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Everything posted by alex8912

  1. Another "NIMBY" story. Yet the people who live there know it's been that way before they lived there. This happens all over the world now. Almost weekly reports.
  2. Funny how the poster who posts constantly on here hasn't explained why this is a " nothing burger " still??
  3. Great police work! Instead of childish ranting on this "California likes being anti-Fed." You could have agreed with this "Anything less than a minimum 10 yr stretch is a joke. Be nice if they gave him 3 yrs for each firearm, and not concurrent sentence. If all were illegal firearms, that would be 21 yrs (7 firearms)." You also left that out when you copied the post to rant.
  4. Looks like you are the only one who missed it.
  5. It's amazing Thailands weather balloons can predict weather in mid April now. Chinese balloons can't even do that yet!
  6. Ok Better ways to do that. Most allow 7k just a small jacket or something on the trolley can hide a few kilos of stuff. The defiance is a bit strange. Hard to believe they call out to you and ignore the FACT you said you have zero carry on bags. It's 2023 and that is a security breach and there is a reason bags are weighed. Then of course one wonders how you get past the often carry on bag size bins and sometimes scales located RIGHT at the gate before boarding. Hmm. I bet "your personal rules" have struck you down several times.
  7. Seems like the OP and others think it's ok.
  8. The one you " ha ha'd" at. With the cute blush faced emoji with a tear. Since this will be cleared out shortly forum rules are vernacular English only! No sod-all(??) allowed. Ok here is a happy/ funny ???? emoji.
  9. Oi. I guess I'm definitively not using any British humor. You're killing me. ????
  10. The man who died had a phone. The stranger is the one who put his sim into his phone. The police could have done this as well. Do you know there is a way to reply to multiple posts at one time? You love to reply to ten posts separately and it makes you unpopular. ????
  11. Oh. Then yes you were a bad father for leaving your young children for three months and going to Brasil to unwind. My bad saying you were a good father because it was for work. Now I hope you are satisfied and our off topic nonsense can cease. Peace ☮️
  12. Cheese would not be confiscated. Also any good cheese shop should wrap your cheese in air tight plastic the jiffy bag system is bad. Cheese in your checked bag does stay cold and fresher as you said.
  13. Which USA airlines allows 10 kilos of carry on? Sounds generous.
  14. The Thai cops are such great detectives. Does anyone think that they now learned the " complete stranger's technique" when you find a dead person with no ID but a phone that you can put the SIM card of that person in another phone and gain some contacts?
  15. No. Did you go to Thailand for three months to have fun sometimes alone without them?
  16. I just read your post and don't understand for a second how this would not be a major relief for your wife and MIL. I certainly feel sorry for them.
  17. You should def know this by now. BKK is the center of the Universe.
  18. He's been doing prescription pharmaceuticals and old fashioned heroine even. He is known to be quite open about this. Super duper easy to find this info out. Especially today.
  19. You certainly can't speak for MOST people in Pattaya. It's a fun holiday and very unique. I can't stress how therapeutic it is to go out in the crowd and water fight, laugh, get wet, track people down and spray them good and MANY people are not drunk. I can't wait to see how the masked will cope. I think all the complainers have not even tried being on the fun side of Songkran ( meaning participating) yet act like they are experts. Try it you'll like it Mikey.
  20. The amount of time you have is awe inspiring. If you had a heart attack it would be very difficult to get out. People gather 12 hours before buddy. It's packed. Who's the idiot? You ???? This is a fun topic and fun holiday. Why are you soo grumpy ????
  21. You and Micky Mouse should just stay away and have your heart attacks elsewhere. Many routes out of Times Sq during New Years lol! Buy that big water ???? gun , have fun or leave!
  22. Lol. A good water gun can be 700-1000 baht and MANY people pay baht just to get the water! Cold ice water costs more! Then the hotels are all booked, restaurants are busy and full at night, the prostitutes are busy , the clubs are full, 7/11's are packed on and on and on! Songkran is a HUGE money maker especially in Pattaya. Thousands and thousands come here JUST for Songkran ( note see lovely pics above ????). If you don't like it see my post that has great advice for you. Bottom line is Songkran haters have an entire year to make plans if they don't like the area they are in. Period.
  23. Oh please. Some of those silly pics are posted every year. I would not ride a bike during Songkran around Pattaya and sane people know this! There are large crowds in EVERY country during holidays and festivals. Should we all skip times Sq New Years Eve if we decide to have a heart attack? I also see tons of Thais doing the same things as your pics but you conveniently left them out! I also told the other poster you should not schedule a DOCTORS APPOINTMENT Songkran week. Bye bye grumpy.
  24. So Peter writes this: "It is surprising to see Kazakhstan and America on the list, as a large group of Kazakh tourists generally choose to land and stay in Phuket for a few days before taking a trip to other destinations, such as Bangkok or Samui island.” So why would people from Kazakhstan NOT be counted as tourists to Phuket if they arrive and spend a " few " days there? Then he completely leaves out his ( stupid most likely) reason for Americans! I really wonder how some journalists say they are journalists? Even if Ms Ronsiri stated this Peter should have questioned such a complete idiotic statement and got an answer.
  25. Was waiting for the first grumpy old man post. Thanks for contributing. Here is some advice I gave out every year before Covid and some additional info pertaining to your post. The baht bus and motor bikes are targets because of course it's fun to drench them. You have had now a year ( or actually four years ) to rent a car or make plans to be elsewhere ( even in Thailand ) where Songkran is a day or less. You've had this time to stock up on EVERYTHING before this week to live under your mattress if you can't afford a car rental or trip. You and others did NOT have to make a doctors appointment or dinner plans during Songkran and take a baht bus to get there! Most Thais and foreigners are NOT working during Songkran unless their work involves Songkran or they take time off ( stop worrying about them and they are some of the ones getting YOU wet anyways)! Pattaya makes HEAPS AND HEAPS of money during Songkran how you don't realize this is amazing. Lastly maybe you should purchase the best high pressure water gun you can find and join in all the fun! It's really quite therapeutic. Mark my words " This Songkran will be epic". Peace.
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