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Everything posted by IAMHERE

  1. Both those winners seemed to receive multiples of 6 million. Each winning ticket (Top Prize) is worth 6,000,000 baht. I'd always thought there were printed in packs of 6, meaning only 6 Top Ticket Winners each drawing.
  2. My thinking says the average Russian is not in a position to get out of Russia. The ones that do are connected or have money.
  3. And against guys 6" shorter.
  4. I'd imagine the wife isn't tickled about the girlfriend either.
  5. Doubtful at best. Few navy personnel are in that total of 6,000 US military. Fewer still are gonna get shore leave, and still fewer are gonna take the chance of ending their career by visiting a hooker in Pattaya. Stories of the olden days persist.
  6. The water stealing tourist was wearing a uniform? I doubt any person enters a drink selling establishment and expects any drink to be free. I wonder what the full story is.
  7. I doubt they will lose the 5,500 baht they coerced out of the old woman.
  8. Yep, in this case the sky is where he should of pointed the gun.
  9. I see the fine film of dirt/grit on cars left outside. Its been so bad lately that I see and feel it on the bottom of the swimming pool.
  10. How do these experts get their information? I thought nothing got in or out of North Korea unless Boss Kim okays it. So, I have to suspect it is a plan of Kims' and not good for anyone else. Feed his people so he can spend money on nuks to kill the west.
  11. Sorry all, but that picture just makes me think canabis jelly users are children at heart. The solution is to design all canabis jellies after cigarette packages.
  12. Well darn then, seems all the money is now on 'Enhancement of Function'. All Aboard. Gazillions' to the scientist that can enhance that virus to affect only Tiawanese.
  13. Why do they have to stay open past midnight? If you can't decide on a girl or drink enough prior to midnight you aren't really trying hard enough.
  14. Looks like six foot swedes kicking the heck out of two five foot Thai's. A lot of tough farangs when confronted with short asians.
  15. I thought the masses of Chinese were on zero spend tours. Thai business owner isn't going to make much off the Chinese tourist trade I'd think. More numbers don't add up to more spending as most of us would assume. However you can bet that extra 300 baht tax is gonna be collected.
  16. I have to suspect some is going to be siphoned off. If it were all going to pay for medical services the tax would be pushed for by the medical industry; appears to me it is being pushed by the political industry.
  17. Because Thailand extradited a real criminal to America and then that arms dealer was traded to Russia for a black lesbian basketballer. I wouldn't hold it against Thailand if they didn't extradite this woman. Besides, isn't it America that won't extradite a woman to the UK for about the same offense? I say 'about' because the student was drunk causing the accident and the UK fella was just out for a ride on his motorbike; two different scenarios.
  18. Behind the scenes don't count then. If not behind the scenes then certainly down at the station.
  19. I experience the traffic in and around Pattaya, I do not look forwards to the traffic created by over a hundred million more tourists.
  20. If she is found guilty I hope the judge halves the penalty because it is really just half a lie.
  21. How do the new Russian tourists get baht? Is that exchange rate better or worse than a year ago?
  22. I'm guessing it had two possible ways ; it went out the in doors or in the outdoors. Sure hope it doesn't have that African Swine Flu.
  23. OMG , never heard that one before. ???? Now you've said that, things in the USA will get better.
  24. Very few of these articles have many of the facts. Only speculation is left or leave it alone. Leaving it alone is extremely difficult for most people, certainly difficult for those who read these posts. I'm gonna go with humans hate to leave a vacuum and love to leave comments. BTW, I think it was a great job of stiches on her face.
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