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Everything posted by alex8912

  1. Well that is debatable. They absolutely finally end. Also after March 31 it's 30 days again.
  2. More to story. Want to stay through Songkran. I don't want to " waste " a 45 plus 30 days potential on arrival because I Have a trip to Maldives Dec 7 from BKK back Dec 12 so want to " keep " my 60 day tourist visa till end of Jan and then do + 30 days. Then take a trip outside Thailand and come back with 45 days exempt and extend 30 days ( but use just 2 weeks ) and return to USA April
  3. Hi I know parts of my question have been answered but I'm applying for JUST the 60 day tourist visa ( arriving Nov 23) and these questions all came up in a row and two of them confuse me declaration? I have to upload this? What is this? I don't understand. Travel booking confirmation?? How is this any different from the next question down ? What do I upload? then Proof of accommodation in Thailand ( my plan was to upload one week reservation in Bangkok only. Is that ok.?) I left the next question about adding another place checked "no". Then upload all pages of travel last 12 months ( crazy!!) BUT I have new passport from May 22 , 2022 so I think just my picture page of passport I will upload here as UJ mentioned a few days ago. After having 5 METV's about 2014 to 2018 and several double and triple entry tourist visas before that none of them asked for more info than this silly 60 day visa. I'm really lost at my first two questions what to upload. Thanks USA citizen/ USA passport travel history last trip to thailand 7 weeks March/ April 2022 did 30 + 30 extend left Thailand March 2020 to USA ( corona ) Thank you for any advise!! Hopefully others arriving at holiday times can also find these answers helpful.
  4. Yes. No one has to know what the closing time is at any venue anywhere.
  5. In your world then the beaches and hotels will all have to shut down. What are you even getting at here?? Who said the PATRONS are selling drugs? Or even doing drugs?
  6. Club one in Pattaya has announced they are the first to apply for 4am closing!
  7. What a wonderful way to start the high season. Every single Thai and foreigner there should post how they feel about being treated in Thailand during their holiday when out having a great time. Then the music stops and you have to pee!!! What are a bunch of idiot cops think they are doing to tourism!! Where else wound this happen when you're on a holiday? The parties in Riyadh don't even go down this way! Pathetic!
  8. What if it's a new passport from May 2022? I was in Thailand in March 2022 for 7 weeks. Thanks
  9. He's a little crazy. Why would a younger foreigner live with a younger Thai in Hua Hin?
  10. Why choose to be silent? I think you are wrong. You seem to think that all these people are "experts" but then chastise them. Some people should not go in the first place as it appears in some posts here. Then they go and complain!
  11. Another pathetic TRUTH about CNN which several habitual posters here think is the next step to heaven. CNN has more scandals at ALL levels within their own staff that all you have to do is google it! It's unbelievable! The ratings have been going south for years but are terrible now. They want to report mainly on horrible negative things on America as long as they fit their agenda. Then they travel the world including Thailand to illegally take pics and report of another tragedy! Why would anyone think they are credible?
  12. Yes most deaths were children that were stabbed. Don't you comprehend this yet? That's what he said.
  13. If they use places like Massachusetts as a model they will be taxing it properly and create tons of jobs and revenue and simply big big big baht amounts!! Just little tiny Massachusetts made 2.1 billion $$ off weed last year!! Money often goes to drug rehab ( fentanyl, heroin etc) school systems and tons of other beneficial programs. My town will be getting amazing benefits from the three dispensaries that will open up shortly. Town leaders can almost make up what they want before licensing a recreational shop. Including police cars and snow plows lol. Even housing for the elderly.
  14. You're really not going to know exactly what you are getting in Thailand compared to the USA or Canada. Many facts about THC and other chemicals are right on the packaging in those countries among tons of other info. It's organic and regulated. The shops here that really screen the product need to promote that ( hopefully the info is true however). Anyways I'm looking forward to my next 6 month snow bird trip the end of this month. ????
  15. You should have left out the part about your wife. It's sick.
  16. It's simply not something you would " share" with a friend or loved one. I agree.
  17. Can't imagine why anyone including your wife would view them. It's very strange and troubling.
  18. Oh God. Most were 2 and 3 year olds that were stabbed not shot. It does not take long at all even with a knife killer who is killing sleeping children. Have you read even one complete report of the heinous crime yet? You think the police will show up in 10/15 min when at least 5 adults were shot before the children were stabbed? Who is calling the police???
  19. You don't have to live in Thailand to read ( bad ) news. But I live here 1/2 the year. There are 70 million people so yes there are murders duh! I'm specifically asking ANOTHER poster his percentage of something. You probably think 10% or more are murderers lol . Most murders EVERYWHERE involve people who know each other. That is a plain fact. Many are jealous husbands or wives and again all over the world this happens everyday. Not mass murders of course. So you choose to read articles that show up on this forum and elsewhere that seek to get readers for obvious reasons. Sheep
  20. Like what percent? You must have a guess at least?
  21. In the not too distant future no smartphones will have a SIM card. Only esim will be possible. Get ready. No I phones 14's sold in USA have s SIM card slot already.
  22. You should get out a little. It's simply not just FOX who disrespects Biden. This thread is not about the other President but he sure seems to to up in your and other peoples head 24/7.
  23. I think it might be easier for you and similar to Scotland. Why not just move to Maine??
  24. Not 1/2. What are you using as a source? What EXACT restrictions do you mean? No abortion at 28 or 32 weeks? What about the many countries in Europe that have some restrictions? anyone will be able to come to Massachusetts and MANY other states to get an abortion if they want. Stop the mongering.
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