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Everything posted by alex8912

  1. I've been thinking that as well. It's just too obvious now. There are many ways one gets " paid" as well. It actually drags the forum down to have soo many new and uninteresting similar posts. Keep trying so hard to get a rise out of folks. It gets old too.
  2. Then he fell down ( again ) and Pelosi and Harris walked right over him and started a campaign involving people with no votes!
  3. You will be and probably will never speak of it. Your whole comment above tells how a stranger who was already President for four years occupies the real estate in your head.
  4. Pictures speak LOUDER than words! Thank you for your hilarious post.
  5. Quite sad way to spend your retirement and final days. So many positive things to dwell on. But I completely agree with you. You can block but they won't stop.
  6. A complete loser who ruins threads all the time.
  7. I'm speaking. Can you shut up.
  8. It's time to stop the drama momma. Your comment is pathetic.
  9. But she always left out " in Montreal Canada"
  10. Jingjang and Tug must stop spewing mouth Diarrhea
  11. The habitual poster needs to chill out. Stop your rhetoric. Wait a couple days...
  12. The habitual poster you quoted also forgot that the comedian who actually made the joke is gay and not heterosexual.
  13. Jeez New Hampshire already had snow.
  14. The only thing I get out of this is that British people LOVE talking about the weather no matter where they are. 😂It's cute.
  15. Dude they don't! And they pay for way worse things. Have you ever needed one? It's not a man's issue. Period ( get it?)
  16. So stupid. Is that what you non Americans got??! Oh yah it is.
  17. Great for you. No one needs Harris who was not even running a couple months ago. She is horrible. She picked a horrible husband too. The USA doesn't need 4 years + of her BS. She has done absolutely nothing. Who does the USA need? Please don't answer not Trump it's so boring.
  18. Virtuously no one on this thread will understand your very simple truthful post....even the 70 something people here have " emotions" so strong 💪🏻 they don't get it.
  19. Oh your bleeding heart hurts us all.
  20. Give me a break. I was born and raised an hour from New York City in expensive Connecticut. Now living for many years ( half the year, and Thailand the other 1/2in Boston.) To say 400k a year is NOT enough is absolutely an obnoxious post. No one who makes even 200k a year in NYC is living in a dump. Do you actually know people who make even 150k a year live there?? I do. It's not anecdotal either. Just like in Boston, many people spend 1/3 or a little more in rent in those cities. Even in Boston and NYC you can get a nice apt for $4500 a month or much less) Yes MUCH LESS BY 2 or 3 miles ( 3/4kilometers) in both cities $2500/3000 ) is VERY easy to find. I deal in residential real estate in Boston. I have a ton of friends in NYC ( they even still have ridiculous rent control there) YOUR buddy Mike must live in Gramercy Park, New York City or Beacon Hill Boston!! Give us all a break! No one HAS to live in the most expensive neighborhoods in any city. 400k a year even in Manhattan gives you an amazing life. EVEN IN LONDON! Go to Brooklyn or even Uber rich suburbs like Westport Connecticut or Wellesley Massachusetts you have a great home and make way less than 400k. I deal in residential real estate as I said. I have lived in Boston, Brooklyn, Manhatten , Westport and Fairfield Connecticut and Wellesley Massachusetts as well as Boston ( several area like Brookline ) and Cambridge MA. Mike will never answer BTW.
  21. So the HUGE amount of people in your long one month visit who were making $200,000 a year ( half your whopper of a lie $ amount) were struggling to get by? Then you also say if your home is paid off. Ok no problem. No need to make your 400k made up foolish amount! I mean really. Do you think even one poster here believes you know how much of your " friends" that you met with on your massive 30 day visit make over 400k a year? Do you think anyone reading your post thinks you know exactly which friends have a mortgage or not and how much is left of it? Really the anecdotal evidence on your post is so underwhelming that I almost expect you to come back here and say " well it's true , I have only 2 friends , one who makes 450k and the other one works at the massage shop and makes 35k a year and has a mortgage. " Oi.
  22. Something tells me by your comment you are 1000% chance over 40. Simply try to imagine growing up in a different generation than you did. Then even in some cases add on not having a good male role model in your younger life. The key word in your post is " internet" you were not brought up on it. Millions upon millions younger than you have....
  23. You got your answer and still being stubborn.
  24. What a tool
  25. It's a couple hours in NYC Chompers. There are actually people in NYC FYI. Do you even know the history of this event?
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