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Posts posted by IamMaiC

  1. Who is Thai??  Mom or Dad??  My Mom is Thai

    Mom is Thai. You so rarely see couples where the man is Thai, although lately i've been seeing a lot of them. wonder what difficulties they have?

    I have not seen it yet Farang woman and Thai Man Mostly Farang Man and Thai Woman. I guess one day I will

  2. I read somewhere that some men like them because their are no games, Like with a bargirl. Some will try to get as much money as they can from you. Some Guys continue to send money to them after they have gone back to their home countrys. With ladyboys it's just sex that's it no games but that's what i read not sure if it's true or not :o

  3. How about the Thai's that shoot snot rockets out!!! I think that's why they made tissues for this.

    thats the foulest thing , especially when they dont make a complete and clean exit and they whiplash back onto the guys chin or shirt !! :o

    I saw a few women doing it!!! I said OK That's it I'm glad have not seen my wife do it If she does I hope she does it out of my eyesight.

  4. Or upload your photos at the Thaivisa Gallery:


    as george says, start an album at the http://www.thaivisa.com/gallery/ Thaivisa photo album.

    Save your pics there. If you want to post one in the forum open the photo album to the desired photo.

    Right click and then open properties, copy the url address and then go back to your original open thread.

    Hit the IMG button and paste the url into the dialog box, then click ok.

    IMG {http://www.thaivisa.com/albums/tukyleith_2/13_03_2004_2_11_01_AM.sized.jpg}


    I pasted this photo from my own photo album at thaivisa here- http://www.thaivisa.com/gallery/tukyleith_2

    good luck.

    Tukyleith which one is your wife ?? :o

  5. Hey just seeing if there are other half Thai/half Farangs living here. Do you prefer to date Thais or Farangs or both? I'm married to a Farang, never been interested in Thais. I also look just like a Farang, got the white genes.

    I asked this question before in a post I am half thai and half farang The thng is my wife says I am not Farang Farang is for white people :o Monkeygirl do you consider yourself Farang? According to Thai people that is the word for white people from another country not even other asians from another country are considered Farang even though they are! So confusing

    i know what farang means. and i said i look like farang, not that i am one. i consider myself leuk kreung. in english, i just say i am half Thai/half American. I can't get away with saying I'm Thai or I would stop at that. I'm just super-pale and have white girl features. :D

    Who is Thai?? Mom or Dad?? My Mom is Thai

  6. IamMaiC -- you must have had similar experiences recently, right?  Thanks for the concern.  You are right -- there is a sizable Thai/Vietnamese/Korean community here. 

    Yeah But I was lucky very lucky No Damage to house The only thing is Hurricane charley went through so fast Hurricane Frances was here way too long Hey Mr. Red is the Teerak lounge still there?? I use to go there alot I forgot the chinese place down the road but they had a bar in there also and karaoke I am married now but the choice in women was unbelieveable. :D Sad to hear more people have lost their lives to this bad storm :o

  7. not even other asians from another country are considered Farang even though they are!

    But farang, derived from Frank (as in France and Franconia), just means European, a wider generalisation than the Greek frankos.

    It does not mean foreigner? My dad is not from europe and he's called Farang by my wife's family :o

  8. Mr Red,

      If you need someone to call your wife, just pm me with her contact info and I'll have my wife give her a call. She's Thai and we would be glad to help. I grew up in Louisiana and Florida and know all about hurricanes and how bad they can be. Just let me know. Good luck, Kringle

    That's Cool Kringle I hope he gets back to you This Hurricane is strong I live in central florida and I know the areas Mr Red lives in very well but it's been years since i been up there. Big Thai Community Well Asian I should say :o


    Thai women are loyal and respect their husbands more than western women

    Family is very strong in Thai culture

    Thai women appreciate the support given by their husbands whereas western women take it for granted.

    This is why many marriages fail There is a time to talk and a time to listen There is also patience and trying to not lose your temper in a disagreement That was my problem with my former GF's

    When I met my wife there is a calmness to Thai's "Mai Pen Rai" Attitude?? I guess spending time with my wife it rubbed off on me, I had a short fuse before let little things bother me Simple things that a little time and effort could fix.

    Now I am alot calmer and don't let little things bother me as much as i use to

    I can see my wife is very loyal and I am blessed for that I am a Loyal man also Dont' like the games of playing around on someone. Like the old addage "Treat others just as you would like to be Treated" :o

  10. Hey just seeing if there are other half Thai/half Farangs living here. Do you prefer to date Thais or Farangs or both? I'm married to a Farang, never been interested in Thais. I also look just like a Farang, got the white genes.

    I asked this question before in a post I am half thai and half farang The thng is my wife says I am not Farang Farang is for white people :o Monkeygirl do you consider yourself Farang? According to Thai people that is the word for white people from another country not even other asians from another country are considered Farang even though they are! So confusing

  11. There is a website in the states called shadowlands.com it lists all the supposedly haunted sites in the US and I have been reading mostly about florida

    When I was in Thailand Last August 2003 I had a dream I was being chased I just kept running and running My Older brother was killed in an accident back in 1985 in Thailand Well back to the dream I finally was cornered by the person or animal that was chasing me It sounded like an animal, Then in the dream i turned around and saw my brother standing there It looked like he was about to change into something horrible, Then my wife woke me up. She wnted to know who Nirun was I was yelling that out loud and it started to scare her, That's my brothers name. She got so scared she started praying right there and then. I know this has nothing to do with ghost's or does it?? I only had that dream while i was in thailand and that was the first time It bothered me for a few days afterward, When I got back to the states This is the scary part My mom was cleaning my room for my return and she had accidently left my brothers picture on my bed!!!! It usually is on my night stand Spooky I have not had that dream again since my return to the states.

  12. I've seen quite a few men with ladyboys and even knew of one that married a ladyboy and moved him to Germany.

    Wonder though, what the attraction is. I mean, you're not really gay if you want a ladyboy are you, because they are cross-dressers or transsexuals. But yet, if you are straight, why not get a real girl?

    To each his own, just curious that's all.

    Some guys like the fact if the ladyboy has not changed themselves that everything is in one package I mean part man and part female My friends mom her son is a ladyboy he changed everything whenever they come over i politely excuse myself and drive to the nearest store :o

  13. Last year I walked the ground where the World Trade Center once stood. As a former bad mother######er who for the past thirty years has tried to follow the teachings of the Lord Buddha, I thought I was mentally and emotionally and spiritually prepared for anything this world could dish out, but nothing could have prepared me for that. I don't regret it ... it was something I had to do ... but I can never do it again in this lifetime.

    I have not been there yet Did you feel anything strange?? I have the first anniversary ceremonies on tape and when they started reading names it got very windy all of a sudden :o My mom said it was the people who died during the attacks :D

  14. I have looked on the internet for any thailand hauntings are there any websites??

    splitlid I work in an old hospital and i do believe it is haunted it is from the 1950's it is used as a services building now. My first night here the lady i was taking over for did not tell me anything about the place and I was walking down one of the halls and it felt to me like someone ran up behind me So I thought it was her joking around and turned around and said "Ok Good Joke" No One was behind me. :o

  15. Well I don't live in thailand that is why i was asking :D I have been to some places here in the states with friends but the police patrol the places very well and i do not want to get into trouble. but while i was at those places i got a very strange feeling.

    I work security in the US and supposedly the place i work at is haunted and I work the night shift 12:30 am to 8:30 am I never heard anything or seen anything but have seen the front doors(mechanical) open by themselves and the elevators go up and down by themselves. :o

  16. I'm not sure IamMAIC, I'm just a woman, not a sex counselor :o

    But as a woman, I will advise you to ask her. Every woman has different reasons, and these even vary according to the time of the month and sometimes have nothing to do with you at all (poor guys; sometimes I even feel sorry for you). Our horomones fluctuate according to our cycles, and sometimes the backup horomones are simply not there regardless of how sexy you may be at the moment. Men have similar fluctations, but theirs are on a daily (or even hourly?) cycle, rather than monthly like ours.

    With a wife, it is easier to find out, because you should be able to ask her about this and get an honest answer, or figure it out according to past history.

    With a new woman as in this case, and also a very young woman (who may not really know herself sexually, which can also be the case for an older woman as well), it can be what I stated previously, combined with the fact that maybe she is not really sexually attracted. Maybe her attraction is based on something else, and she goes right for the main course to get it over and done. Or as I said, maybe this is her only reference point for sexual encounters.

    Well i didn't want to get upset at her so i just enjoyed my time with her but i do understand what your saying :D yes mens "cycles" can happen more often mostly hourly i think :D Thanks for the answer

  17. Somehow I don't think this thread has turned into what Mouse intended! laugh.gif

    Thank you! Yes you are right. ADMIN please lock it, close it or whatever. I will try again another day when the children are playing with LEGO instead being on their Daddy's computer without permission. :D

    I have not scanned my wifes picture if it does get closed can i submit it the next time sorry mouse if i contributed to the mayhem :o

  18. Axel- if I recall Kerry used one of his swift boats and had Christmas in Thailand. (however the military says he never was in Thailand)

    How is that for thailand related?? (might be Cambodia, but close enuf right?)  :o:D

    is that aloud to use goverment property to travel for R@R? :D

    I believe for R&R, Pattaya and Pat Pong have been very popular, you can use government property as R&R is to re-establish your combat form. This is only a guess as I am no expert.

    Kerry left Vietnam in '69 and I have been to Pattaya in '73. Must have missed him, but hundreds of others have been there. Everybody did enjoy Thailand at that time. So britmaveric you might have something there.

    Must have somewhere old pictures, me paragliding over Pattaya bay. If I find them will check what boat was used to pull me. :D

    He left when i was born I wonder if he's my dad?? :D-_-:wub:

  19. One other thing: It could also be that she may be uncomfortable or embarrassed to have erotic attention placed on herself, which is necessary to receive pleasure, and therefore deflects it by going straight for penetration.

    You know my wife did that i was going to "pay some extra attention to her" and she stopped me but she did that to me Why is that?

  20. Hear Hear Kat Many women only think of the BF or Husband I have to make him happy they think But women forget about themselves, It is nice to have foreplay shows you care and respect the person you love but sometimes you just want to get to the main course :o

  21. Nothing worse than all those overweight Farang girls, strutting their stuff in Thailand....yuk.......

    They should all be weighed at Bangkok International cust/imm ...any over 52 kg..

    entry denied..... :D

    Well in that case they should deny entry to all the fat, balding, old farang guys with less than 10 million baht in their bank account.

    Monkeygirl calm down :D there will come a time when they weigh them in when they arrive at don muang :o

  22. A Thai friend of mine was diagnosed HIV positive 4 years ago. She was infected by an old Thai boyfriend. He is now unfortunately dead.

    Her first CD4 count was around 400. Two years later it had dropped to 40. Her future looked pretty bleak.

    However, with a change in medication, her latest count has improved to over 650. When she first was taking ARV drugs, the medication was costing her 3,000 Baht a month. A huge sum for a Thai. It now costs her 30 Baht a month.

    Bearing in mind Mr. T's address to the recent HIV summit in Bangkok, I have been appalled to read recent press reports that Thailand is seriously considering signing an agreement with The States to stop producing these drugs here and therefore protect the "investments" made by the pharmaceutical giants.

    Does anyone feel the same way? And, more to the point, in reality is there anything anyone can do to stop this potential madness?

    Last I heard, there were about 700,000 HIV positive Thais. I find it hard to believe that the Thai govt. would leave these people in the lurch - dieing because they can't afford the drugs. There are other sources of the drugs - for instance India. A company called Cipla produced antiretroviral drugs and got into court battles with big Pharma. If the Thai govt is going to prevent the production of cheap life-saving medicines in country, one would hope there would be one he11 of a stink about it.

    I saw recently a program on HBO don't know how accurate it is showed a Thai woman She originally was a massage girl didn't do anything extra for the customers but then she got advice from friends they told her work in bar you make more money than just do massage.

    They showed a picture of her when the program started I never seen a Thai woman so beautiful as her, So she went and worked in one of the bars and contracted aids, They showed her later on after the disease was doing damage to her body. She looked like a totally different person

    She was in some place that took care of AIDS patients but she wanted to be with her family She had a son also They lived in issan somewhere, They showed her going back to see her family and they were shocked at what they saw.

    Her Father had his reservations about why she was making so much money just doing massages, She had sent 10,000 baht to them once. The remainder of the show showed her gradually getting worse until she died. very sad. her son was only 9 yrs old Had a father but no idea where he was.

    They also showed on the program another place where they kept aids patients One person talking to the film crew explained that those peoples families just dropped them off there and left. :o

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