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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. Driver fined for reckless driving and then? As usual, no investigation into the bus providing company, charging them with neglect and manslaughter for not servicing their vehicls properly, charging the driver for failed security checks, etc...?

    I can understand the people who think that Thailand still is a 3rd world country. The facade isn't, but the brains of its people along with how they handle live threatening problems certainly are.

    Let's hope the parents of the unfortunate child will sue the parties involved along with a good lawyer that helps them pro-bono and that justice will be served.

    RIP to the little one and sincerest condolences to family and friends.

  2. Tourists should avoid going to stay on this death-island, think twice before going!

    No, tourists should just be wise enough to not mess with the local mafia. If you keep to yourself and away from bars and drugs it's a wonderful island.

    Tourists dies everywhere. How many tourists die in LA for example every day and do people stop going there?

    By far one of the most idiotic posts I ever read on TV! A tourist has a list then, telling them names and places of where to find, respectively avoid local mafia types? Did you forget your medication today, perhaps?

    • Like 1
  3. Here's the video link to the press conference

    Well well, considering Burmese and Thai relations were supposed to of been strengthened now that their governments are so...similar (in some respects) this is very surprising. Burma straight out calling it BS and that their boys are innocent.

    I'm a bit sad that my home nation won't also divulge their own investigations findings, I guess it is a matter of 'diplomacy' but I think that there's more to gain for Thailand through close relations with their immediate neighbors than there is with Britain.

    Maybe, just maybe, there is a glimmer of hope for these boys. But, sadly, less closure for the families of Hannah and David.

    The families of David and Hannah don't deserve a closure that has been ridden out on innocent peoples' backs!

    It is their own fault that they won't get closure because they have been silent throughout the whole mayhem, when even a blind person could see that the investigation is going south with the true murderers walking and two burmese patsy children being beaten to confession in a "safe house". It would be the duty of any concerning parent to fight for the truth, not push for "closure" leaving alone announcing in public that they were satisfied with this absolutely unbelievable mess of an investigation!

    Like I posted many times - if I were the father of David or Hannah, I would have been there myself, turning the island inside out along with my own private investigation team and good friends from Nakhon Si Thammarat. After that, the true murderes would have been brought to a "safe house" in the suburbs of Bangkok, where I would spend a week with them, my toolbox and a camera to record some nice memories to watch and calm me down whenever grief and sadness about my child being killed would set in. That would be my closure!

  4. catsanddogs, on 14 Dec 2014 - 11:34, said:
    thailandchilli, on 14 Dec 2014 - 11:07, said:

    ***needed some of the starting quotes****

    Hard to imagine but easy enough to stage by the puppet masters

    And a punch with one of those vile rings (whatever they're called) might be likely to cause both the bruise and the the cut at the same time.

    There may have been more than one person wearing one of those rings that night. I came across the attached photo some time ago. It is from the man's own FB page.

    Isn't that the RTP "friend" of the AC bar owner who joined in to threaten and chase Sean into the 7Eleven? (the f----r on the right)


    Photo taken by Sean from behind the 7Eleven counter - left owner of AC bar known as a violent weapons lover. Right his friend who (how convenient) is a Koh Tao policeman...


    He seems to wear the rings with the ray teeth on both hands!

  5. @jdinaisa, AleG, JTJ

    I've asked once before, don't recall getting a reply so I'll ask again.

    Why are you guys defending the RTP / prosecution case so, so, so very much against practically every poster on the board? It goes beyond natural instinct and reaction for impartial observers with non-vested interests. Pretty much every one of your posts the last couple of days have been on related threads (according to TV search function).

    Are you so incensed by conspiracy theories that you have taken it upon yourselves to crusade against it?

    Any logical and sane thinking person can see that the amount of arguments that you guys are putting up are completely beyond normal reason. Not only that but it has become extremely annoying (though sadly within TV rules). I will wager that never in the history of TV have the same posters been put on ignore lists by so many other posters is so short a time.

    Whatever your reasons or intentions may be, I fear that they will only have the opposite reaction to that you desire.

    Well put! BRAVO!!!!! thumbsup.gif

  6. I think that Thais are possibly the last ones in a cue with the right to complain about other people's behaviour! I am not fond of the Chinese either, screaming and shouting in a 7Eleven all the way from the cash counter to their friends back at the fridges. But those are the "quality tourists" Thailand was so desperately asking for, no?... while scaring the Essaan family-supporting longtimers away, utilizing dodgy visa rules and regulations...

    At least the Chinese are happy with throwing hot noodles, while the Thais opt for slashing taxi guests to death with a machete over a 40 Baht taxi fare, stick a knife into a foreigner's heart who refuses to stop singing on stage, bashing tourists' heads in and rape them, with police covering up their wrongdoings, shooting wife and mother in law in broad daylight, accepting Buddhist monks taking cash and goodies in exchange for lottery numbers, treating Burmese workers and employees like dirt, Thais misbehaving in traffic 24/7, ripping off tourists 24/7 and telling foreigners to f.... off to their home countries if they don't like to be taken advantage of, etc. etc....

    You get what you ask for, Thailand. Now deal with it!!!!!!!!

  7. This is a case in which the parents are confident in the police work performed during the investigation? You must be kidding!!!!!

    Yes, after being briefed by professional UK investigators that had access to the actual evidence, witnesses and facts of the case.

    It takes a lot of hubris for armchair detectives that have access to only conflicting reports and partial information regarding the case to think themselves more informed than them.

    Okeydokey... then you certainly also know that the british investigators have been a full 2 TWO hours on the island before they went home again to provide their report?

    You also have nothing substancial to add - pal !!! It;s not armchair's detectives' work to list and point out all the errors in the investigation but simple logic. Stop posting, if you can't show more than brainless babble about armchair detectives. Look at the facts and start using your brain, man!

    You are just proving my point by claiming that the UK investigators were on the island for only two hours, that is false; don't take my word for it, search for "British authorities at Koh Tao crime scene" and read the article carefully. Your premises are false, any conclusion you derive from them are going to be invalid.

    After you find out that you were wrong, perhaps you should show some integrity and apologize for your second paragraph.

    Aleg - the Times Magazine article proving my mentioned two hour beach picnic performed by UK investigators has been deleted, but I trust that some of my friends here on TV will post another lead. Until then - NO apology :)

  8. It is rather disturbing to see that some posters are trying to white-wash an investigation that has been a major cluster.... ahemm, "kerfuffle" right from the very start, with prime suspects walking all over the crime scene, giving them plenty of time and opportunity to remove compelling evidence and planting false leads...

    And this was only the beginning!

    Correct me if I am wrong, but did the investigation not troddle on like in the following?

    After that we had raids in all Burmese camps on Koh Tao and all Burmese, including the patsies (seen on photos of the DNA test day with one of them being swapped even on one of the photos) and later the police infos that all Burmese DNA samples were negative (including the patsies' samples!) and no phones, clothes, etc. related to the crime scene were found.

    An english backpacker (Alan Ware) was hunted down, apprehended and questioned, there was a bloody trouser, but after a DNA test of the blood stains it was claimed that there was no relation to the crime and he was set free, despite the fact that witnesses saw him strolling around in the area where the murders happened on that very night.

    Later, another foreigner (Sean McAnna) was hunted by a prime suspect (owner of AC bar, who was all over the crime scene from hour one onwards) and his corrupt RTP pal under death threats into a 7Eleven, being told they would hang him an pin the double murder on him. This person had the same shallow stab wounds as the victim (David had nine of them on his head and shoulder). Sean, carrying a guitar sprinkled with blood, was later also questioned and (despite his claims that the AC bar owner wants to kill him and pin the murder on him) set free. The chase suggests that he did see soemthing he should not have seen... A possible key murder witness was simply sent away by the RTP...

    An island VIP, and son of head mafiosi on Koh Tao, seen on CCTV cameras, disappears in the night after the murders and shows up in the early morning hours in his university in Bkk, with fellow students claiming that he had scratch marks on his upper torso and arms. He takes about a week off (allowing the wounds to heal) and is (despite having an arrest warrant open) not apprehended by police. He reappears a week later to claim his innocence and refuses together with his uncle (who was another prime suspect) to give a DNA test. The police accepts this, the suspects are set free. Later anyone pointing fingers at them are threatened by the corrupt RTP with legal action. Thais as well as foreigners continue to post even more compelling evidence against these suspects who claim their innocence, despite the threats, with facebook site CSI LA sending more and more witness statements and compelling evidence against these prime suspects, but to no avail. One of these suspects was accused of a rape attempt by a foreign blonde young girl who looks similar to Hannah about a year earlier. Charges were dropped by the corrupt Koh Tao RTP officers.

    News emerge about the corrupt KT RTP trying to bribe a Koh Tao taxi driver into a false witness statement, offering him approx. 700.000 THB for that. He refuses and goes public (Respect!!! A great man!!!!!).

    More photos appear on social media, with a fat guy mocking these shocking murders and rape by posing with a garden hoe in front of a shag, with a stupid grin on his face. This person is known as violent and witnesses claim he was partying with the victims at the night of the murders. He wears a ring with a ray bone in it that could have inflicted the shallow stab marks on David's face, which the RTP would like to overlook (they never mentioned them until CSI LA spoke about it) but after a brief chat with the police he's set free.

    A Thai football team finally is being targeted as possible victims, while the S-storm against the number one suspect, high profile VIP mafia son, on social media continues. Police states that they have compelling evidence against VIP Mafia brat and his uncle and BAM!!!! The next day our Burmese patsies are brought to the safe house, kicked and beaten by a pancake vendor who acted as translator while even speaking a different accent, almost a different language and who hates Burmese of the same ascend as the patsies, since he is their ethnic enemy. He together with the RTP threaten the Burmese men to burn them alive, electrocute them, kill them, etc. if they don't sign the confession. They give in.

    The patsies are paraded in front of media and puppeteered around the crime scene in an "reenactment" that makes the actors of Monty Python look like beginners. Not even the direction of where they were accessing the crime scene from were clear, with police and burmese pointing in different directions what luckily was frozen forever on a photo that appeared on the net minutes after...

    Shall I go on???

    And this is a "perfect" open and shut case? This is a case in which the parents are confident in the police work performed during the investigation? You must be kidding!!!!!

    This is a case in which the parents are confident in the police work performed during the investigation? You must be kidding!!!!!

    Yes, after being briefed by professional UK investigators that had access to the actual evidence, witnesses and facts of the case.

    It takes a lot of hubris for armchair detectives that have access to only conflicting reports and partial information regarding the case to think themselves more informed than them.

    Okeydokey... then you certainly also know that the british investigators have been a full 2 TWO hours on the island before they went home again to provide their report?

    You also have nothing substancial to add - pal !!! It;s not armchair's detectives' work to list and point out all the errors in the investigation but simple logic. Stop posting, if you can't show more than brainless babble about armchair detectives. Look at the facts and start using your brain, man!

  9. It is rather disturbing to see that some posters are trying to white-wash an investigation that has been a major cluster.... ahemm, "kerfuffle" right from the very start, with prime suspects walking all over the crime scene, giving them plenty of time and opportunity to remove compelling evidence and planting false leads...

    And this was only the beginning!

    Correct me if I am wrong, but did the investigation not troddle on like in the following?

    After that we had raids in all Burmese camps on Koh Tao and all Burmese, including the patsies (seen on photos of the DNA test day with one of them being swapped even on one of the photos) and later the police infos that all Burmese DNA samples were negative (including the patsies' samples!) and no phones, clothes, etc. related to the crime scene were found.

    An english backpacker (Alan Ware) was hunted down, apprehended and questioned, there was a bloody trouser, but after a DNA test of the blood stains it was claimed that there was no relation to the crime and he was set free, despite the fact that witnesses saw him strolling around in the area where the murders happened on that very night.

    Later, another foreigner (Sean McAnna) was hunted by a prime suspect (owner of AC bar, who was all over the crime scene from hour one onwards) and his corrupt RTP pal under death threats into a 7Eleven, being told they would hang him an pin the double murder on him. This person had the same shallow stab wounds as the victim (David had nine of them on his head and shoulder). Sean, carrying a guitar sprinkled with blood, was later also questioned and (despite his claims that the AC bar owner wants to kill him and pin the murder on him) set free. The chase suggests that he did see soemthing he should not have seen... A possible key murder witness was simply sent away by the RTP...

    An island VIP, and son of head mafiosi on Koh Tao, seen on CCTV cameras, disappears in the night after the murders and shows up in the early morning hours in his university in Bkk, with fellow students claiming that he had scratch marks on his upper torso and arms. He takes about a week off (allowing the wounds to heal) and is (despite having an arrest warrant open) not apprehended by police. He reappears a week later to claim his innocence and refuses together with his uncle (who was another prime suspect) to give a DNA test. The police accepts this, the suspects are set free. Later anyone pointing fingers at them are threatened by the corrupt RTP with legal action. Thais as well as foreigners continue to post even more compelling evidence against these suspects who claim their innocence, despite the threats, with facebook site CSI LA sending more and more witness statements and compelling evidence against these prime suspects, but to no avail. One of these suspects was accused of a rape attempt by a foreign blonde young girl who looks similar to Hannah about a year earlier. Charges were dropped by the corrupt Koh Tao RTP officers.

    News emerge about the corrupt KT RTP trying to bribe a Koh Tao taxi driver into a false witness statement, offering him approx. 700.000 THB for that. He refuses and goes public (Respect!!! A great man!!!!!).

    More photos appear on social media, with a fat guy mocking these shocking murders and rape by posing with a garden hoe in front of a shag, with a stupid grin on his face. This person is known as violent and witnesses claim he was partying with the victims at the night of the murders. He wears a ring with a ray bone in it that could have inflicted the shallow stab marks on David's face, which the RTP would like to overlook (they never mentioned them until CSI LA spoke about it) but after a brief chat with the police he's set free.

    A Thai football team finally is being targeted as possible victims, while the S-storm against the number one suspect, high profile VIP mafia son, on social media continues. Police states that they have compelling evidence against VIP Mafia brat and his uncle and BAM!!!! The next day our Burmese patsies are brought to the safe house, kicked and beaten by a pancake vendor who acted as translator while even speaking a different accent, almost a different language and who hates Burmese of the same ascend as the patsies, since he is their ethnic enemy. He together with the RTP threaten the Burmese men to burn them alive, electrocute them, kill them, etc. if they don't sign the confession. They give in.

    The patsies are paraded in front of media and puppeteered around the crime scene in an "reenactment" that makes the actors of Monty Python look like beginners. Not even the direction of where they were accessing the crime scene from were clear, with police and burmese pointing in different directions what luckily was frozen forever on a photo that appeared on the net minutes after...

    Shall I go on???

    And this is a "perfect" open and shut case? This is a case in which the parents are confident in the police work performed during the investigation? You must be kidding!!!!!

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