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Everything posted by bannork

  1. I love the rainy season, verdant green run rampant everywhere upcountry, but out here in the fields there is one fly/ mosquito/ hornet in the ointment. Strimmers/ bushwhackers run rampant. From every direction the revved up, grating sound of strimmers echoes across the landscape, disturbing the tranquility of birds calling each other and dogs barking in the distance. Still, there is one consolation, come November, the strimmers will fall silent.
  2. If you can't retreat, surrender Ruskies. Live to fight another day and overthrow Putin.
  3. The Ukranians aren't going to stop fighting in the provinces illegally annexed by Putin, so having threatened to use nuclear weapons, if Putin doesn't use them, he'll lose face/ credibility big time, especially if the Russians lose Lyman. His reference to Hiroshima and Nagasaki makes me wonder if he's thinking a couple of nuclear bombs will bring Ukraine to its knees like Japan in 1945. But what would NATO do in that scenario?
  4. https://youtu.be/uwiTs60VoTM
  5. Seriously, did anyone expect the ruling to be different?
  6. And everyone has phones nowadays. If these mobilised troops end up getting slaughtered, there's going to be many angry families in Russia. The ones who don't want to fight should surrender immediately and offer to help rebuild Ukraine rather than languish in a P.O.W camp.
  7. China will hold all the cards if Russia can only sell gas to the East. Bargain basement prices for sure. https://www.csis.org/analysis/can-russia-execute-gas-pivot-asia
  8. Perhaps the Russians did it to show the West that their new Norway- Poland gas pipeline, nearby, is not immune to attack.
  9. Perhaps the Russians did it to show the West that their new Norway- Poland gas pipeline, nearby, is not immune to attack.
  10. Liz Truss, you are clearly not up to the job. Please, for your own well being, call it a day and call a general election.
  11. Fiona Hill reckons Putin is sending a signal to the West. ' Hey you know that new gas pipeline of yours running from Norway to Poland? It runs quite close to those pipelines that had four nasty accidents. It would be a shame if the same thing happened to it'.
  12. One should swing cats before throwing them, as in throwing the discus. Cat lovers quote their ability to keep rats at bay to justify their blatant laziness and whining for food, akin to a useless brother-in-law of mine, (substitute lao khao for food), but there are ways to cull the rat population that don't involve cats.. Been digging out banana trees infected with the deadly Panama disease, rotting bases of the stems. A piece of cake in the rainy season as the soil is loose and the rotting stem easily disintegrates under the blows of the trusted 'jorb' However, there is one drawback, the army of tiny ants feasting off the rotting vegetation. They're minute but they bite well above their weight and they're in their thousands, marching up your Wellington boots to the legs, etc Not a stinging sensation like red/ black ants but a vigorous itch that requires bathing the affected area to relieve the irritation. I wonder what these ants are called
  13. 'I coming back, absolutely, I'll be back. It won't be long now, before the end of the year.' (Announced annually from 2009-2022).
  14. A lot of Russians are singing along to this currently https://youtu.be/LUpBSvN1a50
  15. https://youtu.be/pJh9OLlXenM
  16. An interesting view on how Ukraine can win the war.
  17. https://twitter.com/JakeCordell/status/1573647765082628096?t=-zv9PNabVWeuvc26at4wvg&s=19
  18. https://twitter.com/JakeCordell/status/1573647765082628096?t=MYcLNUYxQW_z8oUduQRGaQ&s=19
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