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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. Thais really cannot take the truth about how little the rest of the world thinks of them. Transexual prostitutes and cheap fish caught by enslaved foreigners is about all Lie-Land offers the world.

    The writer should be reminded he'd probably be speaking Vietnamese if not for USA.

    The USA lost the war in Vietnam

    I think they walked away..................coffee1.gif

    Yupp, that's what they always do after <deleted> up... what actually is the next best thing they can do...

    • Like 1
  2. What is the US BIGGEST contribution to Thailand?? Probably Pattaya would be among them - they turned a tiny fishing village into the scum that is Walking street in 6 months and filled the bars with issan bar ladies - thanks for supporting us USA!! next time keep walking!!

    that sure would be nice, wouldn't it? Turn back time, take the americans out and there would be no demands for bars with isaan bar ladies. Thailand surely would have no problems then. Excellent writing, love.

    darn farangs and their ways!

    Bull$#ite - the americans are to be blamed for a lot of things, but certainly are not responsible for Thailand's thriving sex industry. The hidden truth here is that Thai men, especially Thai/Chinese are whorehouse addicts, in the early days not one business meeting would pass that wouldn't end with a dinner get together and a visit to the massage parlour or straight to business whore house! This is where the sex industry of Thailand emerged from. Don't try to explain Thailand if you have no clue what you are talking about!

    Portugese missionairies where apparantly the first "farangs"to have set foot in Siam and their journals say they where taken to houses of ill repute where one could smoke opium and have their way with the local woman.

    Rrrright! And those repute houses initially were meant to serve who? The local population! What's your point here?

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Poor intellect. Let's see. Just what type of computer did you post that from? IBM clone PC? Mac? And what operating system are you using? Microsoft, Apple, Unix, Linux/Andoid? Did you post it on the internet via TCP/IP? Wireless, wired?

    Do you get any information for the dumb people at Google?

    Does your country use any nuclear power plants? Does it have stealth aircraft technology?

    America by far leads the world in technology so it can't be all that lacking in "intellect."


    Reading this reminds me how thankful I am not to live in America anymore. I used to endure hearing this "Americans invented everything" for hours until I would literally puke.

    You didn't invent anything "NeverSure". You are not that interesting. You are not Edison or Bell. You are mediocre. Get over it. Americans are way too brainwashed by that "we invented everything" to know that no one gives a damn.

    Nothing gives you the right to take credit for the work of others, be they Merucuns or anybody else. You remind me well why I can't stand that place. Hearing "Americans invented everything" makes me grab a barf bag. No one owes you dirt for inventing anything. Grow up. Stay home.

    Are you Iranian? Come on! Tell us. alt=tongue.png>

    It must be hard on you having lost WWII and accomplished nothing ever since. Get used to being way behind.

    Every American has a right to feel good about America and what Americans have done to make the world a better place for people everywhere. I feel good about being an American. You can not feel good throwing up all the time. See a psychiatrist he/she can help you with your head problem. You may need an optorectomy. Cut that cord from the back of your eye balls to your a*hole to get rid of that shitty outlook on life.

    I believe your irrational words above, black on white for all to see, in combination with these videos basically say everything about the psychological state the US and its people are in at this moment...

  4. What I would like to hear is comments from those non Americans who slag on America... but think obama is a great leader... Do you think 6 years of obama has been good for the world? Who has ordered more drone strikes to kill people than anyone ever ? Who has allow the printing of near worthless dollars that has fueled inflation around the world? Who has stymied oil production and processing in the U.S. so that the U.S, buys more oil from foreign sources - thus bidding up the price for all other countries - thus raising the cost of living? Who has seen arms, aircraft and bombs to Libya and created chaos there? Who funded radical fundamentalist in Syria creating chaos there and allowed it to migrate to Iraq? Who funded the beyond radical Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt that almost succeeded in setting up a fundamentalist Islamic state in Egypt (but was thwarted by real freedom loving people)?


    I just laugh at the silly know it alls who love (or loved) obama and yet know nothing about his dastardly actions over 6 years...

    No obama got a nice enheritance from Bush and is still cleaning up his mess.

    So in conclusion that means that the american way of a cleanup is to create even more of a mess? Wake up, man!

  5. What I would like to hear is comments from those non Americans who slag on America... but think obama is a great leader... Do you think 6 years of obama has been good for the world? Who has ordered more drone strikes to kill people than anyone ever ? Who has allow the printing of near worthless dollars that has fueled inflation around the world? Who has stymied oil production and processing in the U.S. so that the U.S, buys more oil from foreign sources - thus bidding up the price for all other countries - thus raising the cost of living? Who has seen arms, aircraft and bombs to Libya and created chaos there? Who funded radical fundamentalist in Syria creating chaos there and allowed it to migrate to Iraq? Who funded the beyond radical Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt that almost succeeded in setting up a fundamentalist Islamic state in Egypt (but was thwarted by real freedom loving people)?


    I just laugh at the silly know it alls who love (or loved) obama and yet know nothing about his dastardly actions over 6 years...

    Would have clicked "like" if there weren't that many spelling errors :)

  6. I think this number represents only the Thais that made the effort of going to the labour department and sign in as unemployed to find a job this way. When I look around, I see a lot of mopes just hanging out, gambling, drinking and loafing, having the missus do all the work and put money on the table. However, everyone seems to be getting along just fine more or less - this happens when the government simply does not provide a system inviting freeloaders to cash in tax payer's money for doing nothing like for example in Germany, where the social safety net system punishes the working man and rewards the lazy ones who - in third generation - are unemployed by choice, nibbling crisps and watching telly all day, simply cashing in their government checks every 1st of the month...

  7. I never wrote that the plane was hijacked, I believe it was shot down. Common sense would be to read my posts properly before babbling along.

    You think in times where spy satellites can read your newspaper in your garden, with NSA listening to every single phone call all over the world and checking everything that is posted on the internet, the advanced level of warfare, etc. a huge airplane like that can simply disappear? You still believe in Santa Claus, don't you?

    My post may have had you in the quote, but it was directed at the purveyor of any conspiracy theory based on zero proof, like yours is.

    See, you do exactly what mainstream media is doing - using someone's post to quote someone else to make generalisations, and accuse or ridicule e"all of them" to then twaddle along and create a blur until no one knows anymore what the opponent was talking about, just like one of those mainstream media puppets... At least you learned something by watching mainstream media - however, I am not impressed!

  8. Conspiracy is a consistent characteristic of humanity, Despite conspiracies having shaped the modern world, today it is not PC to believe they exist. All governments and powerful organisations today are benevolent and care only about the rule of law and a better future for all mankind.

    I never said conspiracy theories do not exist. Of course they exist, and of course what we are told to be real is probably not real. Mass hysteria would take over the whole world if we were told what was really going on in it. But my whole point is about theories which are just guesses based on nothing else but what the theorist wants to believe or fits his agenda.

    If you want me to believe that the moon is a hollow spaceship used by aliens to travel to our planet, or that there is an alien headquarters on the dark side of the moon which is the reason we haven't set foot on it again since the 70's, or that the world we perceive is really a hologram and we are all enslaved like in the Matrix, or that the Queen of England and all leaders of the world are really vampiric shapeshifting lizards, then show me some shred of proof, don't just tell me that it is a fact because you want to believe it or because you read it on the internet. (All real conspiracy theories perpetuated by the same people who are touting the MH370 theories by the way).

    Same goes with all the MH370 theories. It's totally rational to question authority but back it up with some facts or at least some logic. Of course what the Malaysian government is saying is not really all they know, but if they told you everything they really knew and what really happened then it would make them all look totally incompetent on many levels and there is no way an Asian nation is going to do that. It doesn't therefore mean that because they are lying that the plane disappeared into the new Bermuda triangle of Asia.

    This is also aimed at all conspiracy theorists, not any person in particular.

    "I never said conspiracy theories do not exist..." Khun Matt, you are so blinded by your superficiality and ignorance, that in your posts you are not able anymore to differentiate between a conspiracy (what you most likely wanted to say here) and a theory. Mainstream-media brainwashing fell on fertile ground in your case - good for you, makes your life much easier!

    To call any doubts about the official story, may it be JFK, Pearl Harbour, 9/11 or whatever, a "Conspiracy Theorie" and hammer this into the minds of ignorant mainstream media consuming sheeple (you are one of them) was one of the cleverest moves ever performed by the Elite as this phrase ridicules not only the doubt, but the doubter himself. I hope for your sake and the sake of the countless other sheeple, who are not able to think outside the box, that the people behind the curtain perform a major clusterf#$& that exposes their wrongdoings and conspiracies for all to see - by then, people like you will be claiming that they had doubts all along, just to fit in. You're pathetic!

    Criticising and ridiculing is easy - you have so far not been able to list one shred of evidence (the word you like almost as much as the word theory) to proof that the official mainstream media story is correct. All you do is twaddle.

    • Like 1
  9. Unbelievable how the whole world is been fooled over and over again by the people responsible for the "disappearance" of MH370. I hope that the victims' relatives will manage to get those 5m bucks together they want to offer to the one person blowing the whistle on this case. But I however fear that "the guys behind the curtain" had more than enough time by now to silence any possible whistleblowers and/or witnesses. Guess the true disappearance scenario has WW3 ignition potential, otherwise there would not have been such a massive and successful coverup operation.

    Nice theory, but what proof have you, other than conjecture?

    And what proof have the officials in charge for their "official stories"? Think before you type!

    So here is what we actually know for sure;

    There was a plane with 239 people on board which took off from KL airport. Some conspiracy theorists even deny that this is true but for now let's agree that the plane and the passengers are real. After taking off the plane and the passengers were not seen again and we, the public, are given virtually no facts about what has happened to them. So from this we can conclude that the plane either landed somewhere or it crashed somewhere.

    That is all.

    Everything else is pure speculation because nobody has any other facts to base any other conclusion on. So all of these suicide mission, hijacking, government abduction, military intervention, alien encounter, wormhole theories, and all the rest of it are just guesses from people with no more knowledge than anyone else on the subject. The only thing we have to weigh these guesses up with are logic and common sense, and if you really think that in this day and age, where everyone is connected to each other through some means of communication plus all of the other companies from all over the world that are involved with this plane in some way, if you think that the US government can, for whatever reason, hijack a plane from China and Malaysia with 239 people on board and think that they could perfectly execute it despite the potential fallout from the whole planet if even one minute point of the plan went awry in any way, then your own logic and common sense must be missing, but then that's exactly what it takes to be a conspiracy theorist.

    I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm just saying it's one of the least likely explanations for a plane to go missing over the Indian Ocean.

    I'm sure China would love nothing more than to blame this on the American government, and even with all of their spies and satellites nothing has been said about it which means they have found nothing to implicate the US. I think the reason we have so little information about this whole event is because the Malaysian government completely messed up the handling of the disappearance and the aftermath of it so they are doing everything they can to cover their asses, which is why we have so little and contradicting information given out by them. You live in Asia, of all people you should understand the mentality behind this.

    I never wrote that the plane was hijacked, I believe it was shot down. Common sense would be to read my posts properly before babbling along.

    You think in times where spy satellites can read your newspaper in your garden, with NSA listening to every single phone call all over the world and checking everything that is posted on the internet, the advanced level of warfare, etc. a huge airplane like that can simply disappear? You still believe in Santa Claus, don't you?

    • Like 2
  10. Always a great read when western organisations try to force themselves onto Thai culture with their ignorant dogooder activism, not understanding a thing about Thailand and Thais at all.

    To tackle this problem would require a long list of changes, starting perhaps with relentless legal action against male "Wai Loon" youngsters (and of course adults) who impregnate underage Thai girls along with an array of special rights given to impregnated girls and parents to sue and put out warrants on the "dads" who - in Thailand - usually flee to another Changwat to dodge responsibility and continue to do what they can do best - do wheelies on their pimped-up Honda Clicks and impregnate underage girls... The girls on the other hand need not only be educated about contraception and STDs, but more than the latter, they need to be taught how to physically fight back and get away from boys who try to push the envelope. Very often in Thailand, first sex between teenagers is more of a statutory rape, rather than an enjoyable experience for the girls. Thai girls - due to their upbringing and the thousands of years old culture of submission towards people who are older, have an elevated status, are richer, or more educated, women towards men, etc. need to be reformed and best put in the trash if this country wants to move forward...

    So what happens if 15 year old "Nok" is pregnant? Kid is given to the parents or uncle and aunt back in "Roi Et" and (after the obligatory few months working in a Bkk based factory or outlet) it all goes straight downhill from here to the girlie bars of Thailand. If the girl has a lucky strike, she'll find a nice foreigner who doesn't mind the kid and marries her, but these fairy tales also are on the decrease since the sex industry becomes more and more aggressive and impersonal, what was not the case some 15 years ago.

    There would be so much to say regarding the typical downhill spiral of an impregnated girl (and her kids), this stupid submissive behaviour, education and upbringing of children in Thailand, but to change all this to the better will take centuries and sure more than a NGO or other organisation trying to tell Thais what to do. They need to learn and understand it themselves and best - make everything look like it was their own idea. Walking in with the raised index finger and a "teacher who knows better attitude" will achieve nothing!

  11. Let's face it - the boy has <deleted> up big time, and he is the person responsible and as a result also the person who (in the course of his life) should pay the money back. Consumer protection by the carrier in place would be nice but is a bubble dream because they want (and have to) make money. So if idiots want to buy cookie run stuff for thousands of Baht, well, let them! Education to parents about the dangers of all this online $#ite would be nice, but do they really care?

    Pretty <deleted> up situation - how to resolve it? Get all involved parties together, do a marketing and information/education campaign showing pros and cons of such online gaming and hacking, etc. sponsored by the app designer, the carrier and use the boy as a kind of spokesperson to educate young people about the downsides and traps there are - during that campain all vow (and keep their promise after) to make systems more transparent and safer, the boy earns the 200k back during that campaign, someone help him to write a book, blog or whatever that generates some income - everyone is happy and at least an attempt would have been made to make online gaming, app use, etc. safer and better. Could be a win-win situation if everyone starts to use the brain instead of the index finger...

  12. I think the conspiracy theorists/dreamers are wide of the mark

    Rolls Royce has indicated, unequivocally, that the engines suffered fuel exhaustion, roughly abeam Geraldton, and that comes from their continuous monitoring via satellite.

    They would need to be 'bought' as part of the conspiracy.

    "They would need to be 'bought' as part of the conspiracy." ... so? saai.gif

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  13. Unbelievable how the whole world is been fooled over and over again by the people responsible for the "disappearance" of MH370. I hope that the victims' relatives will manage to get those 5m bucks together they want to offer to the one person blowing the whistle on this case. But I however fear that "the guys behind the curtain" had more than enough time by now to silence any possible whistleblowers and/or witnesses. Guess the true disappearance scenario has WW3 ignition potential, otherwise there would not have been such a massive and successful coverup operation.

    Nice theory, but what proof have you, other than conjecture?

    And what proof have the officials in charge for their "official stories"? Think before you type!

  14. I wouldn't be amazed if this naive, spoiled little pottymouth gets extradited to Thailand and made an example of by receiving the maximum sentence without possibilty for pardon... She certainly would deserve it, because the vulgar images and words she used were far over the top and had absolutely nothing to do with freedom of speech, but were meant to have a maximum insulting effect. Even the sluttiest Soi Cowboy Mama San would not use such phrases in day to day life. What a stupid low-life scum brat... I feel sorry for her parents.

  15. I have an idea on how to stop this madness: 10 Baht tax on every message sent through "social" media, 50 Baht tax on each food photo sent and 100 Baht for the first selfie of the day, 150 for the second and 500 for each subsequent one, combined with tough crackdowns on social media tax dodgers - problem solved smile.png

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