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Everything posted by IAMHERE

  1. Is this to suggest the missus is huge or her odor is ? Indicating either would work to get my missus upset. Best of luck anyways.????
  2. Thailand has an army to protect it. Why are the powers in charge afraid of the UN or Merck ? You can save untold thousand and maybe hundreds of thousand with this easy and cheap to manufacture drug. Just say no to IMPERIALISM. screw the drug companies; make this drug available to save untold numbers of Thais for very cheap. Of course, you got to have a populace willing to fight Merck and west that wants outlandish profits at the expense of dead Thai's. YMMV, I could be wrong, way wrong. I don't have money to fight the drug companies on libel laws.
  3. Who the heck knows at this stage ? Few of those chip kids are old enough by now to be anything other than rapist, druggies and killers. This tech-revolution can't show that it is a benefit to society at this point in time. All those 'good' examples we see on the daily news are from color TV and elimination of the rotary dial.
  4. Unless the truckers decide to park the rigs on the roads. The trip from airport to Pattaya could take hours this coming Monday.
  5. I'm assuming the police are also just trying to make a profit, or protect a profit. Normal TIT. The drug should be available free and freely to any positive covid cases.
  6. I have to wonder which 'fact' made her alter her story and confess her truth.
  7. Well darn good that the Delta Variant doesn't cause severe illness. Pretty good too that Delta isn't resistant to the drugs used for Covid treatment. We all dodged a bullet this time.
  8. Prevents sagging perhaps. Many would be willing to assist there, perhaps. BTW I thought that all the participants were gorgeous.
  9. Worried that it is home grown and can not be blamed on a farang, is my best guess. Hard to blame on a farang with the protocols that are in place for a farang to come into the country.
  10. Moderna people suggest a second shot not before 28 days has passed from the first shot. I do hope 1.9 million more Moderna shots arrive before Dec 1st 2021.
  11. Not often we get to follow a story from Patient Zero; first one in Thailand. I wonder where PZ came from, which country, how long PZ been in Thailand, why wasn't he caught prior to boarding the plane. Who else has PZ been in contact with, did they catch Delta+ ? Lots of details need to be given out; wonder if they will be. Of course PZ has to be a farang.
  12. Getting Covid after having the shots is as good as getting a booster according to news sources. Just get Covid (asymptomatic of course) and don't bother with a booster, if you've already been vaccinated. Oh, the original article seems to imply that half a dose is a dose, sort of like roses by any other name.
  13. America doesn't have money for aid; Biden trying to raise taxes now.
  14. You'd of thought the Japanese army would of brought that style of sex with them when they were here. American GI's weren't the first foreign army in large numbers to visit Thailand.
  15. Would that be 5 continuous years or one year every other year until she reaches five? Or 6 months here and there until she gets the total 5 years in?
  16. Phone missing? Oh please tell me the local BIB understand telephone towers and pinging and such.
  17. I'd like to keep my registering to a minimum these days. How about I pay cash and you give me a card good for a month.
  18. Funny that; my girl has about the same background and mentality. I blame her outlook on her girlfriends advice which pretty much all originates or influenced by ladies of the red light districts.
  19. They want to have the sex stories during state( and Business) visits to cease being told. My guess is top brass and rich people visit Washington/London/Berlin and have falang <deleted> that can't wait to tell about their experiences in the Red Light Districts. I'd think those encounters would get old quick and lead to a loss of face. The rich and powerful are tired of those escapades being told time and again during their visits to the West.
  20. Wow; that IS great news. Hope it works out in a timely fashion. Must also hope they have adequate refrigeration to keep the vaccine safe until it is administered.
  21. I thought the Russian state paid all medical bills for Russians on vacation. The Russians used to be all over Bangkok Pattaya Hospital and the hospital loved them as patients because the Russian State paid all medical bills. Anyways, how does a penniless Russian family get to be tourists in Thailand, especially during the Covid lockdown.
  22. Probably damned that they didn't, too. Hasn't it been raining for weeks now?
  23. OP, it may be harder to be a spendthrift than you imagine. It was self denial and an entire way of life to save rather than spend thoughtlessly. Gonna be a bit difficult to alter your thought process after all those years.
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