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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. Cheapest way really would be you administering it via needle and syringe yourself, and to save additional costs perhaps try using this https://www.clorox.com/products/clorox-toilet-bowl-cleaner-with-bleach/ instead...

    Free of charge would be accepting the ways of the Lord and being happy with the naturally given appearance instead of letting your missus pump poison into her system... What is wrong with you people? Haven't you seen enough Botox horror shows on youtube????

  2. Would like to stress again that ThaiJohnThailandsomething is a shill writing for TV to exclusively support official stories and statements. He's best ignored via the "ignore" function, if you want to keep a sane conversation going. Nowadays it is easy to discredit any doubts on official stories as "conspiracy theories"... but there will be the time where all those ignorant idiots will wake up. The Burmese patsies will be dead by then :(

  3. "We would like to stress that as a family we are confident in the work that has been carried out into these atrocious crimes."

    What's that suposed to mean?

    However, the overall text talks about being confident with the investigative work performed on Koh Tao... If this alone isn't a joke, then I don't know...

    Transparent trial... yeah, keep on dreaming!

    Such statements can only come from someone who knows absolutely nothing about Thailand...

    The two burmese dwarfs, who managed to overpower a 6ft, well built westerner and cut him up in the process and managed to walk away without a scratch and magically managed to keep Hannah quiet in the meantime, will hang now, most likely based on circumstancial evidence, hearsay, waterboarded confessions and witness statements coming from a pancake vendor who is their ethnic enemy and took part in beating the patsies up in the safe house... Nice police work indeed. Only a comatose person can give their consent to all of that. Sick and tired of this sad.png

  4. AS the Sun rises in the sky

    the grumpy and frustrated immature half wits start to vent their frustrations out on an unsuspecting forum.

    As this thread has now deteriorated I will say no more on this topic other than your Avatar, catweazle, seems to be 100% appropriate to and in accord with what you write!

    Correct! And your name and the non-existant avatar paint a picture that in return fits your personality like a glove: Nothingness!

    • Like 2
  5. I do hope you aren't saying, I learned Thai, so everyone else should?

    Personally, since my Thai is near non-existent, and doesn't seem to be improving, my Mrs is glad to take care of a lot of the administrative type of issues, renewing car tax, lost mail etc. I do my visa stuff myself. I do see the type you mention, who let the Mrs do everything, like getting them money from the ATM.unsure.png

    Learning the language if you live, work/retire in any foreign country is not an option, it is a MUST! Not learning the language of your host country is the first and most annoying display of superficiality and ignorance to any host. I have heard so many excuses why foreigners here are unable to manage learning Thai, that it makes me sick to my stomach. In my opinion, it would be great if basic command of spoken Thai would be a visa requirement for any Thailand visa other than tourist. There you have it!

    So many expats in Thailand whine in forums about not being respected - if you want respect, you have to earn it, and the forst step to do that would be to learn the language of the country you chose as a home.

    • Like 2
  6. I just LOVE the threads that begin with "I've been in Thailand for xx years"


    ...hhhmmm, and that is because you are living here only for e few months, a year at best or what is your reason for ridiculing years of real life experience?

    For example - I'm here for almost 24 years. What do you have to offer?

    ...and it's sarcasm, no sacasm - swithcing on your brain before typing would help.

  7. You are correct to any aspect in your OP, Beetlejuice!

    I am always at awe when I see those pussy-whimps...

    The man needs to be in charge, over finances, negotiations, etc. and has to keep his freedom and independence to a certain level. The people you described are the spineless losers who usually fly back home, broke, battered and heartbroken to then blame their own shortcomings on the Thai girls and Thais in general. They sicken me!

  8. Not one person on this forum has brought forth any evidence whatsoever that indicates an impropriety has taken place in the police investigation. The Thai government has gone out of its way to open the investigation to foreign agencies and not one of those agencies found any facts to support the claim that the confessions were gotten by any means unacceptable in any country in the world, including the UK, USA, and AUS. Police regularly threaten and lie to suspects. One of the most common events in a police investigation occurs when a suspect confesses then, after the first visit by his lawyer, recants. That is why in most countries, the confession without supporting evidence, is not sufficient to convict.

    I am fully convinced that the police have not made scapegoats of the men on trial. Had they done so they would have limited the number of suspects to one. Any police organization knows that the difficulty of getting a conviction in a murder case increases with the square of the number of suspects. Not knowing all the evidence, I cannot say if they are innocent or guilty. But the forensic evidence, coupled with the witness statements and the circumstantial evidence certainly makes them indictable. If they are innocent, I hope they are freed. If they are guilty, I hope they are punished.

    My personal experience with Thai courts has taught me that, if you are not there for political reasons, you will most likely get a fair trial whether you are Thai or foreign.

    ...and you have arrived from where? La-La-Land, Lego Land, Banana Space, Oz, or another galaxy perhaps?

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