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Everything posted by alex8912

  1. Love how certain select stories about this don't include that she's the first one to skip this event in 40 years!! As the SNL church lady would say " how conveeeenient !"
  2. Yah especially the ones that think these were the only ones interviewed!! These tic tok guys will go through hundreds of students and cherry pick the ones that will get idiots ( like someone I know ) to believe what they see is representative of an entire University.
  3. What a total bunch of BS!! How would the court system even attempt to go with your crazy plan without a HUGE $$$$ overhaul? The $$ it takes to arrest. Then release on their own recognizance,( I can't believe someone even said that!) Then you want them to get an appointment in the future to be heard by a Judge! A committee!?? Then they can stay or be deported! Have you even thought more than a minute about your fairyland tale? What percentage will come back? What are the costs? LMAO
  4. Nope. Your little " pot" rant is wrong. The article is titled incorrectly. Get over it.
  5. How many children you think? Seriously?
  6. Even Tug seems to forget how these same losers on the view used to all love Donald so much. Then he became a Republican and the hatred started. Really what even semi normal person gives this trash show a minute of their life? These woman are full of hatred and bias.
  7. Sliced roast beef ( at Foodland) lettuce , tomato , mayo and spicy mustard on wheat. I wish I could find sliced turkey breast . It disappeared from foodland 4/5 years ago.
  8. A Federal tax on groceries? Even Taxachusetts doesn't have that one.
  9. You're joking? Right?
  10. Wow. Amazing how Kamala's deep state thread is gone!
  11. Those pics are halarious. How could the one at Pelosi's desk not be here.
  12. Looks like all the big mouths can't really seriously and factually answer the OP. Similar to Kamala ironically. ( cue in cackling)
  13. Dr. Your getting a severe drama Queen alert!
  14. Or just keep it to 5 months in. This year you can do 60 day exempt plus 30 day extension. Then leave for a couple days or longer and come back 60 days ( if still exempt) or 30 days exempt easily extendable for 30 days and leave. No METV needed. If things change next year just get an easy 60 day tourist visa and extend that 30 days. Then leave and come back 30 days exempt and extend 30 days. I've been doing this for many years ( except Covid years). Pretty easy.
  15. Your idea is very flawed . You are letting Thailand MAINTAIN it!
  16. Does anyone except Tug think Jen Psaki asked " Is he okay?" For the FIRST time while watching that debate?
  17. No Evisa should take a week ( or longer). You just proved my point and also proved the incompetence of the Thai Evisa system compared to most other countries sending the visa almost instantly or within 24 hours. Great for you VBF and the completely planned life YOU and only you have.
  18. These things are on YouTube , Farcebook, Twitter and Tic Tik etc. you fool. I'm not a Democrat either. She wants to be President as of a few weeks ago after she dumped Biden. Even your beloved CNN has made lots of comments about her lack of REAL interviews. She's a word salad who can't even interview alone.
  19. Zero large scale interviews. It's absolutely telling. No one knows her from being the VP and no one really knows her now because she does absolutely no large interviews. Stop your nonsense of some bus stops. She needs to show herself to the 100 millions of Americans that just see her word salads and insane cackling. She also has to stop changing her accents. It's weird.
  20. In NYC they need reading, writing, arithmetic and science and I personally think finance classes. Why do you need to constantly insult people? How much time do you think this Columbia University prof. spent with an " average" NYC public school child? There are already many classes in the system that offer black history. These kids CAN'T spell and do math at 16 years old!
  21. And for many people it took a week or more to even get this evisa and many just had to come visa exempt for 30 days because it took so long. It should take an hour or so at most to get an evisa if system is done right. Ever try to get an evisa from Turkey or many other countries? It's quick.
  22. Pretty nice ads up right in Times Square several neon ads in a row saying Make Thailand your home. Thailand long term visa etc. Also ads on same sign for tourism. Just walked by there an hour ago.
  23. If Kamalardo will ever interview someone EVER we can speak of her assets. 😀
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