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Everything posted by alex8912

  1. Is BTS considered public transport? 1000 % not required.
  2. So let's have all the Chiang Mai guys tell them to FO! Or have the woman attached to their hip when out and about do it! Anything can be anonymous at first. Since this doesn't happen in full force it has NEVER been tested. And by the ways no one is asking you to list these things. You are a bit snippy lately. Chill out man! And I firmly stand on my comment that within the EXACT SAME OFFICE different things have been asked for. There have been dozens of posts going back through the years that prove this.
  3. Why would you buy a condo near a giant open lot or property that is not developed? I think a lot of people make STUPID decisions where to buy. I work in Real Estate in a different country. It's the same there even with zoning. You can't even build tall buildings on many many sois around BKK anymore because they are too narrow but some buildings got away with it years ago. Not anymore. The problem seems to be older farangs who seem to want way to much bang for their measly bucks and always buy something newer in an area that is not prime then a complex is built right near it. Why not buy in the Phra Tam Nok area near the sea between Pattaya and Jomitein? I know many people who flipped condos / homes there over the years and many who have held onto condos there and rented them out or used AIR BNB. Of course last year and the year were tougher but I'm taking about before that and probably the future. Many narrow quiet streets , no bars , no karaokes etc. Cheap skates never buy in prime areas then get in trouble. Then they start the same urban myths that a karaoke bar opens next store! I don't ever hear about this from smart savvy investors.
  4. They are interpreted differently. Do you think at Jomitien there is a book of set rules and at CW there is a different book of rules? This is what is misleading in your answer. You are helpful but I think there are set rules that are misinterpreted or just made up office by office and officer by officer. I bet there are reports ( because I have read them ) that the same office will ask different people for different paperwork. You may laugh at my suggestions but this scam of a system could easily be changed by aggressive publicity on how corrupt and stupid it is. Letters, phone calls and media like FB etc could start to expose it. Complacency does the same old thing year after year. I don't believe there are " lists of requirements " office by office. Then it would be easy to see each and every offices in WRITING side by side. Where can we find that?
  5. Some decent stuff lately, how about you? Wasn't Thailand STILL in the pandemic last year? With ridiculous quarantines upon visiting?
  6. I've been smoking since the 80's and I have never heard of a cannabis party in my entire life! And why would anyone want to promote more alcohol consumption on NYE anyways? That's what will happen if less cannabis is around. What fools!!
  7. I know. I don't have to do this yet but you would think even quarterly meetings with heads of immigration all on the same page with same requirements would be in place by now. I feel sorry for the guys who just simply move a couple hundred kilometers and then they get asked for completely different things. You guys should get together and write some letters and stir up the pot. Get the letters in Thai and stop being so complacent. No one is doing you a favor rules should be EXACT everywhere.
  8. That's another forum urban myth. Stop with the complete nonsense. You or your " friend" made a mistake. Tons of neighborhoods in what's considered central Bangkok have super quiet sois and main roads that are quiet no bars no karaoke no dogs. Why would those people complain?
  9. You are obviously forgetting to add you weren't the handsome one.
  10. Maybe this will make people think more about why Bangkok air is the only way by air to Samui. It's ridiculous. Also a rip off!
  11. Have you ever heard the English teachers from the North of England? ???? The best ones come with English subtitles.
  12. Great. Most people don't care about that at all. Thanks. Far more $$ for ridiculous things being spent now as well. Not just Florida.
  13. Big deal. Isn't it Florida court? That's what I read. You post a lot of irrelevant things everyday..
  14. He will be gaining a lot more voters interest Reps , Independents and yes some Dems and it won't be because people think he is " anti vax". The reasons are much more varied. His age and popularity in Florida are things def on his side. Age may be the most. 2024 will start to REALLY be about age. No matter what some boomers think. Others think differently. I don't see Joe getting sharper and having these positive WOW moments in 2023 but some WOWS are not to his favor of course. He's not the only elder out there in the USA govt. It's getting a little OTT.
  15. Look he gets guys like you and a couple others right on this forum all ruffled up. This article is even on Fox which is probably on your ignore list. As another poster pointed out this will get more attention with Rebs in other states than in Florida. This is not a big story at all if you live or in Florida or there for the winter. It just triggers ( anger, fear, hiding under the bed and hatred ) usually from expected types. So what, a bunch of people chit chat over vaccines. Some links to some harm may or may not come out of it then everyone can decide. So much $$ goes on elsewhere with no real final info everyday in the governments of the world. Everyone with google can read about the most ridiculous ( to yourself and many others) research studies , meetings etc that cost $$ and are going on right now. Same old same old. This guy is not the evil Donald Trump.
  16. Fifty a day is ridiculous and they know already 120 have shown up some mornings! If paperwork is in order a simple 60 day visa ( without proof of accommodation for ENTIRE stay ) should be easy to process and way more than 50 could easily be processed if Thailand wants to make more high season $$. If it takes one or two days ( later ) to get why can't 200 a day be done? This isn't rocket science. I bet there will be many more 30 day visas given out on line for Vietnam now. Of course Vietnam is promoting itself actually.
  17. Those are samples of vacation time. Thailand has a lot of holidays and they have three New Years. In my country new years is just one extra day off. Thais get 2 or 3! Plus Songkran and many do Chinese New Year. Just seem like they keep coming
  18. Then you just ignore them. Just like they do to you when you are 100% right! I bet if you use a different credit card next time you may be ok even.
  19. Went to Florida six times. It was great. No masks.
  20. Super creepy. You obviously saw nothing on his Facebook , Twitter and Insta! You search his old my space yet?
  21. Umm. Hard to believe no one mentioned this. Go to a dispensary get the good stuff, smoke it. Then have some " laughers!" But sorry to say eating more may come into this equation again ????
  22. What does that have to do with 71 being considered elderly in the world? I'm sure tomorrow you will have a family member , wife's family , friend, neighbor, sister in law , daughter , favorite noodle lady story that defies the odds. It's unbelievable. You da man.
  23. With 1.5 million posts what can you expect? Probably has an EXACT number of days that would be considered ok and I'm sure will let the forum know sometime. Ad nausea.
  24. I was thinking perhaps British humor. Or Humour ???? But it could have been funny to get your point across.
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