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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. No wonder private investments took a nose dive. With the staccato of anti-foreign stances, rules and visa restrictions in he past months it is a miracle that it went down by just 4.4 per cent... Destroying the livelyhood of beach vendors throughout Thailand and leaving them without any options will not help much to increase local spendings, in the contrary - crimes will go up, further foreigners will pull out and along with them, their cash. Well done, Thailand! clap2.gif

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  2. If this is the top of the priority list, then mostly this whole planet is lost. Look around people! Ther are by far more pressing issues than a few poisoned stray dogs that would die a horrible death anyway by malnutrition, car accident, cancer, etc. Problem is not being tackled at the root what would be to catch and put to sleep all street dogs in Thailand once and for all. Dunno how thousands of fatal motorbike accidents also involving children have been caused by fV<|<in' strays...

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  3. Looks like I should wait with selling my Toyota Vigo Champ for a few weeks. If it is as bad as it sounds, there will be a shortage of cars, especially Toyotas again some time soon...

    Good luck to everyone in the city of angels. Hope this one will pass smoothly and my concerns are unfounded...

  4. This is why I pulled my 6 year old daughter out of school in Thailand and moved back to the States. I was an English teacher in Pattaya and at the largest private school in Sattahip and it was a daily event watching Thai teachers hitting children. When my daughter came to me from her classroom telling me the teacher hit her with a ruler on her back and hand for not writing neatly, I complained at the office and got myself in trouble for speaking out. Because my wife and I are caring, concerned and loving parents,we brought our daughter back to America where she would not be subject to corporal punishment and the Thai submissive way. Nobody will take my daughter's childhood away from her and she deserves a better education than any school in Thailand can offer her.

    Is the avatar you use a pic of her? :) Just kidding! :)

  5. If it were my child, I'd go straight to the source and apply a proper facial massage, even if I'd have to go to jail after, but I would not rely on the dream that justice will be served. Teachers here in Thailand have had it too good for decades. Thais would always look up to them, no matter how dimwitted they might be, and never question their ways, how cruel they might be. Time to put an end to that and by far a more pressing issue than banning gorgeous looking girls from wearing a Heineken shirt!!!!

  6. Well, boo-hoo.

    Whoever thought a military solution to the country's political differences wouldn't lead to this sort of thing was an idiot.

    Get ready.

    There's a lot more of this coming.

    A bit harsh though to call anyone an idiot who thought things were looking up after the coup, but I fear you are correct saying that more of this will be coming. Problem in my opinion is the erratic/aggressive sequence of priorities. Feels like they want to paint the house before the walls are up...

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  7. Wonder when they gonna ban fun as a whole? This country is turning into a hyper-conservative, puritan, boring copy of a typical muslim country under Sharia law, but with a buddhist touch... Never felt as uneasy and tense here than over the past year. It looked great first when Suthep was stopped in his tracks, farmers got payed, mafia-alike structures were dismantled, etc. but then priorities changed to first attack the foreign tourism, foreign investment and expat sector, then a beach cleanup pushing thousands of Thai vendors into oblivion without options and now it seems like fun in general is next, instead of tackling the biggest problem that could bring Thailand to its knees which is the unrest and bombings in the deep south. I thought Thailand was under military leadership? Why is nothing done to eliminate the radical subjects in Yala, Narathiwat, etc.? Priorities in Thailand by now are so out of tune that it hurts in the ears of anyone who still can think straight. Getting really angry, need to stop... sorry sad.png

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  8. Since they were causing a lot of hardship and pain to folks of all walks of life, I'd suggest to have them clean the streets of Thailand for the rest of their lifes without pay from dusk till dawn and night time dorm at Bkk Hilton wearing (24/7) a Tee saying "I might have skimmed your bank account!"

    Sounds like a fair and humanitarian punishment, doesn't it?

  9. Banks are after property! They don't want, neither expect to be paid back the loans they give because the seized property turns their fake computer money into real, actually existing assets. The whole monetary system is depending on loans, compound interest (whereas the latter is legal robbery) and people who spend more than they earn, to keep this sucker goin'. And it moves in one direction only - upwards! The money flows from the pockets of the poor into the pockets of the rich.

    If any average John or Jane Doe would do what Goldmann Sachs and the rest of the so-called Elite do, he would be serving life in jail or perhaps end up on death row, but the bankers get bonuses for talking the little man into a debt he'll never be able to pay back. This sick system will eventually collapse, the question is not if, but when...

  10. "Our pool technology and waste water system are from Hungary" Is Hungary some kind of technical country of excellence or something? It certainly wasn't when I was last there! I like the way it's used a selling point , "powered by Hungarian technology" wooo-hoooo! Let's form an orderly queue and get down there!

    And you are what? According to your avatar, an anglo-saxon Englishman... superior indeed - superior enough to look down on on any country who won't engage in enslaving the world. You should be ashamed of yourself.

    And you deduced all this because I have a Union Jack as my avatar as opposed to a fictitious character from a children's television series? Are you so dimwitted that you do not know the origin on of my name? I don't feel the need to hide behind a "handle". I'd be interested to know when Wales was enslaving the World though. Go back to your local 7/11 and grab yourself another beer Chang my hippy friend

    I believe the many posts showing how many hungarian inventions there are expose your superficiality and lack of brain mass in perfect detail. You have made a fool of yourself on TV for everyone to see. Have a cheap drink on that. Nothing more to add to this.

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