Jatupon's a bit slow. It's been as plain as day ever since Thaksin's landslide win back at the beginning of the millennium that he has no interest in democracy' it's not my goal', as he said.
The red shirts were simply one part of his arsenal, buying up as many MPs ( 80 MPs from NAP, if I recall right), was another.
He once explained his political strategy to be like his phone business- dominate the market, take over rivals so opposition is weak.
Who can forget the pathetic spectacle of Jatupon, Nattawut and Viera negotiating with Abhisit about dissolving Parliament for an election but unable to reach a decision before the big boss, the man with the money, gave the go ahead.
The red shirts were always just a tool to enable Thaksin to return, the talk of democracy just a cover.
Pheua Thai would join Prawit at the drop of a hat if it meant Thaksin could come back.
Advertised as reconciliation to move the country forward beyond the colour coded politics, the idealistic Red Shirts will turn their back on Thaksin, disgusted but the vast majority of rural red shirts won't give a flying fluck as long as the populist policies continue to flow