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Everything posted by alex8912

  1. He was referring to being punished not being forced. You changed the topic of his response completely for some reason.
  2. OMG did you just say people who urinate in public should be deported?? I mean really???
  3. Yes 30 minutes from the second the plane touches down ????. I'm sure your country is exactly the same. There is one Chief in charge of knowing when plane touches down, he releases all bags onto the tarmac with a special button upon that happening. His name is Chief Somchai. However since he is soo good they put him in charge of the iris detector at belt ( let's say 14) so with this technology the eye detector knows exactly when the first person arrives at belt 12 that was on flight 64 from east bumchuck. Then bags are immediately released. Truly amazing TIT.
  4. I'll refresh your mind. You will remember them all from this forum!! ????
  5. Hmm beginning to wonder what type of dumps you are staying in with these comments today lol. But a locked door and leaving some things/$ around to take a seven minute shower in a 4/5* hotel ( or 3) is still pretty safe here. Just sayin. Also most modern 4/5 star hotels do NOT have a chain on them. Many Motels still do. I'm in one now in thailand just extra bolt lock. Same in my Istanbul hotel last week.
  6. Another superior human who has never made even the smallest lapse of judgement while on holiday. ????
  7. I guess you are perfect and never have been relaxing on holiday. A shower can be 5 minutes more/less. A lot of peeps may forget or not think to lock. It's very common and I bet you even have done this once in your life. Many motel/hotels are super easy break ins anyways. I would be more concerned how bold this was. How far he/she had to walk into the room and what if the guy finished and came right out?
  8. Someone really needs to win in these little soccer games. Ever watch 18 innings of baseball? Someone just gotta win.
  9. Thanks. Seems really out of the way. I wish soi 42 was at least one way going towards it. Even a motor cycle taxi can't go that way. Guess it's time to hit up my friend with a car. After a quick search I see only 550 to 900 baht/ gram. One very weak type at 250. Wondering if going to store they have stronger for cheaper. Really want minimum 20%.
  10. The dad was a meth head as well. I think that really can affect your brain , demeanor and personality. He just presents himself as quite out there on the interview that is circulating. He also got banged up fighting as well. There's a lot of brain missing in that guys head. What a POS dad.
  11. So WHERE EXACTLY in BKK is 500 or less per gram for 20% or more? Easy question I think.
  12. alex8912


    10,000 Vietnamese dong ok?
  13. You don't need to literally live here!!
  14. alex8912


    What do you consider soi 2 and 4? Straight lol
  15. Obviously when it's proven your "compliment " Is quite condescending. Did you ever thing that some people don't live on this forum?
  16. He's talking about not 1930's not the 1530's. The article is wrong.
  17. She arrives in Asia cackling off the airplane. She will create delicious word salads for the world to experience. #neverthepresplease.
  18. She is great and will spend it all on beneficial non controversial projects. Congrats to her getting into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!
  19. Well then as many have suggested we can no longer call it Election Day but election season. Arizona will have to change and make their system better and more efficient. They have extra eyes on them now. Today is the fifth day of not knowing important outcomes. In my state that I live in the new governor has already been working with the exiting governor so I disagree with you that the new leaders have not started working yet. Maura Healy would for sure disagree as well.
  20. Hi Scott. I think you need to give SOME credit where credit is due. Florida had the HUGE "dangling chad " embarrassment in I believe 2000. They got their act together and have quite a good system now. Actually an excellent system. Both states have vast open areas. You seemed to skip over the fact that Florida has 21.7 million people and Arizona has 7.2 million! That should not be left out of your post above. Maybe we can learn from Brasil? A huge amount of voters and results within hours. Anyone can google the typical voting " machine " in Brasil. It is very small and modern. Arizona is an embarrassment now.
  21. But it's also a good thing for a country in the middle of nowhere with almost no people ( even 30 million yet?) that is very large and connected to nothing. New Zealand and AUS are unique this way. Japanese fruit won't harm Thailand. I don't understand even ONE post comparing AUS to Thailand in this thread. They are COMPLETELY different topics. Japan standard are also waaay higher than Thailands.
  22. I bet 90% or more of the fruit was eaten by a Thai person associated with the airport! Especially those Japanese melons ????
  23. soo many older , obese , already sick people died during Covid. Perhaps weeks or a year before their time. It's really amazing about the fat old ones. No one will ever know the truth about that stat. I just used real life examples. Covid was bad but why do you " think " about conspiracies? They can go BOTH ways you know.
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