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Everything posted by IAMHERE

  1. Beautiful snake. You couldn't pay me enough to catch them. Snake catchers got my respect and well wishes.
  2. Doubtful even then. Most likely the China tourist will be reimbursed medical expenses the next day and have a dog bow wow wai.
  3. Well, it will be nice to find that the FDIC monies are really available for their intended use and been 'borrowed' by the Fed already. I'm betting nobody is made 'whole' until Congress agrees to increase the 'never to be paid back' debt limit yet again. I hope there is a Thai equivalent to FDIC. I've got a bit over 800,000 baht at stake.
  4. Not part of my job, just everyday getting along with folks. I got good at it, then around early to mid 60's the ability started to wane.
  5. Why stop them? Did they have baht on them? The problem of being in Thailand would of been solved.
  6. I spent years learning to fake Giving a <deleted>; pretend empathy and all that. Hope this not giving a Fart is easier mode to get into. I'm thinking in order to get good at it I have to put the donkey before the cart or something.
  7. Bad news about the S-Bend barber shop, I too enjoyed the pampering for small change.
  8. From those according to their ability and to those according to their need.
  9. Try no 'air horns' after 11PM to start with.
  10. I can understand, four out of over a Billion is easy to overlook. What is the penalty for wearing a school uniform anyway? Now if they was vaping I'd have an idea how much.
  11. Those days are gone. Everything is racial now days unless you are African.
  12. Let's hope so, she may get fired from her job for no reason of her own.
  13. Story indicated the Romanian had 1800 baht on him; that's enough to get you from Khao San area to Koh Kood ?
  14. Wish Smile would of added a route map or website with a map.
  15. If it is dry season then I wonder why so much water is wasted in about 5 weeks from now?
  16. It appears from the video that he may not have been the first to go over the tracks, another bike is ahead of him in that lane.
  17. If no card then the question would be why, where is it. Wonder if they finger printed Tangmo's car now.
  18. I'd of thought the perp would of cleared out of the area. Wonder now if this was just a misunderstanding of some sort.
  19. With drunks fights do start from nothing. In this case the Canadian was trying to steal a Thai's livelihood, use force to obtain a service without paying, any number of other charges. You can not hold your liquor you should be Red Carded out of the country.
  20. Wouldn't that depend on where on the head was the 'hit' and if he was found that side down or up? I mean being found face down and an injury to the back of the head could be fowl play.
  21. I have found that sarcasm doesn't translate or travel very well.
  22. I always thought formaldehyde was an aging agent.
  23. I thought she died fairly quickly in a automobile crash. No one knows her dying wishes, I'd think.
  24. Wonderful example of weasel words and misdirection. Don't attribute to malice when stupidity will do. Some dummy used the wrong frequency on the microwaves used to activate hidden eavesdropping equipment in the embassies. Of course even if it was meant to do harm its not necessarily a weapon.
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