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Posts posted by catweazle

  1. Mr Chula added, “Sometime it is hard for us to communicate with them.

    So shouting and kicking and throwing punches is the kind of communication the "beach bum... sorry guards" feel more comfortable with?

    “From New Year until now it has been very hard work trying to control naughty tourists.”

    Most likely the first season ever where they actually had to physically work. Poor guys... This given, it's fully understandable that they have a go at the naughty tourists from time to time to release pressure...

    So the beach guards are part of that TAT "Thainess Experience" thing, huh? clap2.gif BRAVO!!!

  2. Someone who raises fighting cocks shows (unless he is forced to do it) that he has no empathy for animals, and that he is a cold-hearted person who will do almost anything for cash. I know a guy personally who raises fighting cocks and as nice and smiling he appears if he knows he has to, as short-fused he is when under pressure... Rest assured that those people will do whatever necessary to get "troublemakers" like you out of the way. They also will know where the complaint was coming from as the RTP (with very few exceptions) is nothing but a rotten pile of corrupt bastards who as well do whatever is needed to make some extra cash. They will snitch on you and your wife. My advise to you is to move away if you simply have rented the place. If you own it... poor you sad.png might try to sell, but chances are bleak I guess...

    • Like 2
  3. Just would like to add to this discussion that:

    1) The three initial alleged "terrorists" are dead - very convenient.

    2) The investigating officer in charge committed "suicide" shortly after the "terrorist attack" - very convenient.

    3) Witnesses, almost all are dead - very convenient.

    4) And as always claimed - the "culprits" were already under supervision, but still managed to pull this thing off - how?

    I am not implying anything, just serving food for thought and first step of a ladder enabling everyone to look over the edge of the box...

    Weapons and money are coming from where? Qui bono????

    • Like 1
  4. Could anyone explain to me this then:

    Two headlines at TV, both of the same day...

    1) PM Prayut promises a good year for business

    2) Tourism Council of Thailand warns operators to be prepared for unpredictable year

    Another great day of Thai "politics, polls, and predictions" and masterpieces of Thai journalism... I am so done with this. sad.png

    • Like 1
  5. Could anyone explain to me this then:

    Two headlines at TV, both of the same day...

    1) PM Prayut promises a good year for business

    2) Tourism Council of Thailand warns operators to be prepared for unpredictable year

    Another great day of Thai "politics, polls, and predictions" and masterpieces of Thai journalism... I am so done with this. sad.png

  6. Why are there n o photos and why is this not a "must read"?

    I hope the Akha man and that swine Gary will feel all the pain, emotionally and physically, they have caused those little boys once their lights go out what hopefully will be soon.

    Knowing that maximum they will get is a prison sentence and that at some day both of then will roam the streets again makes me sick to my stomach.

    Wouldn't it be pure bliss if they get beaten to death in Bangkok Hilton?

  7. Could we stop the BS about the "poor unfortunate woman", please? Greed, superficiality and stupidity lead to loss of money in most such cases as well as in this particular case. Thousands of foreign men, who think they are THE ONE to their beloved "Nok", "Goong", "Plaa", "Pang", whatever, are tricked into losing millions day by day, with those girls each are playing several other "Johns", "Robs", "Petes", "Franks", and "Pauls" at the same time like slot machines... What goes around, comes around!

    Like we foreigners are told daily by Thais when it comes to complaining about double standards, overcharging, national park fees, the legal 49% foreign / 51% Thai business scam, being ripped off by Thais daily, etc...: "Stop whining, and go away if you don't like being taken advantage of!"

    I believe this applies as well to the nurse from Buriram!

    • Like 1
  8. Perhaps he started to ask inconvenient questions on that island about the double rape and murder? Perhaps he had a cool business idea that would divert some of the mafia head's business income into his pocket, such as solar energy? He perhaps planned to open a disco, or a dive shop? Or did he - in the end - accidentally fall in love with a girl "owned" by the mafia king pin's son? So many questions, so little answers.

    RIP to the unfortunate Frenchman, condolences to family and friends.

  9. Think we don't need a crystal ball to see that the future will bring more corruption, more violence, less fun, less freedom and less quality of living in Thailand. I wished for a long time for a light on the horizon, but reading about providers now free to block emails and web content on their own without approval was another nail in the coffin for Thailand in my opinion. This country is on a downward path towards communism disguised as pseudo democracy. Looking at myself in the mirror, I am at shock realizing that I have invested all I have in this country

  10. Now hyou have a point and I hope you are happy with it - still can't deflect from the fact that you have nothing to show. While ridiculing other people's findings, you on the other hand do not posess any veidence nor expertise to back the "official" story.

    You know what is the difference between you and me? I don't engage on speculation based on rumors, misiformation and lack of facts, in particular I don't use the flawed conclusions from that speculation to vilify the grieving families of the victims; oh yes, you did vilify them, you clearly implied they are going along with a cover-up just to get closure.

    JOC - no need to feel sorry for parents who claim they are satisfied with the police work performed during the investigation just for the sake of getting closure, ridden out on the back of innocent patsies. Ever since reading that statement I have no respect and no sympathy for them anymore, sorry!


    That is utterly reprehensible, but I think you are too busy working up your self righteous indignation to notice.

    The difference between you and me is that I choose to think outside the box and that I am able open my eyes and ears to facts that the RTP would love to keep hidden, but couldn't. With your arrogant stance in combination with your biased tunnel vision, you will achive nothing but make yourself the target for the countless TV members who are able to think for themselves and who won't simply swallow every lie mainstream media feeds them. I say it again - you have absolutely NOTHING provided so far to disprove any of the findings that I, CSI LA, or the many other TV members who fight for the truth in this case, have posted. All you can do is to troddle along repeating the BS that the corrupt RTP is trying to feed the unaware public. Bottom feeding this is called as far as I remember...

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