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Everything posted by bannork

  1. Sheer exhuberation above and below.
  2. And now the UK's like A setting sun, Exports gone, gone. The damage done.
  3. Russian officer reveals the torture of Ukrainians by fellow Russian soldiers. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64470092
  4. Ex Tory donor admits Brexit is a pile of old croc.
  5. Now I understand why Russian soldiers steal Ukrainian washing machines.
  6. Exactly, till the money runs out. My meaning being their own money, money they've borrowed either through selling/ mortgaging land and /or vehicles, loan shark money, and money borrowed from friends and family.
  7. I guess he gave her the shirt off his own back.
  8. Regarding Sor por kor. All our area is still sor por kior, and yet there are plenty of houses, permanent structures, when they're in close proximity they're called a village! When does gardening become farming? Is size the deciding factor or is it farming is supposed to be commercially viable? I don't know, but I do know for me there's a lot of pleasure in growing trees and plants, especially here in the tropics where things grow all year round. I'm a softie, when I see a sapling that is still struggling after 6 months, I should really pull it up and buy anew. But I can't. I planted it, it's my duty to help it grow. Okay, I admit it, I do at times talk to the growing plants/ trees. Words of encouragement and praise. Not much different to bringing kids up except the plants behave better.
  9. Leave him now, in my experience Thai gamblers only stop when the money runs out.
  10. No, the land from which the Forestry Officials cut down the Burmese hardwood had been Sor Poor Kor land for a long time in his family.1'm going to talk to the village headman and get the daughter to talk to the Forestry Department in Udon.
  11. Plans one Russian oligarch had once Ukraine was seized.
  12. Last Friday some workers from the Forestry Department cut down some ต้นประดู่ Burmese hardwood trees from a neighbour's land giving him a derisory 500 baht a tree, claiming they had the right because the land's status is สปก sor bor kor officially state land but families are given the right to farm it and must pass it down to their descendants ( officially). I was told their actions were illegal if the family have held the land over 10 years- they all have around here. If they come for my ต้นพะยูง Siamese rosewood, I'll chain myself to the trees. Rise up tree huggers!
  13. A shame his voice is disguised, it makes it hard to listen to. I like this video of yours, lamenting the loss of military life on both sides. Of course regarding civilian suffering - loss of life, homes, livelihoods, the suffering has all been one way, the Ukrainians. What a stupid war, all due to one idiot's delusions of empire building. Until he and his ilk in Russia are gone, I fear the senseless slaughter will continue.
  14. The stupidity of Putin. https://m.economictimes.com/news/international/business/russia-cant-replace-europe-no-matter-how-much-oil-india-buys/articleshow/97415062.cms
  15. Pravit is Thaksin's only hope. Without his support, and from those above, he has no hope of returning as a free man
  16. You don't think Thaksin and Pheua Thai would join hands with Pravit and fellow coup supporters if it meant bringing Thaksin home?
  17. Jatupon's a bit slow. It's been as plain as day ever since Thaksin's landslide win back at the beginning of the millennium that he has no interest in democracy' it's not my goal', as he said. The red shirts were simply one part of his arsenal, buying up as many MPs ( 80 MPs from NAP, if I recall right), was another. He once explained his political strategy to be like his phone business- dominate the market, take over rivals so opposition is weak. Who can forget the pathetic spectacle of Jatupon, Nattawut and Viera negotiating with Abhisit about dissolving Parliament for an election but unable to reach a decision before the big boss, the man with the money, gave the go ahead. The red shirts were always just a tool to enable Thaksin to return, the talk of democracy just a cover. Pheua Thai would join Prawit at the drop of a hat if it meant Thaksin could come back. Advertised as reconciliation to move the country forward beyond the colour coded politics, the idealistic Red Shirts will turn their back on Thaksin, disgusted but the vast majority of rural red shirts won't give a flying fluck as long as the populist policies continue to flow
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