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Posts posted by phitsanulokjohn

  1. You can get a re-entry permit any time. No need to wait until you plan to take a trip.

    The notification of staying in Thailand longer than 90 days can be made up to 15 days before and 7 days after the due date.

    I have my doubts about the seven days after the due date.I'd sent it in via post last year and it was two days late, as the King's birthday was between.

    While three younger immigration officers told me that a warning would be okay, their boss a pretty much disliked officer at Phiboonmangsahan Immigr ( already gone, thank god) then fined me 2,000 baht plus a stamp in my passport.

    I know that most Immigration have their own rules, but I'd certainly make sure that they receive it in time.-.wai2.gif

    I bet the 2k made his pocket happier.

  2. If 1 month ago you bought a condo for 3 million bhat at 30 bhat to 1 USD it cost you S100,000 USD

    Now it is 32 bhat to the USD so you lost $6250.00 USD in 1 month your condo is worth $93750.00

    This happened in USA and I have a very bad feeling for Thailand. My nepher bought a $375,000 home in florida for $84,000 3 years ago. I saw many people walk away from their home because they owed more on their house than it was worth.

    Exactly correct.

    That was all part of the US sub-prime mortgage scam that caught out a lot of the western banks who were all throwing their own savers money into it and anyone could buy a house and get a mortgage if they had a job for more than 3 months.

    Then the bubble burst, the yanks walked away and threw the keys at the mortgage lenders which spelled the end for the likes of Fannie May and Freddie Mac the two most rampant lenders who file for bankruptcy on the same day which basically halved the property market prices in a month. May I add that both these organizations were US government sponsored, which is why the US taxpayer was forced to bail out the institutions.

    The exact same thing is happening now and I would say we were less than a year at worst and 2 years at best from an almighty collapse.

    But the Thais will not learn from the mistakes of the west. My wife regularly gets phone calls from our banks offering loans etc... We don't need any loans, but they still ask.

    I just shake my head and smile, because there is nothing else I can do.

    Wait till people start losing their jobs and the banks start calling their money in,or worse the banks start to collapse and the baht's not worth a toss.It's not difficult to predict what'll happen next.Banks have just announced an interest rate cut,lovely for all us farangs.

  3. This from a country where the national sport is invading other countries and toppling legitimate governments to be replaced by American puppet governments. Methinks America should keep it's big mouth shut

    Not disagreeing: My federal government is out of control, and has been for quite a long while now. It's just that, as a Brit, you should demonstrate a little more humility, given your own bloody history.

    How far back in history are you wanting to go? Give Texas back to Mexico and I'll be quiet - not only Britain that has done bad things. Tell us how America saved the World in WWII by coming in during the last few years or so of conflict, tell us again how you were so successful in Vietnam (and while we're at it we can ask the people of Laos how they feel when they are still losing lives to unexploded ordnace and landmines put there by the US? Or how Cambodians feel about how you bombed the snot out of them and allowed Polpot to take control of the country? Tell me again what Brtain has done to slaughter people in the last 20 years like the good ol' boys of the USA?

    They joined the US in all of the recent wars. Duh. Either step out of your cave, or don't get piss drunk and start typing on forums with Yanks that saved your Grand daddy's life.

    Thank you so much for saving our grand daddy's lives.Apologies for the uk not being silly enough to get involved in Vietnam to save your Grand daddy's lives.

    Interesting to note how the US can't even take a dump before consulting with the UK first,also interesting to note Obama's latest big rhetoric on what he was going to do to Syria till all of a sudden the UK said no,creating a nice dollop of egg on Obama's face,when faced with having to do a u-turn coz none of his buddies fancied it.We're not quite as silly as you look.

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  4. My dearest Mister Thak-SIN

    the man with all the DOUGH

    a citizen of the world

    with no place left to go

    it's time to come on back now

    to confront all your poo

    but always remembering

    your country still KNEADS you

    so stop being a coward

    it's not funny anymore

    the real red shirt leader

    but yellow at to the core

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