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Everything posted by alex8912

  1. Because they have students who want to excel in the world. That is the reason.
  2. The 2 am closings in Bangkok Sat night left thousands with $$ in hand and nothing to spend it on except for noodles. I'm sure Pattaya was the same. It seems the strictest ever in BKK. I was here even in March and April and it wasn't so early. What's the big deal about closing at 4 at least on weekends when tourism is up and Thais want to go out as well? It was 5 am for many years in the past. For the " what can possibly go wrong " brigade. All you people are tucked in or under your beds then so why comment!
  3. I prefer my condo life, a view and zero noisy and nosy neighbors. Can leave my place for months and nothing ever happens. When I want to go to the beach anytime I just do.
  4. Yes anything fresh is good. Habi's bad.
  5. You think no 10 years olds in the 70's, 80's, 90's etc ever smoked? You think these kids never had access to it before June 2022? Smoking pot also doesn't label you as " pot head" either. They are not buying it at 700 baht a gram either. They are not " running around " smoking it. Where the heck did you get ALL this misinformation from? It's all in your head or you believe some of these silly threads for some reason. Where is your common sense? One picture and article on line does not define what is the truth.
  6. But what about Will and Kate? ????
  7. That meeting was barely 30 minutes and useless. Everything else Will and Kate did in their 3 day 2 night visit to Beantown was actually interesting. The visit to Greentown Labs in Somerville and the Earthshot Awards and of course they stayed up to see the Celtics win! Great visit.
  8. Do you really think 10 year old Thais did NOT smoke weed before June 2022? Can you answer this question?
  9. Families smoke pot together all over planet earth This is not what you are understanding
  10. By this comment you are not understanding that especially when you are pre teen/young. Most of these kids don't know what is even CONSIDERED legal or not. Opium , cocaine , yabaa, Tina, ecstasy are not less available here than even alcohol! For most pre teens alcohol is the hardest to get and even do in public. In inner cities and rural areas as well in North America , Europe etc alcohol is also harder to get. Other drugs readily available. So that is why I think your thinking is def in a " bubble mentality " many find drugs to shoot up easier to get. By your thinking alcohol is easy to get. Yes if over 20 it's very accessible. Under 20 harder to get but available.
  11. Nice to see some input here instead of " Fox News still soo bad " brigade just spewing to reach 1 million posts.
  12. What unbelievable bubble do you exist in?
  13. It's incorrect history. Just stop it!
  14. Deflect all you want. Big eye roll.
  15. It seems like you're calling Rosa a poster child. Strange. So if your story of the original girl is true then she WAS NOT pregnant so why would she not be the one with the credit for refusing her seat? #Claudettecolvin https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/claudette-colvin-record-expunged/#app
  16. Well there was. Maybe the original person is who should get the stature and credit. A natural warrior. This is the woke era of bold truth isn't it?
  17. Well unfortunately if you dig a little deeper there was a pregnant 16 year old nine months earlier who did this and perhaps wouldn't have had as much impact as Rosa was working with the NAACP as secretary at the time.
  18. Sounds more like a nosy one buddy. "Hello would you mind if I cut your grass. It's a few centimeters over how I like it?" ( sound of door slam) ????
  19. Just wondering what you would do if their grass was not cut for awhile?
  20. I was really sad to hear this. Rumours was probably mine and many others favorite album of that time. Then I went back in time and discovered the Fleetwood Mac album before it. They mixed a band from both sides of the pond , had lots of drama in their lives and were so popular and loved by millions. Christine had such a great voice that often mixed with Stevie's so well. RIP Christine Perfect.
  21. It means J is next to K on most keyboards.
  22. Agree but why bother to upset more tourists spending a lot of baht. Khao Sarn is nothing like it was in the early 90's. Let the people MAJE some money! 2 1/2 years of corona BS
  23. Your first sentence sounds like you are completely scared of something. Why?
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