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Everything posted by alex8912

  1. Not even close. What can you bench press??
  2. Yes. Scott still around prob.
  3. It's Mar-a-Largo. You repeatedly have spelled it incorrectly. Mods??!!
  4. Who's a journalist? Name two.
  5. When did Kamala severe word salad lady speak clearly? There are so many clips of her doing it.
  6. That's it boomer " 30 years ago". Times have changed. It is strange for a person who updates Facebook or whatever everyday ( as unfortunately a billion people do) to all of a sudden stop! I bet it wasn't super cheap for your mommy to call you 30 years ago as well. I didn't have a cell phone in 1994 and my mommy didn't either. Yours did but she didn't call you for other obvious reason and you had a phone for some reason too. Why??
  7. Interesting, another British poster when I said this corrected me EXTENSIVELY and said feet and inches are ONLY used now.
  8. "Also the vast majority of foreigners in Thailand and all Thai people use centimeters." now add your 4 friends laughing 😆 emojis ( again) You call it timber? Why yah buying Sequoias in Thailand?
  9. You and I can both look NOT like our passports 5 minutes after getting a new one. Next...." scrutinized" yah right. It's just a face that you are actually scrutinizing.
  10. South Yorkshire police useless
  11. Biden predates dirt.
  12. Yes everyone in the world when reading this in the article "Concern escalated dramatically when Simon’s phone was switched off after a call to his girlfriend, who lives in Boston. He had spoken to her on July 26th, assuring her of his return. This abrupt end to communication has deeply troubled his friends and family" Would IMMEDIATELY think of Boston England population 70,000 and not Boston Massachusetts metro area 4 million + Also the vast majority of foreigners in Thailand and all Thai people use centimeters. When searching for a loved one IN THAILAND USE CENTIMETERS MR Keeps!
  13. Biden and Pelosi both predate Mount Rushmore.
  14. The entire first half of your original post is just OTT drama. Just like you. Many middle class Thais have homes in expensive California and other nice areas too. One of the largest populations of Thais outside Thailand is California. Some stay and some invest more and more and increase their middle class standing. What are you on about taxes?! Wouldn't the Chinese and Indians also be concerned about this? They are buying way more than the Thais. Four is the answer to your question.
  15. His sister says this “As soon as I have any information, I will update on here. Forever grateful, let’s get Simon home.” she also says this “I am going out of my mind here. I am receiving hundreds of messages and don’t have time to reply to them all. I am thankful for everyone’s support and sharing.” Maybe someone should read every message to see if any are actually relevant to finding her brother and get his emotional sister off the emails. Also why are his notices saying he is 6 feet 2 inches? Is he most likely heading to Boston Massachusetts and NOT Boston England? I thought centimeters would be more helpful info.
  16. Kamala is in a lot of trouble if she is only polling at 55% on a forum like this. Also Tug's voted for her under 17 different login Id's
  17. Much easier for Thais to get 10 year multiple entry visas in USA. EASY!
  18. OTT Drama! My Thai middle class friends can buy land and houses in USA too. Not in Detroit.
  19. You need a media break with that comment. Glad I never heard of 2 of 3 of your examples.
  20. Will Biden's granddaughter Navy get to ever see and spend more time with her honorable grandfather?
  21. Do you actually know what an incel is? Your comment is ridiculous!
  22. Usually " look no further" comments are followed by a RECENT example. Here's you " Genghis Khan blah blah"
  23. What a complete mess the Democrats are in. Can ANYONE on planet earth think Kamala Harris could even possibly be president of the USA for potentially eight years!!! Not even 7 of the 8 loud mouth posters on here can!
  24. Kamala Harris will never be president of the United States.... secret message from those on the ground here in super liberal Cambridge Massachusetts. Forget Seth Moulton and Liawatha. They lie. She is a complete joke.
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