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Posts posted by phitsanulokjohn

  1. This old chestnut again...

    Bloody good post mate,full of common sense.

    Shows that If you do everything by the book,you have nothing to worry about.Served me well for almost 30 years here.

    I have worked in and around the Dive Industry in LOS for more than 20 years - the solution to preventing the problems in the OP are easy.

    only work in accordance with the conditions stated in you work permit.

    In other words:-

    1. Only carry out the work designated in your work permit.

    1.1 Have Dive Instructor listed as your main job description

    1.2 Have teaching water sports added as another job description in the same work permit

    The general rule for not falling foul of the your job description designation is:-

    If you need to carry out other duties that are not obviously covered by your existing job description - then have them added to you work permit - your lawyer can do this for you.

    2. Only work at the specific location listed in your work permit.

    2.2 List the Dive Center as one location for Academics

    2.3 List the swimming pool as another location. List Swimming pools at hotels as a more general location description.

    2.4 List Andaman Sea, Koh Phi Phi, Gulf of Siam etc (as necessary) as additional work locations

    If you need to work at locations not precisely listed in your work permit - then get your lawyer to add these additional locations

    My own work permit is annotated above plus other duties have been added such as the repairing of scuba gear, compressors, engineering work that I often get called out to - It took a long time to slowly get my work and locations properly described in the WP and now results in zero hassles at all when inspected by the WP police.

    As an example of how nit-picking the WP police can get - I was caught up in a raid of dive shop employees in a large dive shop spread over several shop units. It was a big operation with 153 Intern Instructors and 7 big dive boats out at the weekend. The WP police obviously sniffed the cash flow and sprung a serious raid with a mini-bus of peaked hats going over everyone and everything. Interestingly, they even wanted to check that each individual townhouse that made up the dive shop was listed in my WP - else 'big problems for me' They were. No issues.

    Other obvious no-no's

    Do not get involved in carrying boxes of dive gear or any other obvious manual labor in the public view - since manual labor by foreigners either paid or unpaid is general forbidden under Thai labor law, even with a work permit.

    Ensure the Dive Co understands the rules (They will get fined a fortune too if you get caught) - convince them to pay a 3rd world laborer or the boat boy(whoever) hanging around on the peer 100 Baht to load the fkin boat, while you sit and drink a coffee with the customers. This is small money for peace of mind and allows you to give better service.

    Now, from experience, I know the comments here will get poo-poo'd by the usual knuckle dragging tattoo faced scum bags who run many of the Dive Centers in this dear country - who know better - but gents(unless you have friends in the sky) you (as well as your instructors) will get fined or gouged for a huge amount of cash under the Alien Business Law (N.E.C. Announcement 281) so sort your sh#t out or pay the piper.

    To close - Cheers - and have a great day diving.:wai2:

  2. Happy new year to you also and congratulations,keep up the good work.Alcohol is at best just about ok,but the key word is "Moderation".If one cannot drink moderately then it's best left alone.At worst it's the cause of deaths,accidents&the ruination of families.

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