerry)

  14. I heard the same kat I don't remember where. I am just upset at him Kerry, He comes back from a war and degrades the other soldiers who fought it!!!! That's not right. He also threw his medals away. I know Vietnam was a mess but Brave soldiers were over there none the less.

    Now I have seen news reports that show him not talking to reporters when boarding his plane for another campaign stop. What's he got to hide?? Or is he to good to talk to anyone?

  15. It always amazes me why states in these hurricane zones don't have some sort of set standards with regards ensuring that all houses are solidly built, all cables are underground, all precariously looking trees are uprooted or trimmed right back, warehouses full of sandbags ready to dispatch at a moments notice.

    This is Florida's third such storm in as many weeks and all you here about is the loss of lives and the billions of dollars damage. Get it sorted Jeb.

    Well as one who had a home on the East side of the Florida Turnpike in Homestead when Andrew blew in can say you would have had to cut down every tree and power poll in the area as they were all blown down. New homes, for the most part, did survive but when water gets into sheet rock and other building materials it all has to be replaced. And as said, standards have been further tightened. But that does no good for those older homes that have not been subject to a direct hit yet or the mobile homes which can never survive.

    Sandbags may help with river flooding but not of much use against storm surge and wind driven rain of a foot or two, except to trap the water and prolong flooding.

    As with everything in this life you have to compromise.

    Best wishes to Red and am sure the wife will be happy to miss this event.

    I watched the news and it looked like it has made it to shore Not sure I could not hear the reporter to well I also heard some more people have been killed by tornados. I hope Mr. Red is doing well but his wife must be worried by now. :o

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