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Posts posted by phitsanulokjohn

  1. Thank you all for your replies.Yes I had also heard it was to accomodate 400cc and above.This all came about when the 18 year old lad was decapitated after crashing his Honda Cbr 650 at a supposed 200km per hour in Bangkok a few weeks ago.

    I'm all for biking education,but after holding my licence for so long,I'd feel pretty insulted having to take another test,but if that's the way the proposal ends up then so be it.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    "... U.S. President Donald Trump received a letter from North Korean leader Kim JongUn asking for a second meeting and the White House is already looking at scheduling one, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said on Monday..."


    I am one of the people who does not like Trump yet is very willing to see him have a go at finding some sort of solution to the situation in N Korea; nothing else has worked to date, so I am happy for him to give it a go.


    That said, a meeting with the President of the United States is no small thing; for that, there needs to be some identifiable, legitimate progress towards a solution of the nuclear question. I see NO evidence of progress.


    If Kim Young Fat Boy wants another meeting to make himself look good, then he should demonstrate identifiable, irrevocable, concrete steps towards de-nuclearization first.


    Or, will Trump the unqualified moron allow himself to be played again...



    I am one of the people who does not like Trump yet is very willing to see him have a go at finding some sort of solution to the situation in N Korea; nothing else has worked to date, so I am happy for him to give it a go.



    I echo 

    5 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    "... U.S. President Donald Trump received a letter from North Korean leader Kim JongUn asking for a second meeting and the White House is already looking at scheduling one, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said on Monday..."


    I am one of the people who does not like Trump yet is very willing to see him have a go at finding some sort of solution to the situation in N Korea; nothing else has worked to date, so I am happy for him to give it a go.


    That said, a meeting with the President of the United States is no small thing; for that, there needs to be some identifiable, legitimate progress towards a solution of the nuclear question. I see NO evidence of progress.


    If Kim Young Fat Boy wants another meeting to make himself look good, then he should demonstrate identifiable, irrevocable, concrete steps towards de-nuclearization first.


    Or, will Trump the unqualified moron allow himself to be played again...



    I am one of the people who does not like Trump yet is very willing to see him have a go at finding some sort of solution to the situation in N Korea; nothing else has worked to date, so I am happy for him to give it a go.



    I echo you're sentiments entirely about Trump,but just meeting fat boy kim, he's achieved more than any other US President by meeting a N.Korean leader, and if that brings about peace that can only be a good thing.

    Shame his wife Melania isn't the president,now that's someone I could look at all day.

  3. Hi all

    Sorry can't seem to find the answer I'm looking for on the net,so any imput would be helpful.

    I hold Thai licence's for both bike and car.I've also held  full Uk bike and car licence's for over 40 years.

    I never had to take a car test to obtain my Thai licence here,they just looked at my uk licence and issued it to me within an hour.

    Will the same apply for obtaining a big bike licence or will I have to take a test?

  4. On 8/7/2015 at 3:46 PM, azerty66 said:

    I do not know the price. That is why I was asking in my post...

    The guys at the chop had no clue. Apparently they have to wait “a bike show in August in Bkk”.... Buy maybe some of you guys know the price already???

    And what about quality? How do the 150cc from Stallons perform?

    Dear fellow biker.

    Just a bit of friendly advice from someone who's been, and still is in the saddle after 40 happy years of biking.

    I can only guess the price will be somewhere in the 120-150k for the bike in question.I'm also not sure whether or not it's a Thai company or the Chinese who make them.Although I suspect as another poster wrote,that the nuts and bolts were rusting after only being in the rain for 3 days,that they originate from China.

    My advice to you is,for the amount of money you are looking to spend,you would be far better buying a well cared for,lowish mileage Japanese bike.Over my 40 years of riding I have owned bikes from all of the four Japanese manufacturers,and apart from useables,tyres,brakes, batteries etc etc,have never had any problems with them.In fact I have never owned anything but Japanese bikes.

    Whatever you choose I wish you well,just stay safe.

  5. 1 hour ago, colinneil said:

    Well i beg to differ, overstayers are making things more difficult.

    Now being paraplegic it is almost impossible for me to do my 90 report, for the last 4 years my wife has done it.

    Now last week it was due, my wife was extremely busy at work, silly bloody meetings, mainly nonsense ( IN MY OPINION ), So a friend offered to do it for me, he would be doing his own at the same time.

    Well at Khonkaen immigration office io at first refused to do mine, he needs to come himself, he is paraplegic cannot come, well his wife has to do, she is busy at work.

    He was told that many farangs make problems for immigration, failing to do 90 day reports, failing to get extentions, so we have to see him in here.

    This nonsense went on for several minutes, then she relented and did it, but next time  he has to come himself or his wife with doctors cert saying he is disabled.


    Not a very nice response from the kk io.Only a suggestion Colin,would it not be easier for you to submit it online?

    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    Hey! Elon! You watching?


    This is what real pedo looks like.

    Too right Nanlaew.

    Have a go at a real one Mr Elon-gated Musk,not someone who's been very instrumental in the rescue of 13 kids,or do you tar every man who chooses to live here with the same brush?all coz your ego's been dented when your little P.R stunt got exposed.

    Musk? That's an anagram of Sukm ain't it?

  7. 2 hours ago, KittenKong said:

    Is this a Thai card or a foreign one?

    My Thai card had to be specifically activated for online use, and the limit altered from zero, before it would work online. All done by me on a website that wasnt even the main bank website, and it took me several days to find out that it was necessary as it was not something that I had ever come across before or was expecting.

    Never had any trouble with my UK cards though.

    I done exactly the same two days back at my local scb.

    Had my debit card for almost 10 years and had never made an online purhase in Thailand.I did try however four nights back and it got rejected.

    Looked online where I was able to activate my card for online shopping,tried to activate it,message came back you need to go to the bank and get a new card.Next day at the bank,upon producing my passport,I was issued with a new card which I wasn't charged for,or maybe that will be debited at a later date.

    3 things to note.There appears to be a much higher daily withdrawal limit,my wife says up to 500,000 a day,but I can't see that myself.

    Second, is the card is now only valid for 5 instead of 10 years.

    Third,you now have to create a 6 instead of 4 pin number.

    Yes works fine now for worldwide online shopping.

    • Like 1
  8. Just had a phone call from a  mate of mine who resides in Pattaya.

    He's always kept himself single,preferring one night stands in the lady bars,so I suppose it was only a matter of time imo.

    He's just tested positive for Hiv on a visit to Spain to see his Mother,and is due to return to los next month.Doctor in Spain advised him to go back to the Uk and speak to a doctor there,but apparently he needs to return to Thailand early next month.

    He's asked me to find out as much as I can, so I've scoured the net,but can't seem to find out anything specifically relating to European foreigners.

    He has a medical card and work permit as he has a company,and has been paying into the Thai social security system for approx 18 months.

    Under this scheme will his meds be free of charge?

    Any help would be appreciated

  9. Is it just their "Mai pen rai" attitude,or is it just a laziness on the part of the Thai's not to want to educate themselves in the affairs of the world?

    As westerners we need to know whats occuring,as our personal invesments i.e shares,bonds,commodities etc all depend on world affairs.

    There is no way which is right or wrong,the way that suits the individual is best,providing the said individual's way is not imposing something detrimental onto others.

    I very much like the Thai's "What will be,will be attitude"coz "What's the use of worrying,it never was worthwhile" after all everything's "Que sera sera".

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, manhood said:

    Pattaya is as many places in Thailand just a dump hole and authoroties not care about anything then filling up their pocklets as much as they can.

    Some drown tourists...who cares.TAT is having  soon a new marketing slogan the trashed beaches!

    I wonder somebody still put his feet in that dirty water!

    You're so right manhood.

    World class resort?Do me a favour.Glad I made the move up to Phitsanulok 15 years ago.Pattaya was bad enough then,hence the move North,and a move I've never regretted.

  11. 16 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    It is semi true.


    In a true, life-or-death  emergency wherein it is not possible to transfer them elsewhere they may receive care at any government hospital...though that hospital will want to transfer them to their home area once they have stabilized. Anyone in that situation who is asked to pay should immediately call the NHSO office and complain - but only if it was really an emergency that made returning home impossible. Call center 1330.


    Otherwise, they must receive care at the hospital which is designated for the area where they are listed in a tabian ban (house registration book) or any other facility that this hospital refers them to. Such referral is generally given only if the care needed is not available at the home hospital and will not be to any hospital of choice, but rather to the designated nearest referral site in the public health system. That said, I have known cases where hospitals have been a bit flexible on it if the patient or family specifically requested a different location due to where he/she worked. This varies by hospital, some are much more accomodating than others, and it also varies with what the condition was.


    The system operates on a capitation basis not a fee for service basis - hospitals receive a flat amount annually for each person living in their catchment area. They do not receive anything  specific to the amount or cost of treatment provided. If people could freely go to any hospital, any place, certain hospitals would have a large funding excess and others would be rapidly bankrupted, not to mention overrun in terms of manpower and space. It would be complete chaos, hence the rules. This is not an unusual approach and many national health systems operate on a somewhat similar basis.


    What makes it problematic is that many, many Thais live somewhere other than where they are listed in a tabian ban, sometimes hundreds or kilometers away. It is possible to change tabian ban listing but it is a hassle and many do not bother. This in turn leads to problems when health care is required, as they then have to travel to their home province. Which in turn much increases the time needed to take off from work, especially if the distance is far, as people will want to stay put back home until their condition is completely resolved.





    Well explained Post Sheryl.

  12. On 31/01/2018 at 2:00 PM, Toscano said:

    My mother used to say , " A mother is always a mother , no matter how old her children become " .

    Absolutely correct.

    I've always said  hypothetically,that if I was 133 years old,and a knock come on the door and it was my 100 year old daughter who said to me "Dad I've got trouble"I would still feel obliged to help her,as would any decent compassionate parent.

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