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Posts posted by phitsanulokjohn

  1. I don't suppose anyone is fond of rejection,but the Thai guys seem to take it to the extreme.If it happened to me,I'd just move on,as upsetting as it may be.Here it is about their pride or loss of face.So the upshot is because he's lost his face,2 have lost their lives.

    Crazy mentality and a dispicable act.Hope he's apprehended swiftly.

    RIP to the poor lady and her unborn child.

  2. he should go to Netherland, where euthanasia is legal, he would get a shot instead of jumping to death, poor guy RIP

    And who was it that gave Holland or Switzerland for that matter, the right to play God?...RIP fellow countryman.

    so for people who get ALS, cancer, who live on artificial breathing, you think it is not humane to get a shot?

    stupid guy you are, come on.....that is humane way to go if you suffer too much....

    Well if I'm a stupid guy,that must make God more stupid in your opinion.There are no if's or buts in number 6/10 commandments.We are humans not animals,we have morphine to take care of the pain.I understand this is a huge debate,but in our sweet little freedom of speech socalled democracy,i'm entitled to my opinion as much as you are yours,which I respect but don't agree with.

  3. Please resign yourself to the fact that there are NO safe forms of transport in the Los.It makes not the slightest difference,that you may or may not be the greatest driver in the world,if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    A large pick up is obviously stronger than a motorcycle or small car,but will be crushed like a soda can if hit by a bus.Thailand doesn't get ranked number 2 in the world for road accidents for nothing.The driving standard here is diabolical at best,and the likelyhood of an accident is real.You can only do your best,I appreciate that,but at the end of the day the reality of driving here is that you are a participant in a lottery.

  4. Very!!!!

    I simply put it down to Thai's

    being extremely self centered...

    That seems like a huge negative Thai bashing comment, but it's not intended that way.

    I'm very close with my In laws... But their interest in their

    daughter's and Grandson's life is a polar opposite to my folks in the UK.

    I put it do

    wn to simply cultural difference..


    If we've been on a holiday My Mother wants to know everything

    down to what we had for breakfast. Conversely my Thai In laws are not even interested in thr slightest.

    Excellent spot on post Richard...Only to add,just wait and see if their not interested in making conversation if it's about money and it looks like coming their way.Their conversation goes from almost being a dumb mute to someone on speed.

  5. shocking. sad. avoidable. but will anything be done to stop repeated such accidents? no.

    if such things were happening in my country i am certain enough people would care enough to do something about it. here, bizarrely, no one does.

    Of course you are correct.To some Thais

    Losing money or the prospect of,is more important than the loss of life.RIP.

  6. So if the

    people vote in June to leave Europe where will that leave all these cases quoting the European Laws?

    The European Convention of Human Rights and it's court have nothing to do with the European Union.They were established by the Council of Europe, of which the UK is a founder member, in 1950.The Council of Europe currently has 47 members, including all 28 members of the EU.The UK was a member of the ECtHR long before we joined what was then the EEC and will still be if we leave the EU.So even if the UK does leave the EU, that will have no effect on this case nor any other human rights cases or legislation in the UK.

    Not 100% correct.It may well have an effect read this article.


    On another note,why does it take up to 6 months to reach a decision?

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