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Everything posted by alex8912

  1. I don't consider 4 years a short time. people think he can deport millions in a few days/ weeks/ months. It's impossible but they keep saying it and saying it. Just like the word fascist.
  2. It's amazing how many posters think Trump will deport " millions" in a short time. It's absolutely impossible and YOU MUST get off MSN/CNN and the like and stop gaslighting constantly. It's really getting boring to hear the same complete FAKE NEWS!
  3. Oh of course he will not tarnish Obama the saint's name. 80% of Dems still don't know he was the deporter in chief for years.
  4. It would get higher ratings than the apprentice did!! Truly a money $$ maker and even the snowflakes would watch in secret. as a side note they better not be serving any meals in these flights!!! Even paid customers from Boston to LA ( six hours ) get nothing on commercial airlines.
  5. You should see a lot of the crowd in Hua Hin getting on and off. Some stops take 5 minutes for 2 people to get off! Sorry but there are SOME limitations to being disabled and a baht bus is one of them.
  6. Kieran's parents must be beaming with pride of his besties.
  7. I and others know many people who use sun screen regularly and even avoid the sun 🌞 most of the time and the exact same thing as your bud happened.
  8. But all these horrible things you mentioned were here 30 + years ago as well. We didn't have every Tom Dick and somchai taking air samples daily and so many are doing ok. or maybe adapted somehow. Things are bad but so is constant fear mongering about many things.
  9. Omg. They are not coming here for the weed dude!!! Also any " knob" can get Marijuana 24/7 in the UK. From what I've seen they get MUCH MUCH more powerful drugs in the UK. As a former knob it seems you failed! You are really showing old age thinking here.
  10. I hate to tell you this little secret. It's not just what you think are crappy tourists going to these places. Your little " change" will make Thailand Saudi Arabia. Even there however they have massive decadent parties with drugs, alcohol and whores. I say leave Pattaya beach rd/walking street and a few other sois just the way they are. Choose to go there or church ⛪️
  11. You simply are a worry wart and know this. You don't have to add 6 hours to get from London to Heathrow. There are not big major delays everyday and you can go on line and see where in real time. In fact if I think like you, think about this. You leave 5/6 hours early. There is a train breakdown that takes two hours that you get trapped in , then it's fixed. I leave 3 hours before go a different route and I get to airport earlier and you miss yours!!! Did you have a traumatic missing plane event in your life? Also since you are soo extremely early do you know that airports easily let people go ahead at check in AND get though security prioritized so they can make the flight??
  12. It really not " Thailand". It's very small areas within completely boring areas. That's it. A few places out of tons of places.
  13. Oh man. Like a harmless " moon" on a passing baht bus really upsets you ( and 5 others). Yes he broke your righteous commandment. "Thou shall not moon in their life ever".
  14. Yes it is. Also completely unnecessary. INFORMAL•US shocking; outrageous. "they were making insane amounts of money"
  15. You can't check into most flights until 3 hours before so you actually hang out in the entry area for 3 hours?? Seems insane
  16. I've only seen clear sky and stars in the Bangkok evenings recently. Very comfortable night and day. When I see so much info as above it makes you wonder.
  17. Thanks for explanation. I noticed this for the first time last month with Kasikorn. I have a USA Schwab card so I will get the 220 baht/$ back but they showed a conversion on first choice not second. You have to pay attention. It's a much bigger difference. I bet OP took out 30,000baht at 5% 1,500b plus 220b atm fee so 1720B total at 34.40 baht to dollar that's $50! Just be careful and it will never happen again
  18. I was thinking OP was coming in the summer and it always seems these " schemes " Thailand has for entries seem to change with barely a months notice. Just like when the 60 day exempt started somewhat suddenly. That's all. I just think it's good to check a few weeks before you come here ( especially for 30 days + ) to check what Thailand is offering. If it goes back to 30 or remember 45? Some peeps may need the 60 day tourist visa again which can still be extended 30 days for 1900B.
  19. Curious if a 60 day stamp is guaranteed for Brits ( or others with similar entry now) this summer? I never heard that info yet.
  20. Married, divorced, Bonbons, then bitter?
  21. This is his great grandchild. But speaking of grandchildren his own granddaughter Navy who is Hunters daughter is completely ignored by the whole family. Imagine that?
  22. She went to Africa just before the fires knowing that the Santa Anna winds were going to be extremely strong and fires were already around. She is horrible! These fires now are just massive. I feel so sorry for these homeowners and renters. There is often no time to take things and you actually KNOW your whole neighborhood will be gone. Horrible!
  23. it's a huge money maker and probably one of the top Instagram etc pics you see of new tourists almost always in their 20's and 30's putting up. It's rare to see a new tourist NOT doing this ritual.
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