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Everything posted by alex8912

  1. Ok. Relax! Pattaya in your thread you posted accept 2 sides at least for 12 years. I think they don't care so much now and they realize printers automatically print out 2 pages if not adjusted. As I mentioned in another post different offices are pickier about the photo size you give them ( then they take a pic of you!) It seems Thailand isn't always bullet proof.
  2. I guess things have changed since 2017. When they had all my papers they just stapled them ( there must have been 6) together. I still wonder where all these useless papers go. But TIT. Not sure if congratulations is necessary I'm just reporting a fact and you do seem to like some facts that are brought up. Now at least three offices recently took a 2 page form that you print out at home. That's it. Thanks for your input.
  3. He looks waaay over 48 to me or he's done drinking and drugs before in his life. Those wrinkles look like he's 64/65 at least. Surprised no one else mentioned this.
  4. Perhaps some airlines might want to see an exit ticket within 45 days. Others don't seem to care.
  5. I've never read on this forum that you can do a thirty day extension on line and get appointment. What site can you do this? Also can it be done at ALL offices or just Bangkok? I spent 2 1/2 hours at Hua Hin last week wasting time. Also I assume you can extend sixty day tourist visa as well as visa exempt appointment on line? One funny thing they wanted at Hua Hin was a 2 inch photo? I had a passport photo ( which Phuket took last April ) that the girl in Hua Hin fussed about. She wanted me to take another one there. I only had the 1900 baht on me but had another old pic shaped differently ( not 2 inch x 2 inch) but she said that was ok. Then of course they still take a pic of you when applying lol! I'm most interested to know if you have to upload a copy of TM30 ahead of time because I just stay in a hotel the night before going to immigration so that would be impossible. I especially wanted to know if Phuket and Hua Hin accept appointments not just BKK. It seems this would save quite a lot of time waiting around. Thanks
  6. I just did one in Hua Hin on 2 pages. Why should they want one page if it print out on two? I also did two pages in Phuket last April.
  7. No. Not at all. There are stupid poor people and smart poor people. Your story above is over dramatic and silly. There was a reason based on her actions that tipped off someone. It's not the " person" who sent her there!!
  8. This is one specific course only. There are many African American history classes available in the Florida public school system. I think the article is biased ( as usual ) and leaving a lot out. Just more propaganda. Similar to " Don't say gay" It's cute and it rhymes, that's it. It's not true and gays especially living in Florida and have children in the system know this already. Why are there huge amounts of LGBTQ already living so happily in Florida now? Why do so many keep going there to create their future and others for retirement? It's a gay friendly welcoming place. American Blacks also are flocking there and love living there. Imagine some news network ever doing a show on that? It won't happen.
  9. No way! The best clams are from Ipswich and Essex Mass. Some from the Cape May do however. ????
  10. Oh God! What a miserable post! You started out posting stuff that others commented on as well. You sound like maybe you are grinding the ax. Just compare my post to yours above! You think mine was so serious?? You still can't even answer lol. Maybe you were born in Boston. I was born in Connecticut. We have class. You are such a grump dude! Edit " mate". Now I know where you're from.
  11. Good for her! If age doesn't matter for guy singers then the Material Girl who is in better shape than ALL the guys should go on with her long success. What's really strange from that clip above is that Madonna is possibly friends with Amy Schumer, who has to be one of the least funny and boring comedians of all time. Madonna herself is funnier.
  12. Umm. On your obviously long weekend only spent in Boston who or what led you to believe Italian food is authentic American food? If you stayed a few more days and got your butt out of the North End you could have found a ton of local , amazing, original New England Cuisine. Let me guess you probably don't even eat a lot of seafood? Or did you just spend heaps of time at Dunkin Donuts which is quite readily available everywhere in Boston? So many local New England recipes are healthy as well. Minus the best Clam Chowder....but even that is ok in moderation. Since you're knocking American cuisine where are you from?
  13. Just for starters. Where did your New England Clam Chowder originate from? I could go on and on and not even get out of New England for more choices.
  14. Then your mind reading abilities are severely distorted. Your silly name calling speaks volumes as well. Someone can believe in climate change and not like or be a fan of Greta. I'm done with this conversation. No one can read another's mind. They just think they can and it's a severe detriment to them in all levels. Now run along. There must be some posts on here you will be reporting soon. Oh my...did I just read your mind? ????
  15. Here is a problem with a lot of you. You can believe in climate change but don't ever have to like ( or actually act like a junior high school girl in love with ) Greta. Do you or several other posters ever even imagine this?? I mean can you actually conceive this? You equate any negative thought on Greta by someone as that person being a religious or political zealot? I mean do you actually believe this?
  16. I know your Canadian as mentioned and maybe that's why. You were nervous about something ? But why on earth did you apply for a Thailand visa sooo early? I can see 2 weeks before or so but by doing this you screwed up your short term visa run to Thailand.
  17. I'm self employed in the States and it's the only reason I can take six months off every year and have fun ???? I still don't mind my six months of working because I still take days off and enjoy myself and New England summers.
  18. You are one million percent wrong about most long term ( 3-6 month ) tourists. I bet you have not spoken to anyone who stays here that long as a tourist because you either don't travel in Thailand much or don't stay at expensive condos or hotels where we mostly stay! Stop spreading FAKE news! Soo many people here known as snowbirds and digital nomads as well spend huge bucks mister!! I HATE posts like yours!
  19. The Russians I've seen over the last 7 weeks of traveling quite a lot around Thailand are actually exceptional. These people all have money , are quiet and friendly, travel with extended family and friends, dress better than most other tourists and again are spending big! The best quality of tourists I've ever seen in going to Koh Samed after New Years in 30 years! It's not easy for me to say this but I find these " new" Russians unlike any pre 2020. I have not been to Walking St in Pattaya just places like Koh Samed , Hua Hin, Chiang Mai, Koh Chang and all over BKK. More on topic but not really directed towards you many on here THINK tourists come here 3 days or one week! That is complete bull. After spending about three hours at Hua Hin Immigration on Monday everyone there except the 90 day report guys were extending their 45 day stay or 60 day visa another 30 days. I spoke with many tourists there. Staying 3-6 months is VERY common more than many posters realize. They HAVE to make the METV at least similar to the old way. The new METV regulations are confusing ,confusing, confusing and stupid!! I got 5 METV's five years in a row before Covid and several double and triple entry visas that were easy to get and not confusing at all before that. The E visa system here is just set up to make people hate it and ditch it!
  20. Thanks for some answers but my main one was about the " fun" you mentioned but the answer reflected zero " fun". Anyways growing up in Connecticut just outside NYC and then adult life in Boston and Bangkok has fostered me zero farming buddies. ???? I do however like farm fresh vegetables.
  21. You really have to " guess" the difference?
  22. I must still be the luckiest guy in BKK. I use a taxi several times a week often later at night and afternoons. I open the back door, I say hello in Thai, I say where I'm going in Thai ( extremely easy to learn) and start to get in the back seat. 99.5% of the time he/ she hits the meter and we are off! I will never understand the comments on this forum about Bangkok taxi drivers not using the meter. Two notes. I NEVER approach a waiting taxi and when I'm on a busy street I always am on the side of street going in my direction. Also I almost never use a taxi weekdays between 5:30-7:30pm. That is what the sky train is for.
  23. Well you could easily step on a jelly fish or something and injure your posting hand. Be careful
  24. How do you have free time to post ever?
  25. I was just responding to you. That's it. On topic. How could anyone in UK stand for a $120 per month standing electric bill? What would it be powering
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