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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. Maybe an accompanying question would be to ask why you use pretentious and convoluted language to ask such a simple question? Or is it just a way to show just what a superior bon vivant wordsmithing farang you really are?

    The answer is simple as well - some folks just love writing... while some folks just love to act like /\$$holes. Guess you are clever enough to figure out which category suits you to a tee...

    • Like 2
  2. No mercy for cowardly bombers! Death penalty for anyone involved, people who supply or prepare parts, as well as the person pushing the knob...

    Question is why the army are putting maximum effort on cleaning up beaches instead of tackling more important, life threatening issues like this one and cleaning up the deep south instead?

    What does it help to have a clean shave if your feet are smelling like rotten fish???

    • Like 1
  3. Pol Pot eradicated iq as a whole in Cambodia - the place never recovered! Can't compare it to Thailand, even though Thai teachers are teaching their pupils that LOS never was occupied, ever! violin.gif

    That may be the stupidest thing I've read all week. Do you think the Khmer Rouge asked people to fill in IQ tests and then shot them for passing? It's a myth that the intelligensia came off any worse than the rest of Cambodia. Mainly because a.) there wasn't much of an intelligensia (see my post above as to why - no schools) and b.) because many of the smartest people fled the country prior to the KR take over. Milton Osborne (perhaps the most respected figure in South East Asian analysis) concludes that there was no difference in the overall damage to the intelligensia (as a percentage of people affected) than the population at large.

    Wrong, Siamrepeater! If you read first hand accounts of survivors and if you would make an effort to visit Cambodia's capitol, you'd be surprised! It's your choice if you believe so-called specialists and analysts... I trust in what I see with my own eyes. You could begin with the book "First they killed my father" by Loung Ung for starters... Would say more, but have mercy on you since you seem to at least have a good sense of dark humor (the iq test knock is hilarious) what is something I like and value.

  4. Hi TV lovers!

    My Thai wife and I are about to open a small holiday homes resort (8 rental units) with pool near the beach (west coast) in south Thailand soon. Work is progressing well, and we should be good to open in December, but I start to get worried about the whole booking thing. I know the timing is not good, but things in Thailand might change to the better...

    Please could the ones of you who run a similar business let me know what your experiences and PROs and CONs of working with flipkey, agoda, bookings.com, etc. are or if you have any better suggestions to reel in bookings, plus how to use things like tripadvisor, etc. and what the DOs and DONTs are. I believe tripadvisor can be heaven or hell for anyone, depending on what clients you get, right?

    I am in LOS for 23 years now and have had several businesses which all did quite well, some I sold, some I just closed when I had the feeling that it is time to do something new. Thus I am not a newbie to doing business here, but to the whole accommodation services and bookings thing. If you guys could give me a heads up and reveal some of your tips and tricks to me please, this would be greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks in advance for your support!

    This is my 1.000th post and I wanna make it count. I wish you all the best for your businesses in LOS for the coming season!



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