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Everything posted by alex8912

  1. My country has treated an extremely large amount of Thais with 10 year multiple entry visas on there first or second try for a visa ( the first timers got one entry and 10 year multiple entry the next try. I still see why Thais are treated strictly in other countries as well. For me even a simple 60 day visa in Thailand can take over two weeks to get and they do want a lot stupid things that other countries doing e visas ( instantly or less than 24 hrs in most countries) do not ask for. Now even the METV is much harder to get and takes possibly 3 weeks! So I think you should be more open minded about the whines!! I mean an e visa should simply not take more than 24hrs to get. It's just pure stupidity.
  2. If you can't figure out why Thais do not get 30 or 90 days without a visa to visit Europe or USA or Canada then you may be the goon today. I mean really. Think about this for one minute what might happen if any Thai with a passport could do this?? Think.......
  3. Many people come 90 days + in the Wintertime. You are wrong and people who come 4/5 months are still tourists. Have you ever heard of snow birds? Thousands in Thailand.
  4. It's amazing that the first basic question anyone who receives visa exempt for 30 days and could easily extend in country for 30 more days NOW would ask. Would we be able to arrive with 45 days and then extend 45 more days for 1900 baht after Oct 1. But nowhere is this discussed. If it's 45 days only it's worse! If it's 45 + 15 it's ridiculous!! Why can't these goons know that this would not come up?? It should be 45 + 45.
  5. Love the blabbermouth posters here who haven't even lived or visited the states in years/decades but think they know the beat on the streets in the USA. BIG LOL! The best medicine for America derangement syndrome among other derangement syndromes is get off your butts and keyboards, get off collecting links that no one ever opens, get out of your neighborhood and learn by experience. Can you even imagine 2 weeks without CNN or any news outlet? Would your world collapse? I like to spend my year between New England and Thailand. None of my friends in either place have guns that wouldn't be for hunting purposes only and most don't even hunt. The quality of live in both places are fine but the USA is higher. Most here when you go out and socialize both with old and new friends could care less about politics and have great lives with many interests and hobbies. It's called a nice life.
  6. Pretty good mild article compared to many out there. I wonder what the number of coldest days will be?
  7. So how many hours does the OP need to sleep? Passive income is interesting.The guys on here back in the UK seem it's property back home. I want to think that's passive income too. But when my tenants currently paying $3500 usd a month want to leave or not pay or say something WOKE to end a lease at a bad time of the year then that passive income may stop. Then another tenant does the same. Now that's two "passive " income sources gone. Maybe you rent out apt the next month. Maybe three months etc.. Money in the bank is kind of passive. Maybe better to have a big chunk of £¥€ there too.
  8. Whenever one member posts this sentence I still wonder how they can really think ( even with half a brain ) that a Thai person applying for a visa in lets say the UK or USA or Switzerland is the same as a British , American or Swiss applying for a Thai visa?
  9. Maybe because of the July 4th holiday they updated nothing on Friday July 1. I'm trying to be logical but perhaps no one at all at the LA Consulate or anywhere else updated the site on July 5th yet either. They should be embarrassed but of course no one would ever take the blame for this as most of us know. A simple 60 day tourist visa or similar type visa in many many other countries is extremely easy to get and usually obtained instantly or within hours. Thailand is completely pathetic in this area. Why would ANY tourist with $$$ want to come here for more than 30 days visa exempt? You simply can't win.
  10. Well. I think nothing was learned. It was 25 years ago. If anything was learned would there be an incident at Santica Night Club on New Year's Eve/day 2009 ?
  11. Bangkok Post? Really? Wow. I thought that was worse than a swear word on here???
  12. We should all check back here in 30 days then 60. The Thais will be taking off their piece of paper dirty filthy bacteria infected masks in droves.
  13. This piece of &@$? article just said the baht should get stronger when more tourists come at the end of the year!! <deleted>!
  14. Exactly right. The two party system is insane!! How anyone could think that's sad IS sad.
  15. It simply won't be enforced in the next coming weeks. Nearly everyone will be masks off. It's over. Even in drag it out Thailand. It's over..
  16. It's not physically addictive. Same for " your friend " your tall tale is just your own little experience. You can smoke weed for years and take a vacation somewhere where you can't get it. You won't have any withdrawals.
  17. Then how can millions of Americans who have been purchasing legal weed in many states NEVER EVER have had ANYTHING compared to a bad acid trip!! This of course includes weed that is 30% and higher in THC levels. You are scare mongering beyond belief! Acid and weed are completely incomparable. Your post should be flushed down the toilet!
  18. I've seen it as low as $165 an ounce in Massachusetts and it's much cheaper in Colorado. It varies from shop to shop. I don't think $300 an ounce is normal.
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