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Everything posted by bannork

  1. I feel sorry for Charles but what can you do when your son has lost his marbles? Wait for them to return. They always follow gravity, as any 60s kid who built a marble run in his desk knows. One day Harry will wake up. Patience, Charles. In the meantime, don't invite them. Harry will employ a ghostwriter to pen at least an article, perhaps a book about the event: ' Always the Bridesmaid, never the Bride.' The pain of being the spare! The freedom, knowing you'll never have to take serious responsibility for anything. The money, the privileges for nothing but accidental birth. Oh, how it hurts! Washing the family's dirty linen in public for money is despicable. Let him stay in the US and reflect.
  2. Hilarious action by Westminster Council
  3. Essex pessimism. Last year was a good year for rain, I believe this one will be too because I saw a fire fly last night flitting around the living room. The beers and whisky I had consumed earlier had nothing to do with my scientific observation.
  4. Those birds are there every night. The buffalo got sick multiple times, at least that's what the daughter said, so sadly he bought the farm.
  5. Deportation of thousands of locals from Zaporizhzhia.
  6. Russians fighting with shovels https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64855760
  7. The birds at the hospital at sunset are amazing, the volume! I wonder if they are sparrows. There seems to be so many, I wonder why the need for so much chatter at sunset, perhaps comparing which wards' bins offered the best leftovers?
  8. Because NATO is the collective force of the West which strongly opposes the barbaric invasion of Ukraine by Russia.
  9. More ammo for Ukraine. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64837699
  10. That's why there is NATO, an alliance to defend itself against Russian imperialism and barbarism, and the West has every right to supply weapons to Ukraine to defend itself.
  11. One reason Russia is not collecting its dead or even wounded from the battlefield may be to avoid payment to the widows back home. He's MIA not KIA.
  12. Don't you mean war crimes against those fighting Russia?
  13. The Indian plum tree, mabrang in Thai ตันมะปราง. It flowered before the mangoes so I had really given up hope of any fruit but still some are emerging!
  14. The lychee doing okay . Below that a mango tree doing okay. I forget which species this tree is, the fruit is the most delicious of the mango varieties imo
  15. Russian state TV discussing Russian imperialist ambitions
  16. Always loved this, an oxymoron perhaps, 'Fresh Garbage '. Can someone explain the meaning?
  17. I'd like to amend that last paragraph slightly- 'needless to say, offspring in abundance sending money home, is essential.....'
  18. I mentioned this to Owl a few weeks back. The problem was the trees flowered when it was still cold, resulting in zero insects to pollinate them. Fortunately we have a variety of mango trees and some have flowered later and are now producing fruit. But yes, our crop will be way down this year. On the plus side, our Indian plum tree has produced some fruit after I erroneously assumed the flowers had died. And the lychee flowers are being pollinated okay
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