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Everything posted by IAMHERE

  1. Lots of Chinese DNA in the Thai genepool. Treat the Chinese nice or they'll take over the place. See what happened to eastern Ukraine with so many Russians entering & living there. There isn't a place on earth that the immigrants haven't tried to recreate where they came from.
  2. I hardly believe the number 3 as used by the mass media. One flew over Hawaiian Islands and crash landed into the Pacific. Another flew over part of Texas and then it flew over Florida (that is two instances). That one for Hawaii and another gets sited twice, so that makes 3. The Pentagon is lying via obfuscations, again.
  3. Love it when a 'well known' UK paper comments on politics in America. They should have put more effort in to commenting on Brexit before the vote. BTW, most Americans would vote for Meghan and Harry for Queen King.
  4. Let's cross reference those countries with the countries that do the most athletic drugs.
  5. And how do we know that it is a weather balloon? It could be carrying a 500 pound fake bomb as a test run to get an EMP bomb over USA at some future lost wayward weather balloon incident. Trust the Chinese with you life isn't my motto. There was plenty of time (it flew over the Pacific) for the Chinese to warn America the balloon was out of control and headed Montana way. Perfect place to let off an EMO bomb though. What would China do if it was an American balloon over China missile field?
  6. AND the Tax Authority. Real Smokers can not bring enough tobacco into the country to last two weeks; then they buy local and pay a nice tax. Vapers easily bring in enough for their 2,3,4 week vacation; no taxes there. The law should not prohibit vaporing, just prohibit bringing any consumables thru customs. Of course the customs boys would have a natural desire to spread around their new found wealth.
  7. My understanding is that more bribes have been paid than e-vapers have been prosecuted.
  8. My advice is to offer 27K baht bribe to get out of that jam.
  9. Must of bypassed the finger printing part at immigration. Well, at Suvarnabhumi immigration anyways. Could also be the BiB didn't bother checking for his prints.
  10. More likely the shakedown, two tablets is easier to plant than a 100grams. This is only so the cops can do their thing easier and more lucratively. See if after this is the law more BiB stops are made.
  11. Good luck to you. I quit after 9 months living in a condo, because I returned to USA; GF had same problem with True after we returned the equipment and paid last months service. True wanting 3 months of extra payment. She says F.ck em; against the law for True (maybe others) to dun you for that money. Hope she is right; she seems adamant. Oh, that was March 2020 I had to return for the IRS obligations.
  12. I suspect you had 'automatic renewal' and they want you to pay til the end of that period.
  13. Bet she didn't learn anything about having both hands free when getting in/out of boat.
  14. She had 27K in her purse? If she withdrew money at an ATM then there'd be some CCTV from the ATM. Doesn't prove much but would lend credence to her version of what went on.
  15. That hasn't been since they stopped believing in a Flat Earth. Decades now.
  16. I gave them the same BIL addy/phone-nbr as I'd done before retiring overseas. They took the repeated info, said they'd send it along to whoever, and haven't heard further. I did practically empty out the checking account and will go ahead and try to jump thru the hoops to open an Interactive Brokers account. Changed my direct deposit to Bangkok Bank. I fully expect Schwab to just sell everything and send my a check to BIL address. FATCA(terrorist,tax cheats, drug kingpins) and Patriot Act (911 results) are to blame.
  17. Please confirm your primary residence within 60 days in one of the following ways: - Phone: Call us at 1-888-403-9000, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, or +1-415-667-8400 if calling from outside the U.S. - Online chat: Log in to Schwab.com and click the "Chat" icon to speak with a Client Service Specialist 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We need to receive confirmation of your primary residence by February 27, 2023. If we do not receive confirmation as requested, your account(s) will be closed. You'll receive a notification if your account(s) is closed. If any assets remain in your account(s) at the time of closure, Schwab Bank will either transfer the assets to a Schwab Bank or Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. account with like registration, if available, or mail a check for the entire account balance(s) to the address on record for your account(s). We're here to help. Not so helpful yet. Have to call their Global Services Division in Dallas which is closed for Holidays/weekends. So I'm treading water til sometime Tuesday late in the day.
  18. Thanks for the replies and info. Schwab will let me keep the IRS/ROTH/Regular trading accounts; the checking account will be closed. Just a form to fill out on a website that I can not open and the chore of switching all my direct deposits to Bangkok Bank. Should be doable.
  19. Nope, not freeloading here. Between plenty and way too much at Schwab. They close my account two serious problems. First it puts me in a much higher tax bracket, Second Medicare goes way higher, and third is no where to place the money. I'd have to have it wired to a Thai bank.
  20. Yep, I've been with them for 27 years. I expect they 'caught' me because they looked at my withdrawals over the last 20 months or so and all of them were from Thailand. Maybe just bad luck, a new program analytic, or noticed I'd also sent two wires to a Thai bank in the last year.
  21. Recieved this email last night. Now where do I put my ROTH, IRA, Regular stock account, and my checking? Oh yes, my retirement and SSA go to the checking at SCHWAB. I kept an address in Florida at my BIL but I'm guessing that's not good enough. Interactive Brokers is the only other one I know that serves expats We recently noticed international activity in your Schwab Bank account(s) shown below, which may indicate you reside outside the U.S. Schwab Bank requires clients to maintain a U.S. address (no P.O. boxes) as their primary residence. We're writing to request that you confirm your address with us. If we do not receive confirmation, we will need to close your account(s). 1 Your next steps. Please confirm your primary residence within 60 days in one of the following ways: - ...... We need to receive confirmation of your primary residence by February 27, 2023. If we do not receive confirmation as requested, your account(s) will be closed. You'll receive a notification if your account(s) is closed. If any assets remain in your account(s) at the time of closure, Schwab Bank will either transfer the assets to a Schwab Bank or Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. account with like registration, if available, or mail a check for the entire account balance(s) to the address on record for your account(s). - Please be aware that, if applicable, Schwab Bank High Yield Investor Checking ® and Schwab Bank High Yield Investor Savings ® accounts, Schwab Bank Bill Pay TM , debit cards, and associated Schwab Bank products will also be closed or discontinued as a part of this process.
  22. Sorry, had to laugh at that one. OP specifically mentions Nam's as NOT servicing DMK. ????
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