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    Bangkok, Thailand

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  1. How about English translation?
  2. Thank you for the useful info, sirineou.
  3. jaywalker2 gave you good advice. I will add that you'd better try TRUE or AIS as your providers.
  4. Dear steven100, Forget to ask you, how do you know that it's so bad? I do agree with you that their support sucks.
  5. When it worked, it worked good for me. I'm still using its DNS, i.e.
  6. Here is the content of the "warp-debugging-info-20230831-102627.zip" attached.
  7. The Cloudflare WARP service is not available. Try rebooting. This is an error message that shows every time I start my PC: Windows 10 Pro x64; 8 GB of RAM; Chrome browser. The Cloudflare WARP icon in the system tray has greyed out. It all happened after I lost an Internet connection, and after it was repaired the Cloudflare WARP service became unavailable. At that time an icon called "warp-debugging-info-20230831-102627.zip" appeared on my desktop. If needed I can post the content of that file. I have tried to uninstall (v. and reinstalled the app (Cloudflare_WARP_ Release-x64.msi) and it wasn't successful, as well as rebooting the system. Any help?
  8. My due date for the 90-day report is 25 June. I submitted my notification online on 16 June, and till now its status is pending. Is there somebody I can contact (by phone or email) to check out why my submission hasn't been approved? Your help will be much appreciated.
  9. Does someone know how to subscribe to/unsubscribe from this service called DMARC?
  10. Does someone know what is DMARC? (see the new post by that name)
  11. To clarify...in short: Recently, my MX records were changed by someone. I noticed that a few days later, and changed it back to Google as it is my email service provider. I also changed my password to cPanel. I do have an antivirus (Bitdefender), but I'm not 100% sure it can protect me.
  12. I received several unsolicited email messages, see a snapshot. I'm not sure if it's safe to open the attachment (a file name: google.com!th4u.com!1679616000!1679702399.xml).
  13. Crucial Storage Executive has been updated to the version 9.01.012023.01 (this update should address the firmware update issues). Here is the link for update: https://www.crucial.com/support/storage-executive Just install it over the previous version.
  14. Good news! Firstly, I enabled Momentum Cache. And then, I was able to update the firmware. Attached screenshots.
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